Monday, January 30, 2006
-12:18 PM

hello blog ((: its 12.06 now. HAHA. i dont know why i am sayin this too. anyway. we are going out later to get more red packets. HOHO! we didnt go a lot of place yesterday cos we woke up late. haha. anyway. i just finished watching the energy and 5566 concert daddy bought me. both were very nice ((: and the superstar concert ah. the dvd cut away so many parts la. SO IRRITATING CAN! hmph. forget it. oh well.i have nth much to sae. happy new yr everyone ((: and err. yeah. hope i get more red packets. muahah. bye everyone! OH i shall upload some lyrics la. i am so bored....

energy-missing you


有個孤單的英雄 這



在幾千公里外 我的記憶在逃走






ok gotta go out. haha upload more nxt time ((: anyway this song is very nice! YEAH ((:


Thursday, January 26, 2006
-10:41 PM

HELLO BLOG! as u can see i am super excited even at this time. HURHUR. i am happy ((: happy little girl! anyway we had cny celebration todae and tmr is holidae when ppl are going to sch. qianhong was nicee ((: WELL DONE EVERYONE.

then went to j8 with huiying and sandy. huiying treated me and sandy to MOVIE! I NOT STUPID TOO. so niceee ((: whee. its so funny la. the beginning me sandy and huiying were laughing like crazy k. then behind i cried )): ITS SO SAD CAN! anyway i am not the worst. there is this girl who went out to wash her face. showin how much more she cried. and there are two girls sitting in front us SO IRRITATING LA. keep saein they can see themself in the screen just cos the ppl screen it in sch? me and sandy were pissed OK! hmph.

ok its super nice ((: i think i cried the worst among the three of us cos huiying claim that she see my eyes red when i came out. GRAH! totally <333 jack neo film. and erm. hahA. SandJ! haha. i am feeling excited x) i got the pics. bet i am more efficient then sandy png. and we bought same hp strap ((: green one with a star. haha! it was part of huiying bdae present too. mm. then err. we bought bread and went home ((: SUPER FUN DAY! whee! <33 huiying for the movie and pics and sandy for the err. I DONT KNOW. haha ((: I NOT STUPID TOO!


Wednesday, January 25, 2006
-11:24 PM

hello everyone! and blog. hurhur. its SO LATE now and i am still blogging. but since i am in the mood i shall before this blog is on danger of being abandon again.

mm.tmr is cny celebration and we are doing HUI CHUN! i dont like it. hurhur. i scared i will dirty my shirt.grr. the ink better REPEL from my skirt man. or shirt. grah! i feel so nice. cos i just finished packing carissa, jewel goodie bag. decided to give jessica hers after cny. HAHA. i dont know why too. but it will be obvious if i give the same time rite. and i got something for cheryl too. I FIND MYSELF SO NICE.hoho ((:

ok err. todae nth much. pe was quite interesting i guess. MY VERY FIRST PE LESSON. so amusing. tianhui needed personal coaching. tsk! hahah. then err. yeah just nth much la. mm. then i think ah. think THINK THINK. oh we stayed back. didnt do much but i think i came up with a good idea. HAHAHA! cos yenjin was like OH YEAH GOOD GOOD! i am so proud of myself ((: haha! aiya. dont think we are going back to cf tmr. so not in the mood. will go back on fri ((: haha sleep late late then WAKE UP AND LEAVE FOR SCH. SO FUN. ahhahahha! ok err. the journey home with yenjin huiying and sandy was RETARDED. so dumb can. we were practically doing dumb things on the bus. hurhur. and i wonder why i dont feel embarrassed by them at all. HAHA! anyway. i found this nice poem. u can ask joleen and huiying HOW NICE IT IS. its called A FAMILY OR ROSES. it rhymes well and sound like rap. so cool ((: y? cos there is ROSES. simple ((:

haha ok i am going to slp le. oh i feel great. i replied yenjin letter. AND ANN THX FOR THAT LITTLE NOTE ((: whee! i wont forget the magic even if its onli stardust left. now nth sad. guess u will read finish the post? haha. ((: BYE EVERYONE.


Tuesday, January 24, 2006
-9:39 PM

hello blog. here i come after a LONGTIME. actually its not very long. just 162000 seconds long. yeps that all. so its not that long. forget it. HAHA. anyway. faris send me some of the photos took during nymd nite. actually onli two. but nvm. i will just upload these before she send me more and my file get congested x)

mm. nth much happen todae. oh minzhen de DUMBONE came late to sch. at lie 9.15? tsk la. saw her in popular and she smack me with her file. so idiotic. anyway i just realised how un-grownup she is and how she lack of nice childhood memories. first she carries her powerpuff girl file arnd and she is stil obssessed with bubbles when in fact blossom is better x) haha. can u imagine. ohmygod. and err. she just asked me out on fri to go TAKE NEOS. sigh. i wonder how she gets back her childhood memories without me. HURHUR! ok i am too ego. forget it.

mm. todae did some weird thing for chinese. damn slack la. go library. and we visited the library twice. once for chi once for drama. err. mrs chitra let us watch these jap movie clips. damn nice k. stupid weiyi keep pulling my skirt. with her muscles i am afraid my skirt might just tear man. actually its quite scary cos the ppl put super white makeup. if not its actually very meaningful ((: but we didnt finish the last clip. aww...

survived one and half hour of maths without joleen by my side. this shows how important joleen is. HAHA. she is NOT that important afterall! hurhur. and err. saw lydia seah like 5 times a dae? so freaky. sometime i wonder if she is spying me. HURHUR! and and...went home with chingyi. talk super loads bout chengtao la. HAHA. his behaviour is making me laugh! i cant imagine wad chingyi sae to me was real ok. like whatever. HAHA.

oh i feel so nice ((: i am gonna pack goodies bags for carissa, jewel, cheryl maybe! and lydia. HAHA. oh maybe jessica too. i dont know. see first. HAHA. if i have the money and i can afford it. I WILL ((: i feel so nice la. hahaha. last time i received from sijie and suikim too. now i am paying so much more. i feel so nice ((: OK i wil not pack for lydia. cos she is too mean. haha! and if i pack for so many i realise how much money i need to pay. now i feel so cheapskate. haha WADEVER. see my mood first la x) YEAH! i am feeling so nice ((:

hahah! PIGLET PIGLET. totally love the piglet eva and yushi gave me. THANK U ((: haha. the piglet is with me now x) i realise i have been hugging it since i got it. it never seem to get out from my arm unless i am in sch and it wil be with me if it is within my reach. HAHA. the strawberries on the leg are so nice ((: and thx huifang for the nice monkey thing. ok i guess thats all. i dont know wad else to sae! MENTAL BLOCK. so now... i shall upload pics. ok decided not to since its not a lot. so nxt time then. BYE PPL


Sunday, January 22, 2006
-10:40 PM

hello blog! i am still suffering from yesterday dance sick )): SO SADDENING. i felt so inspired after surfing around the nymd-ers blog. its touching eh ((: its hard to believe that two daes of magic passed so quickly like this. like wad mr gary tang sae. we can go back to sch tmr. HOLD OUR HEADS HIGH and proudly sae WE DID IT (though i am not modern dancers x)) haha. but yeah. i do feel happy working with them. if there will ever be any magic like this again! I WILL GIVE MY FULL SUPPORT. i promise ((: aiya so not in the mood to blog now. will come back when i feel happier. BYE BLOG anyway let me upload the lyrics of hat full of stars. it just inspire me so much. and i am listening to ITS ALL COMING BACK TO ME NOW. reminds me of the time when all of us sit in the dressing room singing along as we watch the tv and watching the dancers move to the music. and we even followed when we knew the steps. SIGH. i shall upload now.

I was folding up your letters
Unpacking winter clothes
Searching for my hat
I thought I left it by the door
So I tore around the room
Like a bird without a head
I saw your picture waving back at me
From underneath the bed
From a long, long time ago

When all I had
Was a hat full of starsT
he one I'll always treasure
The one that you wore
You loved the look
But you never looked inside
You would have seen us there
You could've seen far
You should've seen the magic
In my hat full of stars

I'm trying to live in the presen
tBut I keep tripping on the past
Finding out reality, well clarity
Comes in dribs and drabs
No we never had the time
For everything we had
So it felt like we had nothing
That's what makes this hat so sad
It was a long, long time ago

When all we had
Was a hat full of stars......Y
ou would have seen us there
You could've seen far
You should've seen the magic
In my hat full of stars

Now whenever I'm alon
eAnd I think I might forget
I wear my lucky hatJ
ust like a crown up on my head -

'Cause all I have
Is a hat full of stars...
If you could see me now
You would've seen far
You should've seen the magicI
n my hat full of stars...


-12:03 AM

it just ended. like this. under the applause of everyone. with the tears of all of us. the hardship paid off. the concert was great. no words can describe how we felt at that time. it was more than words can describe. its more than actions could describe. it was just...GREAT! nymd dance nite was just GREAT. it not onli brought us tears of joys, laughter, great experience, it also brought us the most precious thing. friendship. regardless of sec 2, 3 or 4. oh man i feel like crying now. i do miss the times when we practised hard to achieve the best! from the time of strangers, staying at a corner, not even daring to open the mouth. till now. when we exchanged hugs, when we laugh together, when we stand together on the same stage to perform, doing the dance with the same music, when we share the same floor, when we share the same dance studio to do make ups, when we help each other with hair and make up, and when we share the same dream, to do this BEST! its onli 3 weeks? or even lesser, but we gained so much. there was nothing we lose, but we gained. for this. i want to thank the modern dancers for giving us a chance. the slightest encouragement from everyone was enough to show everything. and the slightest smile, the easiest waving of hand, showed a lot. without all these, we wld most probably still feel inferior and may not unite so well. without these easiest and slightest thing, we will never achieve this good result. and i wld esp like to thank a few people in nymd. first EILEEN! for all she has done. from the dance to the encouragement. she did not leave us alone just because we are chinese dancers,instead she alwaes take the first step.and thx for the console when i cried slightly! THANK U EILEEN ((: next i wld like to thank ANN! she never fails to cheer me up and her encouragement was great. just wad i need. she took the first step. and that leads to the friendship. THANK U ANN! XINKAI! she alwaes help to correct our mistakes and alwaes practise with us when we need her.even though she is good she was never proud. instead she treated us all the same and was patient when we ask her this and that. other than that. she oso gave us hugs which is more than enough! THANK U XINKAI. nxt mm. JOANNE! i think thats how i spell her name. yeah thank her for that pretty make up she did for me ((: she just goes OPEN CLOSE hahah. very funny. but yeah. at least she dont anyhow do for us just cos we are chinese dancers. ((: and erm. nxt. thx to all who made friends with us like patricia kerri yunyi ((: i hope i spelled their name correctly. nxt. thx mr raj for this and not to forget ms yeo and last but not least. THANK U MODERN DANCERS! rock on! oh and thx for that grass doll ((: know wad? i can really feel us unite as one when we were doing the warm ups. everyone standing on the same stage the same floor doing the same action with the same music for the same purpose. even though we are not modern dancers we can feel that we are included too. and they did this walking through thing. super touching too. hilary cried badly k. i almost cried. i held back then ((: then eileen came and gave me a hug. was shocked. cos i was like. all modern dancers and we are not so close to the nymd snrs wad. so i was like. super touched when she gave me a hug and her jiayou was indeed good ((: i guess she was the one who gave me the most memories in this whole production cos she was alwaes there as someone who will alwaes be for us. and without nymd. there wont be here. so nymd JIAYOU!

mm. then thanks the chinese dancers ((: those we are in this production. we did it! without u all i can never do it alone ((: like i sae it takes all to do it. so thank you HANZHI, RACHEL, XINYI, FARRIS, HUIFANG, YISHENG. ok i dont know if i spelled farris correctly. and rachel.

ok. i cried just now. u may think its quite extra for ME but its very touching k. actually at the aisle there i saw liuqian and ppl crying then i felt like. when we went in for debrief. everyone was hugging and crying badly. and i admit. i almost cried k. but i manage to hold back UNTIL when they hugged us too. yuni patricia and ann tears are contagious. i cried too after seeing this scene. and eileen hugged me too! thats wad made me really cried k. she remembered us ((: or in fact. all of them did. but i just dropped a few tears la. in case my make up smudged! then mr raj said loads of funny stuffs to make us laugh but yeah. those words he said was super touching resulting in ppl crying again. then err. liuqian cried badly resulting in MORE CRYING. sigh...oh. we are suppose to do a pose before we get the grass doll. hahaa. the strings ppl are supposed to sing TO LOVE U MORE. then the acjc dancer are supposed to do that lifting thing. haha and the av ppl are suppose to curtsey. so we are quite lucky la ((: oh got a hug from sharon too.

nxt thx suikim for that pretty daisy and err, the cute pig toy ((: as my bdae present. THANK U SO MUCH! love it loads ((: and thx jiamin for the pretty rose! oh. didnt see chenlaoshi. wonder if she went? she sae she will. ohwells. saw da xinying. and erm. yeah thats bout all. i shall not sae more. in case i get sad and cry again. okay! will upload the pics soon ((:



Saturday, January 21, 2006
-12:14 AM

hello blog! ITS A HAPPY DAY TODAY ((: i guess it will be my happiest day! MD NITE WAS A SUCCESS. tmr will be better! we will do it ((:

anyway HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MYSELF. aiya just pass 12. forget it. haha anyway there are loads of people i want to thank!!! i just feel like thanking people. first...

all the birthday wishes!
-minzhen -yenjin -eva -yushi
-weiyi -tianhui -sandy -melissa
-joleen -wingyau -bianca -melissaHO
-rensyn -grace -lynn -jialing
-suikim -carissa -livia -yisheng
-huifang -suyi -xinying -huiying
-brandon -willie -weilong -zhuangda
-matthias -johnathan -mummy and daddy.

all the nice presents!
-yenjin and tianhui [the pretty wallet]
-yenjin [ the individual one and onli ROSES card!]
-tianhui [ROSES!]
-carissa [the goodies and pins and colourful letter!]
-lynn [ the yummy cookies]
-livia [the angel bear]
-joleen [weird giraffe and nice dolphin keychain]
-melissaHO [nice chocolates!]-i almost gave her same one too.
-BIANCA[ the pretty thing with the sweet letter ((:]
-suyi [the pretty pencil case]
-auntie [the pretty earrings]

hahaha thats bout all. there are presents i have not recieve yet! SO EXCITING. sandy-2morrow album. rensyn-koala stuffie wiggy-some nutty nuts thing melissaWEE-the shirt x) eva and yushi-the nv bring but bought gift. weiyi-something i dunno if she wil give x) SHE SAE SHE WILL. haha i feel so blessed! and touched ((: hahaha! thank u everyone! oh and i ate one of the cookies lynn bake. SUPER NICE. tianhui keep wanting more. so greedy!

anyway todae yushi eva and weiyi were so dumb la. they were at the chicken rice stall and they saw me and yenjin and they started singing BIRTHDAY SONg. so embarrassing can. cos its like so loud. alamak! haha. anyway i got a shock when i open melissaHO present la. cos i almost bought her the EXACTLY same choc. i cant believe it. HAHAH. and suikim wish me a lot of times of happy birthday x) HAHA. so sincere.

mm. miss amylim lesson. happy! haha. modern dance first nite was good ((: at least i did the steps correctly. WHEE. i am so happy ((: and i like the hairstyle hanzhi tie. HANZHI IS GOOD AND PROFESSIONAL. yeah!! haha i am planning to tie that hairstyle during new yr x) but i dont know if its ok or not. I THINK I WILL LA. hahaha ((: actually modern dance is very good. mr raj allowed us to tie ANY hairstyle la. so cool can. but chinese dance is still my type! HAHA.
anyway we put glitter on ourselves. wonder if they can see it down the stage. there are four stars beside my eyes. HAHA. very pretty ((: oh. and err. i think mr raj sae something cos the modern dancers came out crying la. lucky i was not there. but i think this really is a touching moment even though i am not there. and i feel really lucky that we can feel ourselve unite with them as we were preparing to perform cos we were encouraging each other wishing each other good luck before the performance. and despite us being chinese dancers. they encourage us and occasionally come to our dressing room to encourage us and wish us luck too. THANK U MODERN DANCERS! to repay them we did them a card and gave them flowers ((: hope they like it!

heh. it was not full house but they sae saturday nite is full house leh. SO EXCITING. hahaha! chen laoshi sae she is going. OMG! i hope i do well! i will do chenlaoshi proud. HAHA. mm. tmr suikim is going to.and da xinying if i am not wrong. haha. da xinying sae she will get me flowers. WONDER IF ITS TRUE. but nvm x) haha. anyway. naomi gave all of us a flower. SO SWEET. and tianhui gave me TWO ROSES. oh wells. didnt expect that guest performer will oso have flowers wad. HAHA. oh we took loads of photos. will upload it once i receive it ((: i think its prettily pretty! oh and mr gary tang wished us luck ((: HAHAHAH! and he did this 'bang' sign to me when i was eatin la. wadever it is for! HAHA. but he wished us good luck u know ((: and he helped us open the door when we want to enter the backstage. SO NICE. and err. mrs koh went and she was like OMG I WAS LOOKING FOR U AND WONDERING IF ITS YOU. U LOOK DIFFERENT IN MAKE UP BUT VERY NICE. THE MAKEUP SURE DOES A LOT OF DIFFERENCE. hahaha ((:

haha. daddy is BACK! whee. and he bought loads of cds for me ((: like err. ten? and three concerts dvd x) together with two movies! oh man. i am so happy! and he bought super loads of pens la. enough to last me my life. HAHAHAH! and err. yes! he specially went to fetch me after the concert! normally he ask me to go home on my own x) haha. and i made him wait for like. 1/2 hr. haha cos the debrief was long. but no matter wad. I FEEL SO LOVED! i am happy ((:


Thursday, January 19, 2006
-11:00 PM

haha hello blog. i gotta go soon so just sae some interesting stuffs. has om todae. our teacher is one who speaks chinese. quite cool. but she is fun too ((: haha

had drama. super nice. i am a spy!haha anyway! gary tang remembers me! OH MY.
when he saw me in audi during modern dance rehersal he was like.
' EH CHINESE DANCE!WHY U HERE! THIS IS MODERN DANCE LEH. CHENLILI PUSH U HERE AH!' so mean la. haha but he was laughin can. so damn funny. then i sae i just helpin to perform then he continue to laugh -.- haha but he is cutee ((: WHEE. tmr is my bdae! HAPPY BIRTHDAE SHEENA! i sound sick. ahhaha!
anyway got this from weiyi blog and weiyi got it from qian blog...

In no particular order, list down any 3 people you talk to online, 4 people you see at school, 2 teachers, 3 people you love going out with and 3 people in your sms inbox.

4.yenjin GARY TANG
14.CHEN LILI laoshi

So what do you think of number 4?
yenjin? haha she is NICE and super duper cute FISH. haha. she is efficient like me and err. she KEEPS SECRETS WELL.

How would you feel if number 4 slapped you on your face?
i dont think she will ((: but if she does i will feel SAD shock ANGRY and i will slap her back x)

How nice is number 6?weiyi? she is nice la. but super bad too x) HOHO. but she is still nice ((: one of those i can trust. YEAH

On a scale of 1-10, rate how good looking number 5 is.
mr GARY TANG? TEN LA TEN LA. no need think ((:

Will you ever fall for number 11?
melwee? hahaha. I DONT THINK SO. i am straight ((: but she is nice! i will if i am a guy [i think] ((:

Honestly, if number 8 met with an accident, what would you do?
livia? oh i will feel sad )): livia is nice too. everyone is nice! i know she obeys traffic rule!

What sport would you play with number 12?
wingyau? i dont know. squah? i will surely be squash by her then. she is a SQUASHER. i will lose!

What if number 1 got a boyfriend?
carissa? HAHA. i dont know, but she is cute ((: and this reminds me of sth lydia SEAH told em in the morning x)

Do you hate number 9?
zhuangda? haha ok la. we are friends ((: but he is super weird and noisy at times. HOHO. i wont hate him

How much do you like number 2?
brandon ng? HAHA. as a friend ONLI! hoho. stupid peacock. but he is nice eh.

Will 13 and 7 make a good couple?
eva and sandy? good pair la. haha.stupid two who alwaes go against me!!

Would 14 one day kill you?
CHENLILILAOSHI? haha yeah if i dont dance well x) and she will probably use her legs to kick me when she do stunts!

Who do you like more? 3 or 10?
both la. haha. but i like minzhen more i guess? HAHA I DONT KNOW. i liek both la. but minzhen is nicee ((: tianhui is scary at times!


Wednesday, January 18, 2006
-10:08 PM

hello blog. here i come again. aiya i am just too bored. actually not bored. i am BUSY. hoho. i dont know wad i am tokin too but nvm. anyway! todae is a dae as usual. sigh.........

mm. didnt go for pe todae cos of that stupid BAD cough which has yet to recover and so ms ong excused me from whole pe. sad and happy. sad cos i nv get to play captain ball.happy cos i was tired and wanted to sleep ((: haha. oh by the way. 6 ppl were on mc for pe la. SO MANY. tsk. everyone takkaire ((:

didnt have lang arts todae. aiya. once in two weeks. haha. eh. i realise my brain is failing cos i am becoming more and more forgetful. i forgot to bring CONTACT LENS back and its like...err. i need it tmr and i reminded myself and after going out for one min and came back and forgot and have to get chingyi and chengtao to help me x) HAHA. i feel SO BAD. nvm. i will get them some choc in return ((: oh i feel so nice. whee!

eh. anyway. mm. i finish carissa letter in class ((: hoho. and first time in history i wrote her a two page long letter. WAD A ACHIEVEMENT. i think i am broke soon la. i have been spending loads of money on CHOCS. i dont know why too. sigh.

anyway! i think i grow SUPER FAT todae okay. see wad i eat and u will know. ok i didnt eat breakfast but i ate like almost one tube of fruitella. then err. lunch i have fried beehoon with egg and hashbrown from local delight. YUMMY ((: then err dinner i had rice with soup and err some fried meat again. sigh. then i had a few grapes and before my food is digested i have this cup of orange juice again. MY OH MY.

i shal not think anymore! anyway todae assembly was FUN. as in. SUPER FUN ((: ok. haha the story telling was so damn good and nice la ((: love it loads. so funny can. and stupid yenjin did sth sick HAHA. she learnt it from tianhui. anyway saw YUSHI. HOHO. not very common cos i seldom tok to her now )): HOW SAD. her hair can be tied again! haha ((: yushi is very nice k. i know she got me my present. SO TOUCHED! anyway i feel bad. i shld not be so mean to gossip x) and that dumb weiyi pulled me to chi dept again. hopeless man. but she gossip with me too. ZHEN NAN DE!

eh. after that i stayed in class for a while since it was early and dance start at 3. then i oso dunno why i start to feel sad. aiya but no worries i have no depression k. i oso dunno why la. its like. i think of the attitude then will SIGH then sad lor. haha. but i didnt cry BADLY K. i can control my tears ((: i just feel sad. TSK. then there was one drop of tear. NO ONE SAW! cos i was lyin on the table and like err. just lie. yeah. i almost slept. maybe that tear was from my yawnin x) anyway thx YENJIN de FISH for that big/small note. heh. yenjin is so nice ((: she is the onli one i can trust with my secrets. aiya. SO FUN. haha at least i have someone to tok to rite ((: WHEE. haha actually come to think of it. i am quite blessed ((: i have ppl like eva, weiyi and yenjin who is alwaes there to listen to my troubles ((: then ppl like tianhui huiying and jo who alwaes try to make me laugh with the stupiest thing and many NICE FRIENDS. wonder how i will survive when we split class nxt yr.

come to think of it. eva the toot thinks that i am angry with her. HAHA. so dumb can. aiya. i cant go for the ice cream date with eva and sandy anymore i think. cos i wil be SUPER busy on sundae. i have to do this and that since i wont have the time to do it on sat cos of the nymd dance nite. and minzhen de dumb one is also askin me out for a breakfast date. aiya! haha how how. i am so packed x) but i cannot reject mz again cos HAHA i broke her heart so many times by not able to go shoppin with her and celebration at her church. I MUST BE NICE NOW ((:

mm. we had dance rehersal todae u know!! haha. not big deal. but this time we got the smaller changing room. dunno they change or the md dancers use our room themselves. but nvm la. they got more ppl mah. haha. i just bought a new shirt and cos its nearin my bdae i have discount. SO NICE. hoho ((: and melwee told me HE has a twin bro. i wonder if there are times i treated his twin bro as him. but i dun think so la. since sandy can spot diff i oso can. and twin can look diff too ((: HAHA MAKE SENSE! blur but cute x)

ok thats all for todae! anyway its two daes to my bdae! whee. so exciting ((:


Tuesday, January 17, 2006
-10:18 PM

hello blog and everyone. i am just bored so i came bout cos this blog wil die soon if i dun make it a habit to come everyday!

now lets see. todae was quite ok. i LOST MY VOICE in the morning so i was whispering all e while. haha and thx to this i get to DONT TOK in lang arts when mrs koh called me. and this result in joleen smacking me. grr.

anyway todae lesson was quite nice i guess. we had lang arts then art and chinese then history then home econs then maths and DANCE! dance is not a lesson but a cca ok. eh chinese we did some test thing. aiya. so boring. nvm ((: i finished it quite fast hoho.then art we are suppose to do some shell thing. quite fun. haha our table was a disaster cos all of us were asking sarah the brainless stupid idiot [quoted from tianhui] bout her opinion and weiyi came up with this stupid theory and eva joined in and joleen just keep blabbering bout dont know while leaving tianhui and yenjin. and i could not tok! haha. yenjin looked sad. but soon cheered up thx to me ((: hoho SO EGO.

eh. history was nice.well the topic was ok but it was ms koh that is nice ((: HAHA. oh and yisheng came up specially to pass me the best thing skirt. THANK U YISHENG! haha. and err. ya. i gave the pebble to sarah. wonder if she gave it to ms koh and WOULD MS KOH REMEMBER? mm. come to think of it. i think minzhen was quite happy with her little gift too ((: haha. now i am gonna apologise to her for the hard smack cos i cld not tok and i had to tap her but afraid her skin might have some sensing problem i decided to smack her hard. HEH.

oh and i finish a letter in 10 mins! I AM SO PROUD OF MYSELF.

home econs was quite fun too ((: we tasted diff things. haha i tried the cookies. even though i had sore throat. but my voice came back in the last half of the dae. and come to think of it. there are many ppl i wanna thank. hahah! esp for todae.

now to the ppl...
-sarah [for helping me buy lunch when i cld not tok ((:]
-yisheng [for the skirt]
-TIANHUI AND YENJIN! [for that pretty early bdae gift ((:]
-sandy [saving me from letting lydia die of boredom x)]-this is crap.

haha ok i dont know wad is this for. i just feel like thanking people. and i want to thank eva but i dont know for wad.oh. FOR HER PE SHIRT TOMORROW ((: haha! anyway mummy wants me to skip pe cos i need to run and it will worsen my cough. but i will be missing loads of lesson like this. so shall see tmr ((: haha poor tianhui will be alone if i dont go. aww!

oh todae had modern dance practice. and guess wad. LALA LU is officially in nycd ((: yay! another sevener.

oh yes. dance. yes. we got the costume for china blue. in fact onli the skirt. mr raj sae he cld not find a nice vest so he was thinking of just leotard with the cloth arnd us. haha and we wanted to use a cloth and just put on the shoulder. will tell him bout it tmr! actually he is quite nice to us dancers ((: then guess wad! he sae he wanted a runthrough but spent hours on one dance and hence we slept in the changing room. its so nice. and i really sleep k. then this man came in and went like GET OUT THE BOOKING TIME IS OVER. hmph.

haha ok thats all. mummy nagging to ask me to go and sleep so BYE EVERYONE ((:


Monday, January 16, 2006
-9:20 PM

hello dead blog. i am back again. haha not many things happen and busy with work and dance. preparing for modern dance nite. I HOPE I DO WELL. seriously i still cant remember some part. grr. anyway we have practice almost everydae so i hope i wil improve ((:

mm. CHEN LAO SHI IS BACK. and the sec ones are going for audition. actually its over la. but ya. a lot of ppl apply. and i see ppl cryin. my oh my. its THAT serious. anyway there are like 50 ppl? if i am not wrong. who applied for chinese dance and onli 20 are choosen. so much more competition than last yr. phew i was born earlier.

haha ok. mm lets see. these few daes nth much happen. OH I LOST MY VOICE. aiya poor thing. i doubt i can tok tmr. pray pray pray my voice return! haha. ok carissa have not replied my letter. and i have not replied SHEILA YENJIN BIANCA JIALING and LIVIA letter. oh my god. and many sias are comin up. SO GUILTY. esp to sheila yenjin bianca and jialing. tsk! i am a bad girl.

OH. eva is treatin me and sandy to ice cream ((: haha its actually for sandy bdae but afraid that sandy wil be bored. she decided to pull me along. MUAHAHA! its gettin exciting! 4 MORE DAES TO MY BDAE. whee! to melissa HO bdae too. haha. i am buyin her WHITE CHOCOLATE. haha. gonna search for some nice ones ((:

anyway minzhen passed me a letter todae with a dancer. so nice ((: haha THANK YOU DUMB ONE. and she wants me to go study with her and rosaline. thats like CRAZY. anyway thx i have dance so i was able to reject her ((: ahha. i did her a nice pebble thing. BET SHE WILL BE TOUCHED. and tokin bout pebble. the pebble for MS KOH which has been lying by my bedside is finally gonna see the world tmr. cos i am bringing it to sch for ms koh ((: eva weiyi sarah joleen and yenjin will be so happy! HOHO. tokin bout ms koh. she is super nice. and she feed us with INTERESTING STORIES. even eva shut up and listen to her ((: and eva has a new name called ANADEE. guess she wont read this since she seldom come my blog ((: heh. ok thats bout all.

bye dead blog! even the tagboard is dead. pathetic...


Saturday, January 07, 2006
-6:00 PM

hello blog! i am back once again. gonna celebrate my bdae tomorrow cos daddy wont be in s'pore on my bdae. not very grand la. aiyoyo. so sad. hahaha! nvm. anyway. will be performin for the nymd dance nite on my bdae. wad a special way to celebrate. da xinying sae she will get me flowers! HOHO. wonder if its true or not.

anyway.went for the dance practice this morning at 8! still have asleep mode lor. then liuqian was there and she practised with us CHINA BLUE. then erm. we just keep on practising esp the flute part. aiya. hope we will remember it well and dun screw it up! anyway its quite an achievement cos we onli took one dae. like one to two hours to learn the whole dance ((: mr raj cAME and lectured us a while before we had a whole run through. he said china blue is not bad ((: phew! but i was too nervous and forgot some steps xp. mm. ms yeo was there too. and they said we gotta join in the last dance BEST THINGS too. i think that dance is nice ((: haha ok. xinkai dance really well k. she was in many dance. estelle and marianne are oso very good. not to forget liuqian. mm anyway. MAY IT BE A SUCESS!

gotta go help out in the nyps camp nxt wed thur and fri. at sirumbus camp. i think thats how its spelled. me estella yenjin nicole[2/3] and some other snrs. actually 18 ppl. then left 9. aiyoyo. eh no is 10. haha. hope we will have a fun time ((: ms lydia teo and mr paul tan is so damn funny la. then mr tan keep curling his hair and he talk and laugh until like very nervous. me and estella were laughin like mad! hahah. its said to be very ulu there so hope we get home safely and early ((:

eh. i wrote to my mortal le. its so exciting! haha anyway. i oso wrote to chingyi! hahah i told her to tell chengtao i will write to him. wonder how he respond. HAHA. but that was jk of course. mm saw eva sis LYDIA. she is very cute ((: haha. and eva mortal is quite terrible i must sae. i am lucky to have that mortal now. HOHOHO. anyway carissa and livia sms me at the same time yesterdae ((: ahha. hinting i will have two letters on MON. hoho. and i have not replied YENJIN SHEILA BIANCA JIALING. just finished hernhern. and melissa new letter is half way finished. i am so busy! oh yes. i think i have not replied some other ppl too. and ppl who owe me letter are HUIYING JOLEEN AND WEIYI. ok i gtg now ((: haha.

we have class election on mon. SO EXCITING!
i think i have been ignoring this blog for quite some time x)


Monday, January 02, 2006
-9:57 PM

hello blog! i am back. just finished watching campus superstar. eh the contestant ah. ok la. HAHA. there is this girl. geraldine i think. i think she is good ((: i will support her! her voice is nice. and very style. she was the onli girl who sing those sad songs. very touching. haha JIAYOU. nxt wk there is a contestant called sheena ((: HAHA. so exciting. her twin sister performed todae. not bad too ((: haha ppl jiayou!

mm. tmr is sch reopen. OMG. so fast. i am still in the holiday mood. this mornin woke up and i thought OMG I AM LATE FOR SCH. ahhaa rather dumb. and my mum gave me a are-you-ok look when i told her. anyway went out todae with mummy daddy mei and bro. haha. did some shopping. the cart was totaly useless cos we didnt buy a lot of thing. they sell fbts there cheaper by 1 CENT! hahah 9.99. wanted to buy shirt but decided not to cos i just bought one yesterdae. HAHA. mummy have been spending quite a lot of money on me x)

went to metro great sale yesterdae at expo. was the last dae. quite crowded. haha bought loads of bedsheet cos all were nice. hahaha esp one with the sheep. haha and there is words can. thinkin of the words make me laugh. it goes like THE SHEEP IS WALKIN. or sth liddat. hahaa. then bought sis a dress. haha i chose it! IT WAS NICE K. then bought shoes ((: for new yr. i realise my leg is quite big x) HAHA. then err. bought a pants. wanted to buy board shorts but did not cos cld not find M size. so sick. y everyone also that size. haha saw a pink skirt. wanted to buy but did not. DUNNO WHY TOO. just put it back. HAHA. maybe cos i just bought one the dae before. then err. bought a surf shirt. black one. quite nice ((: cos 15 k. and mummy willingly buy for me. HOHOHO. lets see wad i bought in three daes. a skirt, pants, shirt, coloured pens and loads of stationary. HAHAHA. cool ((:

tmr is sch. psgl duty wil be fun i guess. haha lookin forward to seein my jnrs. wonder wad class is chingyi in? she just sms me todae saein she may not join track. omg. its track loss then. HAHA. wonder wad my mortal wil be like. i want her to be as enthu as me! so excited now. i wanna write a letter now. HAH. anyway I FINISHED some letter todae. lets see. i stil owe bianca jialing hernher [half way] sheila joleen [i think] yenjin! haha so many ppl .ok i have been quite lazy during holidaes. ok thats all bye! haha

i remember i owe ppl present too. OMG. minzhen de dumb one bdae coming. winny's sheep. aiyaya! DIE LOR. and sandy de twinnie bdae. prepare to be broke! lucky i got pipy bag ready ((: haha. oh yes. SEC ONE ORIENTATION HUDIE! everyone jiayou ((:











nycd :D


nycd sec3'o7
cf dance

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