Saturday, March 25, 2006
-8:44 PM

HELLO BLOG!anyway i am super hyped up now. i suddenly feel my love for dance RISE UP TO THE TOP! i dunno why too ((: i always loved dance but now i love it more! i went for cf dance todae and i brought my registration form and fees ((: SO PROUD OF MYSELF. i actually remembered it okay! and i dunno why but i had a lot of mood today x) so i danced really attentively! i remembered another two routines. YEAH ((: and there is dance tmr again. for the opening of alumni. i am so excited ((:

YESTERDAE DANCE WAS MAD! like totally crazy la! bianca a.k.a BIAN BIAN is so retarded. she just goes beside u and saes YOU ARE MY FREN in this really toy voice which made her sound like a toy. haha and lianghui is so hilarious. ohwells, thats just her. haha i think lassy suits her ((: jialing is mad too. everyone is crazy. hern and bailu left earlier for nafa. anyway chua hernie is so strict la. Bianca and jialing played this really retarded game and hern just stare at the floor without laughing. this shows that we shld nv play with chua ahhern cos she got no sense of humour. MUAHAHA! and cheryl HOHO went to xiaoge. poor thing. and as usual she need to do those stunts. oh i am so proud of myself. i can carry lassy and turn ((: jialing too. bianca is too tall so i didnt manage to turn well. OHWELLS. anyway we did CHUN DE LU DONG ((: so fun so fun! i like chun de lu dong alot ((: i guess it was because the dance is kindof bouncy. so fun! and i like the music and step too. but u know when we do too fast then i cannot get the gan jue for that step which makes my step look HORRIBLY HORRIBLE! oh during chun de lu dong cheryl HOHO is so sick la! she stood behind me and started molesting me! TSKTSK! first she tickled my leg then start harassing my butt. GRAH! i will get my revenge nxt time. muahaha! anyway eugena is called my NANASIS! so cool ((: we are both nanas! but bianca loh likes to call me sheshe! HMPH! so i called her bianbian which sounded like POOPOO in chinese ((: so we are the big and small business! but apart from that she is my teddie too. i heard from eugena that a teacher sae ms POOPOO had a face like ms singapore. future ms singapore. APPLAUSE!! i think poopoo looks like teddie. cute ((: oh lianghui is my doggy too ((: she is called lassy! and i dunno since when i become jialing COW cos yesterday out of nowhere she just called me COW! MOO!! but i am a pufferfish! at least a more successful one compared to weiyi cos she cant even puff. lousy pokk! haha i think nycd ppl have interesting name ((: and i like suikim name esply! YO SUIKIM. she never fails to make me hyped up cos i just go yo-ing when i see her. ahhaha naomi alwaes goes HI MORTAL! aiya if onli she is still my dance angel and writes letter )): HOW SAD! okay i love nycd to bits!


Wednesday, March 15, 2006
-10:48 PM

HELLO BLOG! its been a long time since i last came. HAHA.

anyway lsc finished last wk. aww. so sad. so now i shall blog about lsc first. HEH. i have alot to sae!

ok LSC!
amazing race in the morning was super fun but tiring. i didnt have any mosquito kisses ((: YEAH! and three cheers for eva who was always beside me ((: haha. at least she taught me how to read a map and entertain me for quite some time. but i must sae she and yushi is quite retarded x) HAHA. i <3>

then we went back to sch. rested then errr...telematch. was quite fun la. but tied until leg super pain. then we went to discuss about movie. WEIYI INJURED HERSELF. aww man. poor thing ((: but luckily she survived the nxt two daes of camp. oh yes ((: I GOT THE PRIORITY TO BATHE FIRST. yeah! then dinner was nice ((: i like the veg. HAHA! so i stole from weiyi and eva. and the food are liek super filling la. eat until want to die. btw!! SOKKHOONG is soooo irritating x) she and liuyi and lynn insisted that me and weiyi look like couple from back and took a photo of both of us. GRAH! we are so not! we are just good frens ((: weiyi shld keep long hair to stp misleading ppl ((:HAHA!

then went to lt to watch BRING IT ON. it was nice ((: our lt was quite screwed. heh. cos eva is not there to save us. and sarah is kindof slow at times so i SAVED her ((: YEAH! oh yes mrs koh blew her top. so scary can! then err we went back for debrief! huiying is so toot. she refuses to tok and when they are discussing. she keeps toking. haha but anyway i love the ppl in my grp ((:


okay then its almost time for light out. oh stupid weiyi refuses to finish telling me the toilet bowl thing. anyway was sleeping between weiyi and eva. HAHA! EVA IS HARDWORKING. she writes in the dark with that little light. i think she is trying to kill her eyes. and weiyi brought FOOD LA! lucky it didnt attract ants or i will kill her.


anyway its really weird. weiyi moved beside yenjin and i found her beside em again nxt morning. she sae clara hugged her leg to sleep. HAHAHA! clara shld have choosen a nicer leg instead of that hard leg filled with leg muscles. oh yes i was bored la so i sms-ed peacock! we had a bet! and i won cos i woke up earlier than others ((: HAHA!

we ate breakfast in the morning. some pizza bread and banana cake. i dun like banana cake but i like banana ((: come to think of it. i ate banana todae. YEAH! anyway that pizza bread left my stomach weird the whole afternoon. LYDIA SAE HERS WAS NOT ANY BETTER TOO. and eva was worse. grrr! okay nvm. then we had this personality assesment thing which was quite cool ((: i am S! steady. hahaha! the lecturer was nice too. well at least maybe cos i came with a mind thinkin that it wld be some boring lecture but it turned out quite okay ((: mm.then we had lunch at a super early time. had beehoon ((: YUMMY. but i spilled some x(


oh yes and we had apple ((: YEAH. an apple a day keeps the doctor away. aiya ok la random.
then we had this leadership thing game. quite fun. LOST WAS FUN. and it taught us alot too. hernhern is a good debriefer ((: HAHA! then we BATHE! i feel like a good girl cos i helped to clean the toilet up too ((: together with weiyi eva jomain and yenjin. yipee! THREE CHEERS TO THOSE WHO HELPED AND WANTED TO HELP! jomain is a brave woman. she picked up the hairs on the floor with her BAREHANDS! we were so freaked out by her okay! anyway we wore class tee that day =) haha! ok la. weiyi was sad that dae...aww. MANY THINGS HAPPENED DURING THE CAMP and they were unpleasant things. but we shld put things behind now ((:and i hope the misunderstandings are cleared by now! mm oh u know it rained and all of us were so sad and disheartened by that stupid rain but it shows a lot u know! all the sec 2s came together to clear up the whole quadrangle. okay at least most in some class.oh then we went to move chairs. okay i must sae sorry for this la. its like. i shld not blame others for not helping. maybe cos they didnt know! OHWELLS SORRY PPL! but thx to those who helped like yenjin weiyi (despite her back) liwen and clara and others ((: and some sec 3s snr too. YEAH!

dinner was okay. we had LOADS OF RICE which i cant finish and pudding ((: haha! the tofu was nice. i ate some of weiyi and eva one. MUAHAHA! then we helped to move the damn chairs again and the parents came and then we set the mat. OH YES 2/7 got that big mat behind hahah and most of us were not watching but rather..PLAYING x) haha! i must sae weiyi eva and sarah is really retarded la. weiyi keep making that stupid cow noise and i am a pufferfish ((: eva is RETARDED. she laugh at almost everything she sees. at least sarah laugh at things meant to be laughed. but wadever. three of them are retarded! AND THE TEACHERS ARE BEHIND. can u believe it. sigh sigh sigh! and there are just many weird and stupid stuff we did. yenjin and tianhui were with lydia so we didnt play much with them and jojo was not arnd )): HAHA! so the whole camp weiyi and eva were the two that brought me most headache! then we had debrief again lor. the acting thing was SPASTIC!

then we slept under the stars. i slept with tianhui and shaoji yenjin! yenjin spent her time tokin to weiyi so i just kept quiet until stupid tianhui made me laugh like crazy. the whole night was just screwed!! tianhui is really horrendously funny la! then we were forced to sleep in sleeping bag. haha but it turned out quite okay for me and i had a good nite except i woke up once due to ERHEM. nvm! there was nth much to worry bout sleeping in quadrangle and it was something nice EXCEPT U GOTTA LOOK OUT FOR THOSE ANTS!

last dae of camp. something nice too ((: it was the dae that brought 2/7 togehter. at least for now ((: we woke up then had nth to do so went to our class which is occupied by 1/7 to put something. i thought they were quite okay la cos they didnt do anythin bad in front of me except jewel is abit scary. but yenjin and sarah sae the other times were diff. sigh 1/7... forget it. anyway the breakfast was nicer on fri. it was hotdog bun and err.... i forgot! but sth nice la ((: then mm. we spent the whole time after that practising but the class was not okay so we sat down to have a tok. and that was when everyone sae wad they thought...then we suddenly changed idea to perform this for the drama. mr gary tang sae it was real ((: good for us. aiya u will nv understand the situation that time but yeah. it does have lots of impact.


cannot stand her la! its like. in the audi she keep trying to act crying. HAHA! i was so freaked out by her when her tears dripped down can! but she is very nice la ((: anyway our class won a few prizes ((: not bad yeah. and err...after drama we cleaned up and rested when STUPID WEIYI STARTED THE DAMN GAME OF PULLING PANTS! so in the end the whole class landed up walking arnd holding on to their pants cos u nv know when will someone pull ur pants.

then the teacher sae the sec 2s were SUPER and each of us got an ice cream ((: then err.. we had class lunch together at kap! HUIFUN IS SO MAFAN! i helped her carry her sleeping bag lor. i am so nice can ((: HAHA! then i shared mac wings with huiying in kap. haha. we are suppose to bond so we sat with diff ppl la. but its still quite same. ohwells! then we saw 3 one seveners. sigh... then we went back to sch. and on the bus..the 2/7 were cheering like some crazy ppl with the bring it on cheers. and they were like...


and even sheila cheng joined in. the worst thing was not this. when we alighted they went like
SHEENA BE AGGRESSIVE...BE BE AGGRESSIVE. hurhur! too bad i was not aggressive.

then at nite we went to watch the alibaba thing. quite nice and funny ((: guess wad? huitian is inside lor. SO COINCIDENCE CAN. and funnily, all of us wore skirts! HAHA. quote of the dae!


haha its liek so damn funny la! then went home with sarah yenjin melwee xingxuan and sandy. stupid yenjin aka shaoji is like SIAO! calls me wad banana and dunno wadever la. then went home and took WRONG BUS! its so not rite okay. me and sandy two pairs of eyes stare at the bus number and still can take wrong bus! its not something funny! HMPH!

okay then hols liao. oh yes daddy got me a new mp3 ((: ZEN NEEON! thank you daddy!!!! HAHA anyway i tell u ah. XIAN JIAN QI XIA ZHUAN is the nicest show on earth ((: my current addiction and hence i got all the ost of the show in my mp3 and they are the nicest song in my mp3 now ((: YEAH! stupid eva sae her snr got the show. HMPH!!

okay then hols we went to do project at jo hse on mon. haha her mummy is SUPER NICE OKAY! meet shaoji in the last cabin and realise she wore skirt x) then when we are at jurong east station she insisted on takin one side so in the end we went to chinese garden instead of clementi and waited at chinese garden for like 15 min la. by that time tianhui was there. HAHA PITY TIANHUI MAN! then we went to jo hse to discuss some maths sia stuff and went out for lunch. we went to this yatch club and the food there are like super ex la. joleen mother paid for us can. then we had a hard time choosing the food cos too many too choose so in the end i ate the fried rice. it was like super loads la and even tianhui cannot finish hers. SO SCARY CAN. oh yes and the waitress is super clever ((: HAHA! then joleen mummy gave us some money to go play in the arcade awhile. this stupid machine ate my money la! hmph. then i played daytona with joleen. I WON! yeah ((: then she asked me play this stupid shooting game with her which i lost terribly and my fingers went out of control. then we went home to do project ((:

HAHA JOLEEN HSE HAVE a lot of nice drink! yeah! then we do work awhile got sianned and went to play piano! joleen taught me how to play the piano ((: i love the piano. i feel so sad la. i didnt get a chance to learn. i learnt the chorus of tonghua ((: joleen mother sae i am good for someone who have not learn piano before ((: and i hereby announced tianhui as my idol HUNKK cos she knows how to play the piano PRO-LY! then went home with shaoji and tok the stupiest thing on earth. haha

then todae went to jo hse again. oh we went to eat at macs first. haha shaoji and me are tokin about some movie stuff on the way there la. then err. we went to haw par villa the new museum HUA SONG. its nice okay ((: the things there are so real. and we went on a photo spree. haha. took loads of photos. the food exhibit there were so real and look so nice that my stomach became hungry again! then the man there is super nice ((: and he gave us some important stuff that we need. wadever u call it la. then after that we went to the ten courts of hell thing. so sad can. to see those stuff. I MUST OBEY RULES. i seriously dun wnana go to hell its so scary la! I WAS SO FREAKED OUT WHEN I READ THOSE STUFFS. i bet yenjin tianhui and joleen too. then we went home to do some project and got stuck at the piano again x) heh. then joleen mum make us some pizza which is super nice and we had some calcium giving chocs. so cool ((: HAHA!
oh here i must sae sorry to someone for alwaes sidetracking and she is alwaes the one working but we nv listen to her! i feel so bad!


okay its long enough so i shall go now ((: BYE PPL! AND TO SHAOJI! DONT BE CRAZY COS I AM NOT A BOILED OR STEAMED CHICKEN! dont mislead my idol hunkk tianhui and the innocent huiying with all ur lies x) haha. and once again... WE DONT LOOK LIKE A COUPLE!!!
hmph. shaoji beware ur feathers drop okay!

i like people who knows piano!!


Monday, March 06, 2006
-9:13 PM

hello blog! i am feeling quite happy todae ((: YEAH!

LSC IS COMING! whee. but i dont like to bring that big bag arnd. grr. but happy to sae ((: I WILL BE TAKING CAB WITH MY DEAREST TWINNIE which is obviously better than squeezing in that bus ((: haha. anyway sec 3s went for obs todae. dumb one send me a msg ((: thats very nice of her though the content is OFFENDING TO ME. hmph! nvm! i shall drop her a note some time after she come back. i have not been contacting her recently. HAHA!

okay todae we received our camp tee. its RED!! AND there is some problem with the sizes la. resulting in loads of chaos. but jiaomei came to help us. phew. BUT SHE SCOLDED US STUPID SO MANY TIMES. hmph! she oso cant tie the white string stil sae me! maybe i shld go complain to dumb one. grr. but yenjin and joleen sure is happy man!

anyway todae we discussed bout mega sia and there was quite some improvement ((: not bad not bad. jiayou man. haha. and stupid alibaba thing is driving me mad. i realise i cant handle time well. GOODNESS GRACIOUS! anyway tianhui sae she is gonna wear PROM NITE GOWN liek woah! and my dearest roasted chicken aka shaoji is gonna wear skirt too ((: HAHA. but apparently she is having some doubt now if she shld or not.g rr. and my dearest twinnie is wearin soem CAMOU thing. i was so pissed by this term okay. i got me round and round and round.

OKAY I FEEL CLEVER! cos i just came up with some solution for our speech training peformance tmr ((: and its liek. I SAVED THE GRP. yeah ((: AHHA. omg! just remembered. om result is tmr. SCARY. oh my i am scared the HUNKK behind me will cry man. oh man pray and hope and pls! GOD BLESS US ((: like wad dumb one sae ((:

CCA TMR! THEN OFF TO LSC. Yeah how happy can things get. and i finish my zuo wen in sch todae ((: i feel super accomplished. but sad to sae. I ATE A LOT TODAE! wasting of money. tsktsk! I SHLD START CONTROLLING AND EAT LESS SO AS TO SAVE MONEY TO BUY THE UMPTEEN PRESENT I OWE including huiying my silaoma and melwee. OH WELLs. AND NOT TO FORGET DADDY. SAVE UP MAN SHEENA! okay i feel like slping now so goodnite


Saturday, March 04, 2006
-12:47 PM


the pathetic piece of bread this morning has obviously been digested till nth is left. but i ate some sweets and chocs in between. however it seem like they have no help at all. grah. oh i feel so accomplished! i finished my first bar of choc from my valentine dae gift.


ohwells feeling tired. didnt get to slp until too late cos of the half blk nose of mine which obstructed my sweet dreams. grr. anyway. chenlaoshi did intensive trainin on us yesterdae and it was super tiring. sandy was impressed by how much we did x) HAHA. okay. and the sec ones ah. sigh. they keep squeezing into the dance floor even though i told them NO SPACE then some of the snrs told them to go up. so irritating. so i did not do my routine well thx to the small amt of space i had. and there was this sec one beside me who is super irritating. she keeps complaining and grumbling when laoshi ask us to do those stuffs. grr. like hello. u wanan join dance u gotta bear the hardship la. its not like u dunno we alwaes train like this. grr. so freak hell irritating ok. i was super pissed okay. dont go up then fine la. must u keep criticizing and complaining. hell to u man. okay i was too harsh, but i seriously cant stand her damn attitude.

FINE SHALL KEEP COOL. sigh think of sth happy ((: we are going out to eat later ((: haha and we are going something like shopping. to supermart. well its still better than staying at home. i am gonna get lsc stuffs. LSC IS COMING. cool ((: but i dun understand y do we need torch for? ohwells. and we need four pe shirt. which means i needa bring my s size pe shirt. SICK SICK SICK. i dun like them. but the l size one is too huge for me. i dun even know why i bought it. SIGH WASTE MONEY. oh i realise i have been quite a saver now ((: i save money everydae ok. and i feel so sad over those uneccessary money i wasted in the past on those weird stuff. like my stupid pe shirt. ok maybe i can wear it when i grow taller or fatter nxt time ((: haha.

freak! i am so addicted to eating bread now. i dunno why too. i find myself having weird taste. and i am starting to like to eat fruits. and err. aiya loads of weird stuff.

OM JUST ENDED. tianhui aka HUNKK is having insomnia now. cos she is too worried over the result when i am damn slpy. haha if i cld have a bit of hers and she a bit of mine. it wld be good ((: but no worries la. its all god fate. so yeah. just let nature take its course.

my dearest shaoji (roasted chicken) is oso worried. aww man. and eva falls sick i think cos of om. weiyi and sarah are still okay but erhem. something is not rite with them. jo and me are the onli okay one ((: HAHA. i feel random. now i feel liek eating ice cream. OH MUMMY BOUGHT THIS WHITE CHOC ICE CREAM WITH MARSHMELLOWS INSIDE. so cool ((: its super nice. and they have been making grass jelly drink these few daes. HAHA FOOD FOOD FOOD. and our mega sia is one FOOD TOO. grah i am hungry now. oh yeah. we are going out to eat le. BYE EVERYONE ((:











nycd :D


nycd sec3'o7
cf dance

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