Monday, July 17, 2006
-9:48 PM

hello tmr is the day to esplanade! we are having our full dress rehersal for nanyang glitters there. ESPLANADE! haha at least i stepped on the stage for once in my life ((: oh i am wearing fbts and ny pe shirt now. the SMALL SIZE ONE. and i realise its no longer small like last time. i shrink? GOODNESS! but i feel like doing sports now cos i look like i am going for pe can!

oh i made kueh yesterday (: gave to eva and sandy. EVA SAY ITS NICE (: yeah! haha and they won the competiton. welldone! weiyi cannot eat cos there is colouring..too bad. haha! i gave sandy too. she sae she is going to take picture of it and post on her blog and she is going to show her mama. i wonder wad her mama will sae. maybe i shld get the photo from her later.

today we were quite a naughty class. mr ng and mrs amy got mad at us. heh x) mr ng was pissed because we kept talking and talking and mrs amy got pissed because we didnt listen to her. haha SORRY MR NG AND MRS AMY (: then we had chinese. i asked question. so hardworking and eager to learn (: fine. then we had drama auditioning. did winnie and evelyn role and got evelyn. goodness la. sarahlim sure can act. haha if only she was qi yi wu but too bad she is shorter than me (: AND SHE IS FATIMAH ALREADY. lala. wonder which role will eva and weiyi get. didnt manage to do qi yi wu and eugene audtitioning cos both of them was not there. and wiggy i think will be eugene since grace is quite tall. hurhur.

OHOH WE SANG TIME TO SAY GOODBYE. btw cheryl is gross. she shits in sch. fine! she didnt shit in the end. haha. singing was damn fun can. shuhui was beside me. i wanted to sing those advert songs for her but no one sing with me so i didnt ): then cheryl ho eugena and lianghui were like crazy ppl. i think cheryl shld stay for remedial for singing can! oh mr lim sae we sing BEAUTIFULLY (: arent u proud of me?

then after sch we went to take council photos. shall upload here (:

this is the informal one (: haha. now the formal one. but not very formal too..

then after that went to try on fu zhuang. actually nth to try lor cos we already tried that time so onli went there to put it in a plastic bag. oh then naomi told me i dont need to buy the eyeshadow cos laoshi bought then err..still got blusher and a lot of things. so like practically no cosmetics needed to bring except foundation if u want, lipstick if u want, eyeliner, and mascara. I DONT LIKE TO PUT MASCARA/ and i realise my mei bi is gone and i didnt go and buy. who will be nice to lend me?

after that went to kap with chicken estella and wiggy wu to discuss abt the council speech. we were quite productive (: haha! i bought a ice cream and i eat poopoo's fries. then i realise she is really bored cos she got like this thick stack of ready-designed letter. haha she demands i write her a letter. i HOPE i have the time (: anyway I AM GOING TO CHARGE MY CAM NOW. it is going on full power tmr. so exciting! oh and i am so proud of myself cos i done my profile and my part of speech for council (:

fine the formal photo refuses to come out. shall post it some other day.


Saturday, July 15, 2006
-10:05 PM

HELLO!! its a exciting day today (:

went to watch the c.drama production just now. it was nice (: though it was quite abstract. haha. anyway today breakfast mummy wanted to make pancake then she got the pancake mix ready. then she said cos put honey too troublesome so she added sugar in the mix to make it sweet. I TOLD HER NOT TO IN CASE STH HAPPEN. and true enough..the pancake cld not be cooked. retarded... so we ended up eating bread. well not too bad. at least there is this not-like-tuna tuna. i have been eating a lot of tuna lately. haha at least it is healthier than chicken and pig! got protein u know (:

then i was supposed to meet jo but cos it was too early and the whole family was abt to go out, i dont want to stay at home. so i joined them and went to yishun. got myself a pair of nice white sandals there (: then i went to meet jo and huiying at causeway. heh i feel so sorry..cos both of them reached at arnd 11.40? and i reached at 12. but i am punctual! i reached on the dot. they are too early!

we went to have yoshinoya for lunch. FEEL SO CHEATED BY THAT GUY OKAY! cos we bought the value meal. then it didnt come with a drink and we knew cos the photo didnt show drink but that guy was like WHAT DRINK WOULD YOU LIKE? when he shld be asking DO U WANT A DRINK? make it sound like there was supposed to be a drink so we were cheated of our $1+. hmph! and he made the drink first instead of the food when ppl always prepare the drink the last. so we didnt tell him we dont want. GRR! i want to slap him man. and the yoshinoya give u like a BIG BOWL of rice with little chicken. but nvm they give me nice veg (: haha. then we went to cold storage to get some chocs for the performers (: OH BTW I LOVE THE APPLES I GIVE TO HERN. i think they are so cute (:

then we went to get jo's bro's fren's present. we walk and walk and finally settle with a op wallet. then we went to timezone. TIMEZONE IS SO BRIGHT. i dont like it. i prefer the dark one. but anyway we spent like $21 there? hahaha. there are a few games that can earn points easily. liek the finding nemo one! hahaha! we ended up with like 400+ points. actually was less than that cos my card already had points but nvm dont use oso no use. so we divded and each of us got 100+ points to change so we changed loads of food. or rather jo and huiying. i onli got a lollipop and teddy biscuits (: then we went to get bubble tea at sweet talk. queued for like 20 mins can!! and there we settle our debt. JO ALMOST CHEATED MY MONEY. luckily i was clever ((: HAHA. huiying got a peach milktea that was like..horrible? in terms of look. huiying sae it taste weird too. AHHA. my peach ice blend was more like peach but its super sweet! i dunno abt jo's green apple ice blend. then we went to take 961. jo was so amused i didnt have to cross road when i go home or go sch. haha. anyway i conclude that 961 take like 1001 yrs to arrived. cos we waited and waited and waited...then on the bus..erhem. haha the woman beside huiying is funny x) shall not elaborate or huiying will be so paiseh ((: huiying dont u think i am nice

we reached sch on time (: then went in and got seated. the whole c.drama performance was nice.. each got its own good points la. haha. the finale was very touching. erm then i went backstage. oh caught yiyi outside with her mama. she called me SHEESHEE and her mum was like..why call ur fren that? haha nvm la i am used to it. poopoo and hern were good (: oh laoshi went too. haha i seriously like hern apples! grah! oh sandy cried can..when she is not performing la. haha luckily as her twinnie i am not like that. if not can u imagine two person crying as they walk arnd when they are not even performing!

then went to j8 with sandy. went to have pastamania for dinner. took a few pics of the food. sandy refuses to let me take a photo of her eating so i didnt want to continue taking resulting in onli a few pics. I SHLD HAVE TAKE MORE! haha i had garlic bread cos i was not hungry but sandy forced me to eat sth. the garlic bread is not crispy ): then i helped sandy eat a bit of her baked rice.. i am so nice rite (: oh and MUSHROOMS ARE NICER THAN HAM. i seriously cant stand ham.

then we went to walk arnd. and sandy got her sugarcane sour plum drink. there was so many food downstairs. we shld have gone down and buy a lot of diff food to eat. aiya nvm we can always do that nxt time. i aim to buy the pretzel. anyway BREADTALK HAD OFFER. at one dollar per bread. i shld have bought rite? AIYA!then at first floor i guess we were stupid. there was this stall that sold clothes and sandy sort of like tried on me. then i gave a stupid look and the shopkeeper stared at us. worse still sandy is wearing sch uniform..erhem. haha! then we went to mini toons to get hairbands. we wanted to eat ice cream but we were too full so byebye haigen daz. haha i got myself 2 hairbands (: pink and white! sandy got a black and ivory one. then she had to leave for her cousin house so we cannot shop anymore. oh and i spent ALOT today. i am so guilty x) heh. then i got home myself. MYSELF OKAY! for like half an hour. haha anyway i realised my family had pasta for dinner too.a nd garlic bread too. haha so its just like eating at home. oh i shall go eat apple now. GOODBYE!


Saturday, July 08, 2006
-11:53 PM

HEYO I AM BACK. i am super hyped up but at the same time super tired. today is a full of event day and tmr is a full of dance day, suddenly i feel myself so important and busy (:

early in the morning i woke up at 6+ to go to sch for maths challenge! i am rly proud of myself to think i can wake up so early on a saturday afternoon BY MYSELF. i almost collapsed on the ground when i walked to the bus stp myself cos its far and i didnt have breakfast COS FOOD RUN OUT and my eyelids were half closed. then i took 170 to sch and reached at arnd 7.45? its surprising to see that many ppl were there already. then we had briefing blah blah and proceeded on with the maths challenge games, some were SUPERFUN and some were SUPERHARD. we almost had our head cracked into half before we cld solve them. then we went back to lt and listened to some sec 1 presentation. i feel really lousy cos i seriously dont get a single thing they are saying except the sudoku one and the only reason i understand was because i already knew what it was. but nvm, everyone arnd me didnt get it. including shihui jomain and jojo so i guess i am not that bad (: then then....shihui keep complaining she wants cheesecake but i was tempting for JOLLIBEAN then (: JOLLI JOLLIBEAN MAKES U JOLLY (: haha. then we WON 2ND FOR MATHS CHALLENGE! not bad okay. btw ms yeo was there and that reminded me of how terrible i was yesterday when i mistook her for eva on the phone and embarrassed myself. goodness..

then i RUSHED home from sch cos it was damn late and the road was jammed like dunno what so i took nearly 2 hrs to reach home. wanted to buy jollibean but mummy told me that we wld be going out for teatime with kelly they all before going to watch the ndp rehersal so i didnt get my JOLLIBEAN ): nvm i am determined to get it tmr when i go for dance. so i went home and i ate ice cream cos i was super hungry by then. then soon we went out. the road was jammed again. EVERYWHERE IS JAMMING IN SINGAPORE.

we had macs (: haha. know what? i think our family eats a lot when we compared ourseleves with kelly and her family. well well, maybe cos we didnt eat lunch? i had fillet o fish (: i was craving for it these few days and so i was so happy, at least i got something i wanted when i didnt get my jollibean. and i ate REALLY A LOT. like so much coke with fries too and i nv got full. maybe its cos i didnt have breakfast and lunch except an ice cream. then we went off to watch ndp. it was onli 4.30 and the stadium was like so crowded? everywhere PARKING FULL. so pissifying. we went arnd the stadium TWICE and finally daddy ended up parking at a non parking place, just like many other cars cos there was no place available.

then..we went to watch ndp. KELLY IS SO RETARDED I CONCLUDE. for a sec 4 she is still considered childish and i remembered calling her bian tai a lot of times x) haha apparently she didnt get angry. hoho I AM TALLER THAN HER. i am so proud of myself. haha no la actually she is a nice person. the ndp parade was nice and we got high during the singing part me and her started singing and we realised we love the national anthem alot and singapore national day songs have nice melody too (:

after the whole thing we took photo with the stadium. why? cos its the last yr it will be hear. soon it will be removed. so we took the LAST photo with it and that took us like 1001 yrs cos we wanted a PERFECT PICTURE/ then we went off for supper together at east coast. we ate ALOT! and parking was damn hard to find. we waited like ages before we got one. i ate satay and this and that and rojak and ALOT. but not more than kelly. i wonder why she is still so small and skinny when she eat so much. haha but no matter wad i ate a lot cos i thought it was a happy day for a food spree even though i ate quite alot already. then we went home and i came home with a heart ready to take the shock of seeing the weighing machine move ahead by 1 or 2 kg but it went down by 0.5. HAHAH I AM SO HAPPY (: okay i shall go and slp now. will blog more details tmr if i have time. still have to go for dance. sigh x( cos geog test is coming. OH AND I WILL POST PICTURES (: if blogger allow..


Saturday, July 01, 2006
-10:46 PM

FOODANDFUNFAIR IS FINALLY OVER! it was quite a success (: our food stall was like..oh my god i got nth to sae. and our games stall its oso oh my god i got nth to sae. HAHA! i shall not say why but i think we are impressive ppl (: grah i am feeling super sleepy now but i cant slp thx to that wet hair of mine and that i think my food have not digested yet cos i still feel VERY full when i am supposed to feel hungry at this time and it has been advised that we shld not slp after eating cos it will cause you to grow fat. but i dont care i will slp till 12 if i can tmr! i dont want to drop my hair cos stress and lack of slp make u drop.

okay i just deleted this chunk of things i wrote. anyway i went to sch with sandy then started setting up stalls. first duty was the derby games thing. at first had quite little ppl but after that was okay la. business became good. then we went to sms stall. i bought a ramly burger. i am so supportive of my class okay (: but it was huge and i seriously cld not finish it. i took like half and hour before i finish the whole thing? the ramly queue was long and really scary but it sold out well. not long later we started selling sweets at 10 for $1 and i found out that when parents dont want u just show the child and the child will look at it with very sad eyes, and the parents buy! we were selling from 12 to like 3? so we walked non stp. went with jo and hy, haha! we sold quite a lot from that and i must thank 3all who bought from us, esp those who bought ALOT! i hope u have a nice time eating (: i think we are quite sucessful u know (: oh and there were dedications, one of them sounded like a proposal or sth. it was funny when the whole sch goes wooo together.

after the whole thing me and huiying went arnd tearing down posters and we just walk arnd the whole sch, after that we helped 2/6 to tear too cos we cleared our stalls. both of our legs almost broke. and i only spent $5 on food, i didnt get to play ): so i donated the other $5 to the class. oh i walked arnd with chicken and she dunked melwee. so i dunked her too. and i got dunked instead.

after debrief i waited for sandy from like 4+ to 6??? ohoh i went to look for eva th hy and jo at the audi, eva told me this story abt lianghui and the guys. HAHA! and th gave me one muffin (: its very nice and that was my dinner then. and i got to eat the strawberries from 2/6(: its quite nice. i got one soft one which was quite gross but its nice, then a hard one which is nice ((: ANYING POURED FLOUR ON MY HEAD! and i had to wash my hair. sandy oso got attacked. how pathetic... then we cleared up the 2 classes 2/6 used.

after that went out for dinner with lianghui and sandy. lianghui bro fetched us there. oh liangbei which is lianghui sis...went too. i think she is cute. she mistook me for bianca at first. we had macs and we were really horrible. i swear we were really horrible. i think the ppl arnd thought we were mad. and we took photos and ate a lot of food+ we messed up the whole place. lianghui is really retarded, she thought the man said bye to her. i think we really embarrassed ourselves to the extend!

went home with sandy but she only took one stp so i was bored for the nxt nearly half an hour, luckily there was a thing called hp and mp3 or i wld have die of boredom. okay i am feeling slpy i shall go now bye (:











nycd :D


nycd sec3'o7
cf dance

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