Friday, April 28, 2006
-10:43 PM

I GOT THIS FROM WEIYI BLOG (: YEAH I FEEL ACCOMPLISHED. stupid blogger is screwed up x) grah. i feel like biting ppl!

01.Your name plus "y"? sheenay? OH MY WHAT IS THAT. sheeny sounds better!

02.Two feelings at the moment? i feel accomplished and ABIT SAD ):

03.What are you listening to right now? my blog song (: i think its quite nice..

04.A part of a song lyric that's in your mind: 深情一眼挚爱万年-shen qing yi yan zhi ai wan nian ):

05.Describe where you are right now? high tech x)i have only the com here what do u expect?

06. The highlight of your week? COUNCIL INTERVIEW. okay for now not since its over today. maybe sleeping will be it (:

07. What are you craving to have right now? craving for non fattening ice cream (: OR BAO!

08. Any unforgettable childhood memory? yeah. everyone has it what!

09. A not-so-good childhood memory? yeps. and they revolve arnd the same thing..

10. What are your nicknames? OH A LOT!namely NANA (: i like it a lot!

11. Your three plans for tomorrow? finish sci sia,achieve what i want and go for dance(:

12. Your three plans for today? finish blogging, sleep, dont eat anymore x)

13. Are you thinking of someone right now? yeah ):

14. Ever gotten drunk before? NO! i am civilised x) HAHA!

16. Are you single? maybe yes maybe no (: it depends if u accept the person as my partner!

17. Say something to the person who posted this before you? hello weiyi i have a mama car too (: and i know u are thinking of me!

18. What do you want? everything in my wish. which is quite impossible ):

19. Fill in the blank: blank? aiya I LOVE SHEENA (:

20. Say anything you like to whoever is reading your answers. dont forget to tag! and i know u like me so u read this (:

21. Are you feeling hungry? not for now cos i just finished a ice cream (: maybe later!

22. Who do you miss right now? ppl. just ppl (: normal ppl (:

23. Last friend you talked to online? weiyi la weiyi la. though we still toking x)

24. What do you like about night? can sleep (:

26. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? something i guess.

27. Last gift? present? HOW WLD I REMEMBER (:

28.Did you like it? i appreciate what ppl give me (; HAAH! what a good girl.

29. What song did you last hear? last hear? my blog song. now hearing yi yan wan nian (:

30. Your good luck charm? i dunno (: anything that bring me luck i guess.

31. Person you hate most? i dont have la. i am nice (:

32. Who makes you laugh the most? the person who amuse me most. it varies from time to time.

okay i finished. good girl (; haha fine a lot of thing happen these few days i guessed. eh today had council interview. well i hoped i didnt screwed it up x) i think i did. then we had hua ji. it was fun (: HAHA! I TOTALLY LOVE HUAJI. for whatever reason i went slightly crazy today and we sang ALWAYS LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE OF LIFE before the interview. we did the stupiest thing u can ever imagine and we sing in nice melodious crow voice (: haha!uncle jack drove me mad. GRAH! oh! i got back geog and chinese. 19/20 and 91/100 (: i am quite pleased but at the same time not very pleased. HAHA FINE (: oh i banged mosquitoes today (: with my powerful gun which is my friend. but the mosquito didnt die ): so it sting me. GRAH! but someone i forgot who looked amused (: and xinni was amused too when i told her. i just know my fingers create miracles! HAHA. i think i am a bit off today. fine whatever..this is the after effect of stress. i feel nice (: i always entertain ppl. i am currently entertaining BIANBIAN LOH and i entertained twinnie on the bus just now. then i entertained a lot of ppl in sch and i entertained peacock the other time (: now i dunno why i kept thinking of the incident i saw on the bus and felt like laughing. twinnie aka sandy png was laughin like some horrendous woman just now showed how funny it was (: HAHA! okay i shall go now bye bye blog i will leave u to DIE! okay maybe i will visit u tmr. bye (:


Monday, April 24, 2006
-10:26 PM


Sunday, April 23, 2006
-9:44 PM

fine. i am gone for a long time so i am back. i realise i like to do this kind of weird fill in thing so i got this from gracie leong blog ((:

1. Song playing at the moment? yi yan guang nian by s.h.e ((:

2. One reason for living? for the thing i live for

3. Do you think you're ok? not really. or maybe yes. or i guess not )):

4. Ever donated blood? yeps. back to myself (:

5. Fav color(s)?black pink yellow blue silver

6. Accessories you wear daily? rubber band?

7. One song to describe a heartbreak in the past? never had a dream come true. its really sad!

8. Last place you went to? the living room

9. Last person u went out with? mummy (:

10. The most exciting sport? just a sport. i dunno what too.

11. Movie u want 2 watch? now? i feel like watching i not stupid too x)

12.Any piercings?ears.

14.The most romantic gift? just something (:

15. Act on stage before? of course!

16. Struck by lightning before?erhem. i dont think i ever want to

17. Danced with your loved one before? yeah (:

18. Ever wished you could turn back time? i am wishing for that right now

19. What would you do if you woke up one day to find yourself to be with someone from the opposite sex? i always does. my bro likes to sleep beside me (:

20. One song that's meaningful to you? can it be more than one? i have three in mind ((:

21. Last person you met for the first time? my dance teacher sister (:

22. What will you be doing tomorrow? a lot of things.

23.Ever thought of robbing a bank? if they dont consider this a crime

24. One thing you totally regret doing/done? i dont want to say.

25. Do people like you? i think so (: at least my family does

26. What was the last game you played on the computer? maplestory?

28) Someone who means lot to you at the moment? a lot. how can there be only one?

28. The color of your mobile phone? silver

.29. Do you hate someone at the moment? myself? its not good to hate.

30. Any tattoos on you? no la. sch wont allow it anyway


Ever really cried your heart out? yes. i think i cried for one whole day?

Ever cried yourself to sleep? obviously. more than once

Ever cried on your friend's shoulder? i dont know? i cant remember

Ever cried over the opposite sex? yes(: can be father and brother right?

Do you cry when you get an injury? it depends on what injury

Do certain songs make you cry? yeps ):

Are you a happy person? i guess so. at least for sometime i feel loved (:

Do you wish you were happier? duh! dont u want to?

Can music make you happy? some can. some cant.

How many times have you had your heartbroken? why would i tell you (: do i look like?

Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd die for them? haha i guess so.

Who do you actually hate? i said myself. but its not good to hate (:

Ever made a hate list? i dont know? maybe yes and i didnt realise

You ever been on a hate list? do u think i know?

Are you a mean bully? it depends on who is the person x) with twinnie yes. HAHA!

Is your self-esteem extremely low? i dont know?

Do you believe in yourself? at times i do. at times i dont

Do you wish you can be someone else? of course not (:

What is your current hair color? black la.

Whats your natural color? natural skin? WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?

What is your eye color? black i guess

Current Piercings? on my ear la

Straight Hair or Curl? straight la. but not very straight too

What shirt are you wearing? white shirt with pictures (:

Shorts/pants: shorts

Necklace(s) no.

Rock or rap: rap (:

Coffee or Hot Cocoa: i prefer tea (:

Wild Night out or Romantic Night: it depends on who i am with

Chocolate or Vanilla: chocholate! :D

Summer or sports car: winter can or not? if someone buy for me sports car i wont mind

Bracelet or Necklace: necklace.

History or Science: both la. science more i guess

Sleep in or Early to rise: sleep in!

Beach or Boardwalk: beach (: but beach can be sad too. ):

Hoodie or Tee Shirt: what is hoodie? tee la tee la

Night or Day: it depends

California or Florida: California. though i like other more

Simple Plan or Good Charlotte: simple plan (:

Love at first sight or Learn to Love: both can (: okay la learn lor

Hugged someone? of course!

Been on the phone until the sun came up? i normally sleep before the sun comes out

Put a song on repeat for more than an hour? haha more than once (:

Laughed so hard you peed in your pants? no la! dont be gross x(

Got in a fight with someone?
boy: of course (:

Girl: yes like duh.

person you talked to in person? mummy. a second ago (:

you talked to online? TWINNIE!

person you talked to on the phone? let me check. twinnie i guess (:

okay. i finished this. its so sad. i want more. oh my brain got into better control (: maybe i learnt to let go already..


Thursday, April 20, 2006
-10:44 PM

sigh okay i know i have abandon u for a long time so i shall come back now. after much thinking. and i did a new makeup for u ((: this time u have song too. sigh this song is so sad. nvm i saw this quiz on twinnie blog so i decided to do it so kill some time and kill some of those brainless thoughts...

1. Ur birthday? 20jan92

2. ppl have same birthday as you?
yeps! surely there are some in the world. and i know melho is one of them ((:

3. Would u rather play or watch football? watch

4. What sport would u say you're good at? eh. swimming ((: i do that since young

5. What was ur worst nightmare? being chased by MADDOG! u can ask sandy and sarah bout it.

6. Apples or oranges? APPLES ((: i eat one everyday.

7. Grapes or watermelon? WATERMELON! its my fav okay.

8. wolves or tigers? tigers la. ROAR! do they?

9. What kind of music do u listen to? anything nice and wont burst my eardrum.

10.have u ever written poetry / poem? yes. and they say its good ((: potential poet

11. Do u remember birthdays? yes. if u r important or nice to me ((:

12. do u know what time u were born? i guess so. between 12 am to 12 pm on 20 jan 92

13. Do u have a birth mark? where? yes, somewhere there on the skin ((:

4. Are you a sweet person? haha i think so. i sometimes find ants on my leg. eww...

15. What were u doing b4 u started filling this in? changing blogskin

16. What were you doing yesterday?
-eat, sleep, study, walk, drink, listening to song, breathing, looking at people, having wild thoughts etc.

17. What about today? its the same as yesterday.

18. What is ur favourite gun? if there is one that can kill brainless thinkings. if not toy will do ((:

19. Chocolate or vanilla ice-cream? CHOCOLATE. i just had one.

20. What is the first thing u notice on sum1(oppsex)?
-face? u dont look at ppl butt or wherever right?

21. What's ur fav smell? sometime nice and wont make me sneeze

22. Fave songs that u hear often? recently?
-yi shou jian dan de ge, zi wo cui mian, chu mo. i am quite saddist i think x)

23. What r u thinkin about right now? about how to answer this question.

24. What is ur fav disney movie of all time?
-disney? i like chip and dale ((: someone can be nice and do a movie on them ((:

25. What color r ur eyes? black and white ((:

26. Who was ur first crush?
-HAHA! why would i tell u. onli TWO PERSON on earth know i guess.

27. What kind of hair do u like on the opp sex? something nice la.

28. Who out of ur frens (same sex) have u known the longest?
-SANDY! since p1 ((: we are somewhat fated!

29. Sunrise or sunset? sunset. implies an end..

30. wat happened tis few days? a lot. and i have a lot of wild thoughts.

31. Movies? u can treat me if u want ((:

32. Where can u c urself goin for ur honeymoon? somewhere with WINTER ((:

33. Can u play an instrument? simple ones. i love piano though.

34. Fav storybook? sherlock holmes? that is what i like to read in past. i dont read now.

35. Do u like poetry? they are okay.

okay i finished. my mum is nagging. i think i should go and sleep. then i wont have wild thoughts. sigh. i just changed my blogskin. and i think i should password protect my blog. i just suddenly feel like it. maybe next time it somewhat resemble wad i am thinking. then i happen to past by this song and it just brought out my feelings so i decided to use it. maybe i will just take it away someday. okay i did badly for my maths. sad. then i thought about many things. sadder. then no one to confide to. saddest. wellwell. i think i am suffering from depression. it just comes and goes. and i find myself suddenly very quiet and alone in thinking during times in school. ohmy. is there something wrong with me controlling my brain?

aiya. those stupid thoughts. cant they get out of my small brain. i would rather use those space to for knowledge. but i never seem to be able to get them out. they just come and never leave. even if i forgot about them. they will come back a while later when i am all alone. and then it brings back more..and more..and more. and the whole chain of them, never ending. can someone bombard me with something to do. then i can stp this thoughts.

i should learn to let go. because holding on is something selfish for others, and myself. but the hand never seems to want to open and let it fly. it just grabs onto it even thought it hurt. i tried like at least 3 times todae to dont think, but it just comes. and when tears want to flow, they can never flow out. is this wad u call too sad to cry? i dont think so. cos i am never too sad to cry. so maybe i am not sad. i am just being emotional.

FORGET IT. I SHALL GO TO SLEEP. its easy to keep a smile. and the smile cover the pain of the wound. so u will never see the pain of the wound behind the smile. just let go...











nycd :D


nycd sec3'o7
cf dance

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