Wednesday, May 31, 2006
-2:05 PM

hello blog. arent you feeling happy i am back here again. currently in com lab 1 cos apparently there is sth going on in lab 2. just had dance prac. laoshi is so cute today x) or rather she is always cute but there is just something amusing abt her today. haha fine whatever!

waiting for the rest to come at 3 when we are gonna discuss abt the campaign. yeah i feel so much better now (: HAHA! i admitted i was stupid and dumb okay. i shall not be extra nxt time. this is a lesson to be learnt (: its not even 2 yet. sigh i am so bored. i have been here since like 12.30 and its a miracle i survived till now (: oh btw i ate BAO just now. haha! luckily the stalls are opened today. i thought i wld just die of hunger in sch or sth cos the vending machine which was supposed to provide us with food is apparently blank and empty.. OH auntie remembered me. haha i thought she remembered me cos i am always with sandy and sandy is the one she is SUPPOSED to remember cos sandy is so spastic when early in the morning. haha then auntie asked abt sandy who is obviously not with me..

mm. anyway i came to sch with sandy early in the morning (: went to her hse the coffeeshop to have BREAKFAST! i wanted so much to eat the bao but that uncle who sells all the nice kuey and bao and food did not open his stall so i ended up eating CURRYPUFF. i think the currypuff is cute cos it is not the shape of what a currypuff shld be [in my opinion la] it is rather flat and HUGE and the curry was not even hot. but still, it is nice cos it is crispy (: wont you sae i am a good girl as to not pick food. haha! then on the bus we chatted and chatted. from sandy snr to eva to tuition to food to going home to ELMO to dunno what la. just anything possible. oh and sandy told me what she had for breakfast which i think is...erhem. most probably she will get indigestion HAHA! anyway saw him on the bus and stupid sandy started making noise and said he looked like ELMO which she liked a lot, i shld have just asked her to go and hug him man..

then was dance. on the way to ny i was walking behind laoshi. so scary x) haha. anyway today dance was okay. quite slack at first until yiyi commented she is not warmed up so we had a series of training which made most of our legs jellyfied. but it was nice la (: then we danced huaji and laoshi kou-ed a lot of actions. got most of the ganjue now but still cant express it properly ): and i feel so bad cos i cant get the series of action properly...I SHALL PRACTISE HARD WITH joanne. is that how u spell? fine i forgot -.- oh and we are haing dance at 8 on fri...time to wake up early...grah. and i am supposed to give eva tuition on fri which i guess will end up nth but laughing cos no work can be done with only her arnd. we wld most probably end up quarelling abt some stupid stuff

aiya this holiday is so super busy. havent do the proposal and hern sae we need to improve on the activities for the photo search...then we have geog project again. aiya amylim is so mafan why so much project. then lit circle we still dont have any meeting and eva grp already have one! aiya okay i shall just name out all the things to do: sec1 eoy proposal, council campaign, geog project, chinese portfolio, chinese sia [which i guessed everyone forget], maths wb, reading of chinese storybook, lit circle, and other hw. i think i
may just drop dead this holiday...

i seriously think 30 days of hols is not enough given my ability and i will most probably end up super busy. sandy wants to go out one day but i doubt i can even squeeze a teeny weeny time out. sigh! and mei is celebrating her bdae this comin sat. something to be happy since i can relax. like FINALLY one day. and we are going to have a lot of food on that day (: come to think of it i am supposed to EXERCISE this hol and i doubt once again i will do it. AIYA I AM SO PISSED WITH MYSELF.

anyway come to think of it the last few days of holidays was quite slack.we went wildwildwet a few days ago and got myself black. not very obvious though (: and guess wad. i saw mrs koh there. woah! wad a YUANFEN! then yesterday spent the whole day at home wanting to finish all the work that needs to be done on com but ended up finishing not even a single thing. and dad just popped the sentence LETS GO WATCH MOVIE out of nowhere at 2.50 and 20 mins later the whole family is out to watch movie. i seriously think mummy and daddy is WEIRD okay. cos they normally wld go anywhere except MOVIE unless it was some meaningful one and yesterday we actually went to watch OVER THE HEDGE. i guess it was for my sis and bro sake. wellwell...

after typing for a long time, i realise it is onli 2.04. how slow can time pass...SIGH! i dunno why but i feel kind of awkward and weird now. anyway i am going to popular later to get ahmei bdae present. i feel so nice (: and i am going with sandy. yeah someone to go home with me. okay i shall go do the proposal now rather than rotting here. goodbye!


-1:35 PM

haha another quiz from poo! actually the previous one was done a 1000 yrs ago but it was kept as a antique DRAFT until today i decided to reveal it (:

[x] I actually act my age[at times i dont x) BUT MOST OF THE TIME I DO OKAY!]
[x] I know how to make a pot of coffee
[X] I do my own laundry
[x] I can cook for myself
[ ]I clean the house for no reason[I dont even clean it if there is a reason x)]
[x] I do my chores after being told once
[x] I always do my homework/work
[x] I actually enjoy intellectual conversations
[x] I think politics are exciting[at times i do!]
[ ] My parents and grand-parents have better things to say than my peers do[well it depends (:]
[x] I show up for school/work everyday unless I'm sick..really sick
[ ] I always carry a pen in my pocket/purse
[ ] I've never gotten a ticket...well unless you cant drive, then no point in checking this one
[ ] I watch talk shows and point out theincredibility of it all[i find them boring AT THIS AGE!]
[x] I know what incredibility means with out looking it up
[ ] I drink black coffee[i dont even like coffee..]
[x] I know how to run the dish washer..or do the dishes
[x] I don't get caught when I do bad things..[HAHA! oops..]
[x] I can count in more than one language
[x] When I say I'm going to do something, I do it[most of the time la]
[ ] I mow the lawn [no way man haha]
[x] I wash my car...or I would if I had one
[x] can be witty and make adults laugh..without being stupid [of course! i am so entertaining x)]
[ ] If i did.. my plants wouldn't all die now would they I remember to water my plants
[x] I study when I have to
[x] I pay attention at school/work[ most of the time okay]
[ ] I remember to feed my pets
[x] I'm generally organized
[x] I know the meaning of cruel punishment from experience
[x] I can spell experience without looking at the line above
[ ] I clean up my own messes [heh. my mum is nice enough to help most of the time]
[ ] The first thing I do when I wake up is get coffee
[x] I can go to the store without getting something I don't need
[ ] I understand jokes the first time they are said[okay i admit i am slow at times]
[x] I listen to my parents/elders
[x] I understand the fact that the world always screws someone over
[x] I enjoy bathing...or showering
[x] I can type fast, because I type every day
[ ] My choice in clothing is acceptable in an office or something like that[not for now but..]
[ ] I can watch politics and laugh because Iunderstand what is going on
[x] I have realized that the weather forecast changes every hour[issit??]
[x] I can look at someone hot and not think of sex [ i nv really think anyone is HOT]
[ ] I have realized that no one will take you seriously unless you are over the age of 25 andhave a job
[x] I can read a book and actually finish it
[x] People have said that I act older than I am
[x] I can be sent on an errand and not get sidetracked

add up all your x'es and multiply the number by 2 .

I AM62% MATURE! oh arent you proud of me (:


-1:18 PM

got this from biancalohthePOO! haha lets see how many things i have lived through

[1] I have read a lot of books.
[] I have been on some sort of varsity team. [i am a dance person (:]
[] I have run more than 2 miles without stopping
[] I have been to Canada.
[] I have been to Europe.
[2] I have watched cartoons for hours.
[3] I have tripped UP the stairs.
[] I have fallen down an entire flight of stairs.
[4] I have been snowboarding/skiing.
[5] I have played ping pong.
[6] I swam in the ocean.
[] I have been on a whale watch.
[7] I have seen fireworks.
[8] I have seen a shooting star.
[] I have seen a meteor shower.
[] I have almost drowned.
[9] I have been so embarrassed I wanted to disappear.
[10] I have listened to one CD over and over and over again.
[] I have had stitches.
[] I have had frostbite.
[] I have licked a frozen pole and got stuck there.
[11] I have stayed up 'til 2 doing homework/projects.
[] I currently have a job.
[13] I have been ice skating.
[14] I have been roller blading.
[15] I have fallen flat on my face.
[16] I have tripped over my own two feet.
[] I have been in a fist fight.
[17] I have played video games for more than 3 hours straight.
[18] I have watched the Power Rangers.
[] I attend Church regularly.[ i am not a christian]
[] I have already had my 16th birthday.
[] I have already had my 17th birthday.
[19] I've called someone stupid.[very mean i know]
[20] I've been in a verbal argument.
[21] I've cried in school.
[] I've played basketball on a team.
[] I've played baseball on a team.
[] I've played football on a team.
[] I've played soccer on a team.
[22] I've done cheerleading on a team.
[] I've played softball on a team.
[] I've played volleyball on a team.
[] I've played tennis on a team
[] I've been on a track or cross country team.
[23] I've been swimming more than 20 times in my life.
[] I've bungee jumped.
[] I've climbed a rock wall.
[24] I've lost more than $20.
[25] I've called myself an idiot.
[26] I've called someone else an idiot. [heh x)]
[27] I've cried myself to sleep.
[28] I've had (or have) pets.
[] I've owned a spice girls CD. [ i always download or burn x)]
[] I've owned a Britney Spears CD.
[] I've owned an N*Sync CD.
[] I've owned a backstreet boys CD.
[] I've mooned someone.
[29] I have sworn at someone of authority before. [i was damn angry but the person didnt hear]
[30] I've been in the newspaper[cf dance! but its whole grp of us]
[] I've been on TV.
[] I've been to Hawaii.
[31] I've eaten sushi.
[] I've been on the other side of a waterfall.
[32] I've watched all of the Lord of the Rings movies.
[33] I've watched all the Harry Potter movies.
[] I've watched all of the Rocky movies.[not all ):]
[] I've watched the 3 stooges.
[] I've watched "Newlyweds" Nick & Jessica.
[34] I've watched Looney Tunes.
[] I've been stuffed into a locker/I have stuffed others into lockers.
[] I've been called a geek.
[35] I've studied hard for a test and got a bad grade.
[36] I've not studied at all for a test and aced it.
[37] I've hugged my mom within the past 24 hrs.
[38] I've hugged my dad within the past 24 hours.
[39] I've met a celebrity/music artist.
[40] I've written poetry.
[] I've been arrested.
[41] I've been attracted to someone much older than me.[HAHA! my ahgong x)]
[42] I've been tickled till I've cried.-in the past x) now i am not scared!]
[43] I've tickled someone else until they cried.
[44] I've had/have siblings.
[] I've been to a rock concert.
[45] I've listened to classical music and enjoyed it.
[46] I've been in a play.
[] I've been picked last in gym class.
[] I've been picked first in gym class.
[47] I've been picked in that middle-range in gym class.
[48] I've cried in front of my friends.
[49] I've read a book longer than 1,000 pages
[] I've played Halo 2.
[50] I've freaked out over a sports game.
[] I've been to Alaska.
[] I've been to China.
[] I've been to Spain.
[51] I've been to Japan.
[] I've had a fight with someone on AIM.
[] I've had a fight with someone face-to-face.
[52] I've had serious conversations on any IM.
[53] I've forgiven someone who has done something wrong to me.
[54] I've been forgiven.
[55] I've screamed at a scary movie.
[] I've cried at a chick flick.
[56] I've watched a lot of action movies.
[57] I've screamed at the top of my lungs.
[58] I've been to a rap concert.
[] I've been to a hip hop concert.
[59] I've lived in more than 2 houses.
[60] I've driven on the highway/been on the highway.
[61] I've driven more than 40 miles in a day/been in a car that went more than 40 miles in a day.
[] I've been in a car accident.
[] I've done drugs.
[62] I've been homesick.
[63] I've thrown up.
[] I've puked on someone.
[] I've been horseback riding.
[70] I've filled out more than 10 myspace/LJ surveys.
[71] I've spoken my mind in public.
[72] I've proved someone wrong.
[73] I've been proven wrong by someone.
[] I've broken a leg.
[] I've broken an arm/fingers.
[74] I've fallen off a swing.
[75] I've swung on a swing for more than 30 minutes straight.
[76] I've watched Winnie the Pooh movies.
[] I've forgotten my backpack when I've gone to school.
[] I've lost my backpack.
[] I've come close to dying.
[77] I've seen someone die.
[78] I've known someone who has died.
[79] I've wanted to be an actor/actress at some point.[when i was young. HAHA!]
[80!] I've done modeling. [in the IT video?]
[] I've forgotten to brush my teeth some mornings.
[81] I've taken something/someone for granted.
[82] I've realized how good my life is.
[83] I've counted my blessings.
[84] I've made fun of a classmate.
[85] I've been asked out by someone and I said no.
[86] I've slapped someone in the face.[ haha we always do that in sch x)]
[] I've been skateboarding.
[87] I've been back stabbed by someone I thought was a friend.
[88] I've lied to someone to their face.
[89] I've told a little white lie.
[] I've taken a day off from school just so I don't go insane.
[] I've fainted.
[90] I've had an argument with someone about whether cheerleading is a sport or not.
[] I've pushed someone into a pool.
[] I've been pushed into a pool.
[] I've been/am in love.


Tuesday, May 30, 2006
-2:24 PM

sigh. feeling weird and sad and confused and apologetic now. i know nothing i say can help anymore because i brought it upon myself. I didnt know a question from my mouth can lead to this much misunderstanding and confusion. if not reading their blog, i guess i would never know abt it. I didnt mean to ask that question, i was just wondering. okay i guess that question was something extra. i really hope we can work together. i didnt even know there was a meeting yesterday because i had something on, but i guess they didnt want me too or not they wld have sms me or sth. well..i guess there is nth much for me to do now because they cld have send in the form already. i dont mean all of you are not good enough for me. REALLY! i think all of you are great and i really really wanted to work with all of you, the question was just something extra by me. i thought all of you wld not mind me asking but i really never expect it to turn out like this, i really hope you wld accept my apology and accept me in even though it may seem impossible. i guess they have already send in the form yesterday and i wld not be in. no matter you all accept my apology or not, whether or not you wld let me join in, i would like to say again....sorry...i really dont mean you are not good for me. afterall you are the ones who walked on with me for 2 yrs, there is no reason for me to think you are not good for me. i guess all of you are too good for me so we dont get to do this together, if possible, how i wish i can turn back time, and clear this misunderstand, and work together as one.

i really wish to join in, i mean it. but it is quite impossible and i am just so sorry...


Sunday, May 21, 2006
-12:19 AM

hello blog i am back! its not that i want to abandon u but i am too busy+the fact that i did not come back. anyway a lot of things happen over the week. mummy and daddy are watching i not stupid too now. watched before already so roughly know what happen. now is the sad sad part so i dont want to watch or else i may end up like in the theatre that time ): BUT I LIKE THE SHOW (: heh i just saw those nice pretty handsome pictures in my file that huiying help me to print ((:

haha anyway i know how to make food! i feel so clever (: my auntie was looking forward to me making something new but apparently i didnt have time today. but holidays i can! yeah (: and i finished like half of my holiday hw excluding the maths wb! and i read 1/3 of my chinese storybook already. i feel great (: eeyer i can hear the movie from the room SO SAD ): aww man. and i can picture the scenes in my mind. anyway! lets talk abt something happy. went for dance today and apparently only me and angeline and clara went so we requested to use our time to warmup ourselves and discuss for the performance for sep but we ended up gossiping and it was fun (: i never knew angeline and clara can gossip like that. i thought only melwee and sandy can! after dance we went to walk at northpoint and we spent like hours there, but i also dunno why we ended up so long there. cold storage changed a lot. they sell doughnut balls for ten cents only! HAHA i wanted to buy but didnt la. bought limeade cos i was thirsty and angeline clara and me were busy looking at the nutritional table cos all of us didnt want to grow fat (although both of them are not and i am) and angeline said we shld have a dance chalet for the sec 2s in dec AND we can go on a slimming exercise which include jogging and cycling (: YEAH I LIKE!

haha fine. i was just looking through and realise i used like more than a 100 sms in these 2 days. oh my god i think my bill will burst and mummy most probably will scream her head off x) or maybe not cos i controlled well last few months, but that was because i didnt use sms. FINE! i think i am going to die. i shall await slowly...

i went home with twinnie yesterday and the whole journey was liek ERHEM! stupid sandy keep trying to force things out of me, still call herself a nice and sweet little twinnie. GRAH! and i was super hyped up yesterday after dance i realise i did most of the talking while sandy was listening. but i think its better for her to keep quiet since she likes to shout and scream on the bus (: dance was quite slack, or rather, we felt slack. even hern felt slack okay! anyway eugena cheryl and bianca started calling me a naughty girl for whatever reason i dont know!

okay movie is over so i shall go sleep now even though i am not tired ): BUT I AM FEELING HUNGRY! oh and i ate 2 baos today (: eva will be so jealous. haha and i got her baby carrots as mama day present ready! i bet she is feeling excited. okay good nite everyone even though its already 12+ in the morning (:


Friday, May 12, 2006
-11:04 AM

hello (: yesterday was a happy day! we had CSM yesterday over at hci. slack day (: its like 4 days without school. early in the morning went to take bus with sandy png. meet her at macs and her mum is so scary cos she wanted to buy a breakfast meal for me at 5:40 IN THE MORNING! so both of us were like super noisy at the counter cos she sae she wants a meal but i onli want milo. the guy at the counter was quite amused (: in the end i had milo and it was so full and sandy went to buy a hashbrown for me. GRAH. i almost vomited! the guy is very funny. he serve one small hashbrown on a tray. haha! then we took bus to sch.CSM was quite boring cos it was hot and humid and we just keep looking at ppl run. so from 8-9:30 we were practically stoning and crapping to kill time. then from 9:25 onwards i went to sell ice cream. saw willie wee. he was running on the slope like he is going to roll down anytime. anyway we sold a lot of ice cream (: the sec 1s love ice cream a lot. we sold practically all icecream except the potong jackfruit one. well. i oso dont like jackfruit so i dont understand who will buy jackfruit ice cream. maybe onli the older generations but sad to say. very little teacher buys ice cream x) so we sold and sold until abt 10:30 because the sports meet end by then and everyone is leaving.

went over to ny to take bus to orchard with yenjin huiying joleen and sandy (: the bus stp was congested with ppl. mostly from ny cos some hci guys had to stay back for lesson. HAHA! pathetic willie is one of them (: then we had to squeeze our way up the bus 171. or rather. we didnt want to squeeze but ppl were pushing and squeezing to make their way up. its always like this. ppl always go to j8 or orchard after these events. but luckily 5 of us manage to get up (: however yenjin and joleen was seperated from us but soon we reunited (: and sandy says that joleen look fierce when she smile! i think there is something wrong with sandy.

first station of the day. cineleisure. went to watch when a stranger calls. huiying they all bought the 2:30 tickets when there was a 12:30 one. and it was onli 11:30 when we are there. but they didnt want to rush when eating the food. me and sandy wanted to eat cafe cartel but apparently no one heard us so in the end we ended up eating at food court. as usual. handmade noodles! everything going out with yenjin sure eat that. i shared with twinnie (: youmian! i love the soup! then we realise that it was onli 12:10 when we finish so we sat and talk and talk then we walk and walk but still..its not even 1. cannot stand it anymore we decided to get some food and so we went to cheers. me and sandy wanted to buy some tibits but apparently. nth caught our eyes. i wanted to buy one loaf of raisin bread and they sae i am crazy ): then i wanted to buy a bao and twinnie sae i am mad ): AIYA! bread and bao are nice food okay! but they do nt know how to appreciate. hmph!

we walk and walk and finally we settle down at the coke lounge or sth liddat. its all red. there was 2 xbox. they sae we can play as long as we buy something from the cafe so we went to buy a coke that cost $2.50. so ex ): but each person pay $0.50 onli la. then we played both the xbox cos no one was there x) and the person didnt care. we were supposedly allowed to play 1/2 hr onli but we ended playing for arnd 1 hr? me yenjin and sandy were playing the fighting one when two guys came. they must be super amused by us cos they kept staring at us play and laugh at some dunno what thing. we realise the females fighter inside all wear super obsence clothes. HAHA! and there is something wrong. i can win sandy and sandy can win yenjin but yenjin always get GREAT when she fight me. it does not make sense right? then the racing game. the car so hard to control. knock here knock there.

when its abt 2 we left and went to buy our food. yenjin jo and huiying shared their tibits and popcorn while me and twinnie shared our popcorn (: we got the family meal. WE ARE A FAMILY (: haha! then we bought ice lemon tea which cost $0.60 more ): but its nicer than coke cos coke is so GASY. we waited and waited until finally we can get in...

the movie soon started. the lights went off and twinnie SCREAMED! hahhaa! so hilarious. me and huiying laughed like mad. the whole movie was quite scary. cos its very thrilling. me and twinnie counted that a total of 13 phonecalls was made excluding the 3 in front. its always anti-climax in front. u thought something happen but in the end its just a cat or the maid or whatever. the scary part came when the police called her to tell her that they track the call was from IN THE HSE! then she turn behind and the dead corpse which was her friend was there. that part the other girls screamed like hell la. the corpse look very scary. i closed my eyes the minute i saw x twinnie cried can! xia si ren. then huiying laughed at her -.- haiya. totally diff ppl. but that was the most scary part. and the part where the maid was in the pond. and some of those part where the muderer appeared, the other part are just exciting. then some girls keep screaming. this is the first time i hear ppl screaming in cinema lor. the part not scary let them scream until become scary. then me and jo just scream along some part though we didnt really felt like screaming (: HAHA! i bet the HCI guy in front is super upset cos he sae he will get upset when he hear ppl scream. haha! then when the whole movie ended i heard those bunch of ppl at the other side of the aisle complainin bout those girls who screamed.

when we went out. twinnie was still quite unstable. so scary la x so we stood there and chat and chat then we headed to heeren. walk walk a while. joleen let me eat a bite of her cookie from subway. joleen is super violent! when u bite the cookie she will force it into ur mouth. grah! anyway we soon went seperated ways. jo went with jocelyn claudia and yingyan. yenjin went home with huiying and me and twinnie went on to walk and walk. i was looking for what to buy for eva for mama day but cant find any so i decided i shld still get her 7 carrots (: sandy want me to get her a mini skirt HAHA! so we walk and walk and i wanted to get a pouch but cannot find any nice ones. then we bought ear sticks (: a lot for $1. so cool (:

then time to go home. we took to marina bay then back to yishun. on the train was crap. i called eva and the whole conversation was super funny. i felt nice and wanted to cook something for twinnie but she refuses to tell me what she like ): but still i will make her something since i am nice (: anyway it just struck me i have known her for 7 yrs already! SO LONG (: i have known her for half my life. thats so cool. i guess she is the person i know longest and closest to other than my family. she shld feel proud (:

anyway we are going out later to get something. mummy say she will bring me to popular to buy recipe books. HAHA! i am so excited (: i just feel like cooking now. then we had pancake for breakfast. very nice (: and i think we are going to lunch outside later. oh i will ask mummy to get me a pouch if i see any nice ones since she is in a good mood. YEAH! i am so excited (: btw. yenjin told me and huiying someone called her just now and it was UNKNOWN caller and the person just keep breathing! HAHAH!then she was offline. OHNO! haha (:


Saturday, May 06, 2006
-11:29 PM

hello (: my dad is watching the polling rally now so i am using the com cos its too boring x) actually its not boring but i am only interested in the overalls and oso in sembawang votes and if that woman will win. i just finished watching xian jian qi xia zhuan. ITS VERY NICE (: but nxt wk is last episode ): i am feeling so damn sad. i think i will get mummy to buy me the cd. no matter what i will persuade her until she gets irritated and buy for me (: and now i am listening to the songs. ITS NICE (: we shld learn to appreciate nice things (:

anyway today spent like most of my day at yenjin hse! SUPER FUNNY! i was there from like 12+ to 5+ HAHA! me jo and yenny went to have lunch first. tianhui is super lazy to come out so she didnt lunch with us. then when jo was there we didnt really do anything la. just discussing abt some stuff. not much of fun! jo left and the fun comes. we did stupid things and was stuck on the com with the adobe photoshop!

we did this abstract thing (: proudly done by me yenjin and tianhui the main person! i think the two seven words are very nice (: i feel so proud of myself!

i think we are super saddist. this photo went through a lot of stages before it became like this. and during the whole process yenjin laughed until she almost overturned man -.-

okay there is another one abt CHICKENS! its really retarded x) i think the line below contributed by me is really... no comments (: go to yenjin blog to see it if u want. i will post it another day when i got the pic from her (:

the inspirations came because of some dumb things done by tianhui. she made the whole thing greyscale which we didnt know how to fix and hence all these come abt. i think we are really creative ppl. seriously no comments x) we laughed till we almost rushed to the toilet cos we had stomachache (:

anyway yenjin hse sell all kinds of bread. I LIKE (: i love bread and bread loves me (: yenjin hse oso have endless supply of food. bound to grow fat if u go there! and yenjin claims i look like her dp. i think i shld get the pic of that cat someday and post it and u shall sae if i look like or not -.- I SERIOUSLY LOVE MY GRP!!!! ((:


Friday, May 05, 2006
-10:40 PM

feeling full and tired. matches the description of a pig (: i just finish drinking 1 and 1/2 cup of barley. super full now. i ate a lot today (: i dunno if i shld feel proud or guilty cos i cld eat so much but eat so much means growing fat. and i have not been doing exercise lately so it means time to grow fat. ohwells! i shall control my diet tmr when i go lunching with yenny and tianhui (: hopefully they will help me control. i feel like eating bread now. my mouth cant stp moving! it just feels like munching and biting.

okay i think i am going to explode. BRANDONNG IS DRIVING ME CRAZY! we have been quarrelling abt the issue of chocolate for i think 15 min without a conclusion. anyway fruits are good for health and they are nice (: as for milk i agree that its nice too (: for once i agree with that peacock! then CHOCOLATES! i was just saying it does not sound right from his mouth and it became a arguement between us. i feel like slapping him! GRAH! anyway conclusion is BRANDON IS A CHILDISH BOY! haha (: and he is not willing to admit it. this shows his proud peacock ATTITUDE (: haha but nvm my reason is always more reasonable than that childish man! (:

oh had cca just now (: laoshi didnt do warmups again. we did qianhong and huaji. sec 4s did not go for cca. i think i did qianhong badly ): I SHLD START PRACTISING HARD. and i think i am getting from bad to worse in huaji. I MUST IMPROVE! egogaypoo had her council interview just now. i think she did well. they asked her abt the james person thing. remind me of what yenjin sae abt the man and the noodles and the pig liver. SO DUMB. i told my mum abt it and she started laughin at it -.-

btw something hilarious happen in class today. yenjin joleen and huiying were attacking tianhui and i think TIANHUI IS VERY FUNNY! i was trying hard to control my laughter but apparently i cant x) anyway! amylim is like...deaf or sth? she gave lydia the ws then lydia was singing SO LOUDLY and she didnt care! haha whatever la. amylim really very dont care kind. then tianhui told me abt her nice and wonderful scrumptous lunch which is really ALOT. i ate butter rice with twinnie (: i think its either too much or what i had stomachache after that ): all the way until dance. so dance i was feeling damn uncomfortable. and my knee was hurting like crazy. the kneeguard only protected one knee and the other is hurting. I FEEL LIKE BITING MY KNEE!

oh yenny eva sarah had public speaking. they look nice in blazers (: i like it. me and twinnie bought their team each member a fruitella as encouragement. SO NICE RITE (: they didnt win ): but i think they are really great. well its the process that counts! as long as u enjoyed the process. u have already win half the thing. dont feel sad eva (: chinese was dumb and quite slack. we watched video which took up like 1/2 hr and tianhui is super weird i think. then after that me and wenqi were joking and laughing like mad. we concluded that blood from veins are blue, red from artiries and yellow from capilaries. HAHA! whatever la i think i am very entertaining (: then we played game after that. chinese was REALLY SLACK!

tmr meeting at yenjin hse for mega (: i got a feeling we are going to be very successful and at the same time very fun (: and i got a feeling i will start eating a lot! HAHA. i want to cut hair (: maybe quite short? depends. but my hair grows super fast. rah! i feel my butt growing x) cos i keep sitting down whole day and eat and eat. i hope there is a thing call butt size control hormone. i feel sleepy now! anyway tmr is the election day. I HOPE PAP WINS (: sandy and me were talking abt that on bus too. i seriously think twinnie and i can talk anythin under the sun if we want. how great can we be (: okay i am going to sleep now!


Thursday, May 04, 2006
-9:17 PM

today was a interesting and full of happenings day (: many interesting things happen today!

most significant one is....i ate BAO in the morning (: very good way of starting a day. its been like a 1000 and 1 yrs since i last did that in school cos the bao is always ready at a very late time. then today its quite early so i BOUGHT IT (: nice nice! so sad sandy ahpng already eat MACS in the morning so she cannot eat the cutest thing on earth..THE BAO!

okay la then we got back our history and lang arts paper (: LIKE FINALLY! i am quite pleased with myself i guess. i think i shld give myself a pat on the head (:

okay then i got very nice and i went down with tianhui to have her lunch after sch when i was supposed to go home! she ate maggie mee as usual but this time with only 2 DISHES! improvement (: this shows i am efficient cos i manage to control her diet. and she sae i study diet. well if i cld that wld be great (: then i can EAT AND EAT AND EAT without growing fat!

okay then i went home. on the bus this old woman sat beside me. rather old she is. 60+? reaching 70 i guess. then i was listening to my mp3 and closing my eyes to rest (: then when i woke up cos we are about to reach the interchange. i realise she kept looking at me. so i got freak out. then when we are turning into the interchange, i took out my mp3 and kept it. then she started a conversation goes on like this...

the conversation goes on in chinese but sometime she sae hokkien
old woman: what sch u from [in hokkien]
me: nanyang
old woman: poly ah?
me: no, sec sch
old woman: orh. i see also know cos u dont look that old [in hokkien]
me: [just smile]
old woman: you know hokkien?
me: ya
old woman: good! nowadays young people dont know anymore. you know how to speak or listen?
me: both. but i not very good at speaking
old woman: how you know?
me: my family members sometime speaks that
old woman: oh! so clever ah! u live here? [in hokkien]
me: yes
old woman: yishun?
me: yes
old woman: yishun where?
me: [tell her the blk. i shall not reveal in public x)]
old woman: wah very far leh! u walk home ah?
me: no. i take bus
old woman: oh okay i going to alight liao bye!

and guess wad. we are at the interchange so obviously she have to alight rite -.- then she went over and talk to another woman and for whatever reason they know each other or sth they start chatting so happily. i find this old woman very cute (: HAHA! then i went to wait for bus when i got super pissed off! first there were this two girls from ....sec sch then they stood in front of me and they talk to damn loud la. then i think one of the girl saw a fren frm pri sch and she went like YO [and the person name] then that guy just say hi in very awkward and weird way. then she was like... that was lame..grr! i just dont like the way she tries to act cool. then there were these two guys from dunno what sch cos they didnt have a logo. then they both look TOOT and OLD FASHION and DISGUSTING. thats wad i personally felt. and they start critisizing abt HCI saying this and that. then thats not the worst. one of them was reading comics and the other just keep talking and he keeps STARING AT ME FOR WHATEVER REASON. then he tells his partner that i am from NANYANG and he starts critisizing. i dunno abt ny and hci or onli hci but i got damn pissed cos i hate ppl staring at me. i wanted to give him a slap on the face okay! RETARDED! i was super angry cos he thinks no one knows what he is saying and i cant hear because we were somewhat quite far apart but he dunno his lips can be read STUPID! so i got pissed.

but i went home everything was fine again cos i drank SWEET POTATO SOUP which my grandma cook (: SUPER NICE! ahma cooked a super nice dinner. we had this wadever mushroom [i dunno the name] soup. and apparently i love that nameless mysterious mushroom with curry fish and fried chicken wing and veg which i like too. its kinda unhealthy but its nice and its only once in a while i eat like this so i allowed myself to eat like a glutton x) then i ate ORANGE! good for health (: then i ate pineapple again cos my ahma told me its good cos it drains ur fat or does something to ur fat so u will slim down (: and its the first time in history in 14 yrs i ate ONE PIECE OF PINEAPPLE myself and i realise it is quite nice (: then now i am drinking barley. and hence my stomach feels bloated and bursting anytime!

haha okay i was just telling twinnie that i felt like eating local delight noodles butter rice and chicken rice for lunch tmr. i think i am going to spent the whole lunch looking at what to eat and land up eating burger again cos in the end the queue will be super long. okay i shall go watch tv now BYE (:











nycd :D


nycd sec3'o7
cf dance

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