Tuesday, October 31, 2006
-9:15 PM

hello (: shall just post a bit. oh weiyi is back. WELCOME BACK HOME WEIYI :D but i think hongkong made her become more mature until i cant communicate with her well. i hope she returns back to her childish state aft a few days (:

so we had choral and drama today. quite screwed x( morning was practising of SHAKING with wiggy and yixian. then took report book. quite pleased :D aft which went to coro to buy food for the band ppl then went back. sry ppl we took so long. i was super tempted by the lemon chicken rice ): then happy to say, when we got back wiggy and yixian cld shake alrd :DD oh the glenn person is cute (: fine i dunno how to spell his name!

aft which went home and was too lazy to leave home so stayed at home. oh i cooked dinner :D and i ate ice cream. cheerios! okay bye :D

if u realise i am posting real short cos i am super attracted to playing neopets now. BYE :D


Monday, October 30, 2006
-9:07 PM

heyo. just watch the ultimate comedian show. think the yingying person super cute :D anyway i am supposed to be in sch now watching choral and drama but the stupid back ache is killing me and made me feel lazy to move ): sorry sandy!

i hate back aches and pulling of muscles. cant do a single thing and leave me with bad mood. bleah. was supposed to go buy props stuff but cant even carry my slingbag lah. then went out in the afternoon with ahgong cos he doesnt know how to get to that place and i have to make sure he dont get lost in Singapore (: HAHA. so didnt go choral and drama. sry grp 2 ppl!

anyway i think its time for some self discipline cos i have been eating a lot of sweet stuff recently. esp when its hols, its even harder to control with the endless amt of nice snacks ahma made x) but not to worry. three cheers for sheena! i actl went jogging aft coming home. 3.2 km :D quite pleased with myself. but when i came home started to stuff myself with food again. ohno! and i just ate ferrero roche (: whatever its spelt lah. its very nice. i am pondering to get one more or not..oops! haha. and made kueh in the morning since i was super bored. my hand almost died when stirring the mixture. i hope the ache goes off tmr.

btw. we are getting back report book tmr. super scared. sigh! i hope i hit my expectation. and pondering to watch tmr c and d or not. feeling a bit slack and home sick upon thinking i will be out of home for so long. dont ask me why. i dont know too ): well.. shall see my mood then.


Sunday, October 29, 2006
-4:41 PM

hello everyone (: please click HERE for photos :D


-11:55 AM

hello. havent been updating for a few days. shall blog a bit :D

had OM meeting on friday at tianhui hse. met jo yenjin and eva at j8 before we headed for tantianhui hse and eva and i donated money to this old ppl who are preforming by the street(: then saw this hotpink hse :D so cool!! wanted to take a photo but cld not find it aft that. bleah. then walk up this super steep slope and finally see this green woman waving at us. i think u can guess who it is right. so we went in to tianhui hse and saw this cat in her hse. EVA JUMPED UPON HEARING THERE IS A CAT! omg lah. haha and tianhui was screaming half the time. then tianhui ahma provided us with lots of food. u shld have seen eva eat, she was like some hungry ghost can. then went up to attic to discuss abt OM. tianhui keeps a lot of hideous toys which she doesnt even know they existed. how horrible right! then we discuss and started eating shan zha non stp until we finished 2 packets of it, which makes it 20 rolls. i guess out of it 10 rolls was by eva. then sang karaok and got super high x) HAHA! discuss a while more and went home. tianhui aunt sent us to j8. her son is super cute :D but very shy and refuses to talk to us. ohwells.

ytd was a rather packed day. had walkathon in the morning. woke up at usual sch time and mummy sent me to sch :D was in charge of 1/8 and realised how talkative they were. but not bad. entertained me throughout the walk (: had a short chat with li ann on the bus. think she is quite nice! and she changed class with yenjin so i did duty with yenjin. oh ms teng is super cute too! she remembers me as sandy friend can! oh. when we are abt to reach the finishing line this old grandma fell down and her head was bleeding profusely lah! no one was walking with her and i think she cld not take it then fell. i almost cried can x( its so sad lah. i hope she is all right. eh dont say i am dumb. its just that i feel more for old ppl okay (: i think our batch is super cool :D we can get rly high, and its to a extend u cant imagine.

aft that went home bathe eat and headed for ny again to meet yenjin jo and sarah to buy some halloween stuff for the bbq at huifun hse. went chancery court and they dont even have so we CROSS THE ROAD to take bus to kap. finally found some there. and actl we were supposed to buy ice cream together end up i am the only one buying. saddest thing is i had to gobble down my ice cream ): do u know how sad i am YENJIN SARAH AND JOLEEN! u all shld feel guilty. so we CROSS THE ROAD again to take bus to huifun hse. and finally CROSS THE ROAD once more to get to huifun hse. see how many roads we cross. was the first few to reach aft huiying mel wiggy and rensyn. they were making some halloween dessert. waited for quite some time before we fried our rice :D i hope it was nice cos it was just some anyhow add here and there by me lynn and joleen. was laughing half the time while frying.

soon almost everyone came and we dressed up and took loads of photos. then had bbq. jomain and eva are my fellow chicken bbq mates :D spent the whole time there and i realised i am quite good :D haha fine! ate quite a lot too. got this burnt sweet corn. so sad. so i threw it away. there was like thousands of food. before we cld finish the maid bring down more..then more.. and more until we cld not finish! the marshmallow huifun made was cute :D and the chocolate cake was nice. oh THE FRIED RICE WAS GONE u know! meaning everyone ate it!yeah! i thought it taste werid but some ppl sae its nice. hah! then we played games and had loads of fun. then watched eva and clara swim in the little pool. haha. aft that jo parents sent me to the bus stp:D thank u auntie and uncle! took bus home only to realise my whole family is not aslp. quite surprising kay cos its so late alrd.

okay thats abt all! uploading photos now. shall post the url to the photos soon! ppl please wait :D

btw i just want to say ILOVE2O7'O6!


-11:55 AM

hello. havent been updating for a few days. shall blog a bit :D

had OM meeting on friday at tianhui hse. met jo yenjin and eva at j8 before we headed for tantianhui hse and eva and i donated money to this old ppl who are preforming by the street(: then saw this hotpink hse :D so cool!! wanted to take a photo but cld not find it aft that. bleah. then walk up this super steep slope and finally see this green woman waving at us. i think u can guess who it is right. so we went in to tianhui hse and saw this cat in her hse. EVA JUMPED UPON HEARING THERE IS A CAT! omg lah. haha and tianhui was screaming half the time. then tianhui ahma provided us with lots of food. u shld have seen eva eat, she was like some hungry ghost can. then went up to attic to discuss abt OM. tianhui keeps a lot of hideous toys which she doesnt even know they existed. how horrible right! then we discuss and started eating shan zha non stp until we finished 2 packets of it, which makes it 20 rolls. i guess out of it 10 rolls was by eva. then sang karaok and got super high x) HAHA! discuss a while more and went home. tianhui aunt sent us to j8. her son is super cute :D but very shy and refuses to talk to us. ohwells.

ytd was a rather packed day. had walkathon in the morning. woke up at usual sch time and mummy sent me to sch :D was in charge of 1/8 and realised how talkative they were. but not bad. entertained me throughout the walk (: had a short chat with li ann on the bus. think she is quite nice! and she changed class with yenjin so i did duty with yenjin. oh ms teng is super cute too! she remembers me as sandy friend can! oh. when we are abt to reach the finishing line this old grandma fell down and her head was bleeding profusely lah! no one was walking with her and i think she cld not take it then fell. i almost cried can x( its so sad lah. i hope she is all right. eh dont say i am dumb. its just that i feel more for old ppl okay (: i think our batch is super cool :D we can get rly high, and its to a extend u cant imagine.

aft that went home bathe eat and headed for ny again to meet yenjin jo and sarah to buy some halloween stuff for the bbq at huifun hse. went chancery court and they dont even have so we CROSS THE ROAD to take bus to kap. finally found some there. and actl we were supposed to buy ice cream together end up i am the only one buying. saddest thing is i had to gobble down my ice cream ): do u know how sad i am YENJIN SARAH AND JOLEEN! u all shld feel guilty. so we CROSS THE ROAD again to take bus to huifun hse. and finally CROSS THE ROAD once more to get to huifun hse. see how many roads we cross. was the first few to reach aft huiying mel wiggy and rensyn. they were making some halloween dessert. waited for quite some time before we fried our rice :D i hope it was nice cos it was just some anyhow add here and there by me lynn and joleen. was laughing half the time while frying.

soon almost everyone came and we dressed up and took loads of photos. then had bbq. jomain and eva are my fellow chicken bbq mates :D spent the whole time there and i realised i am quite good :D haha fine! ate quite a lot too. got this burnt sweet corn. so sad. so i threw it away. there was like thousands of food. before we cld finish the maid bring down more..then more.. and more until we cld not finish! the marshmallow huifun made was cute :D and the chocolate cake was nice. oh THE FRIED RICE WAS GONE u know! meaning everyone ate it!yeah! i thought it taste werid but some ppl sae its nice. hah! then we played games and had loads of fun. then watched eva and clara swim in the little pool. haha. aft that jo parents sent me to the bus stp:D thank u auntie and uncle! took bus home only to realise my whole family is not aslp. quite surprising kay cos its so late alrd.

okay thats abt all! uploading photos now. shall post the url to the photos soon! ppl please wait :D

btw i just want to say ILOVE2O6'O6!


Thursday, October 26, 2006
-8:26 AM

SHEENA LOVES 207 and thats the quote for life :D btw i am uploading the photos to image station. will send u all or give u all the url once i finish uploading (: sry if i am slow!

today we had our last sch day together as 207. class outings, choral and drama night and 207'06 will be history, an unforgettable memory, a beautiful story, a lovely miracle, the big impact of my life.

to all 207-ners. thank you all for being with me these 2years, to walk through the ups and downs. from the fun family days, class outings, lifeskills camp, eoy activites to the tiring and irritating sias, homeworks, exams, eoys, you all have been so much of a support i cld nv do without you all. there are just so many emotions flowing in me now but i cant express them. some things just cant be describe by words, and the fact that we are leaving is something so hard to accept, but i know its the truth and its something we have to go through in life. we just have to learn to let go so that we can soar to greater heights. but without all of you as my support, i would never reach this level to allow me to soar higher, without your support and push, i would never be able to go higher by myself. well..today this phrase kept ringing in my mind, be like the shells, accept the dirt and sand, and make them into pearls. at the beggining of sec 1 indeed all of you were like dirt and sand, i dont mean dirty or what! like things which i never came in contact before, things which i find hard to accept, but now, you are the pearls of my life. i know someday someone will take you away, you will be in some other places with others, away from me, but you see, i know there is no way to keep you to me forever, we just have to learn to let go, to learn to accept. but no matter where you are, i will always remember you this special pearl of my life...the 207 pearl.


Monday, October 23, 2006
-11:19 PM

hello :D its hari raya tmr! know what it means. TIME TO SLP TILL LATE IN THE AFT which means i can slp late tonight :D but i doubt i will..but nvm! so today feels a bit high and happy. anyway i promise i WILL get rid of those excess fats. u will never believe what i ate at night. we had a HEAVY dinner. or rather me.. cos i was feeling hungry since i didnt have time to eat in the afternoon. aft which i had loads of fruits then i big cone ice cream then milk then chocolate :D sheena is great right! HAH.

anyway today is quite a tiring day. went to sch in the morning feeling like santa claus :D then felt like a storyteller cos i was telling sandy abt my wonderful stories. aft which went for zaogong. and gave poo her present :D and delivered the k dramas to bailu for sandy and helped sandy pass the chocs to eva. wont u say i am nice! eh then went to class and check SA marks and gave seveners the little gifts. it so sad to think abt leaving 2/7 ): okay nvm! so we took OM photos aft that :D I WANT TO TAKE MORE. lilaoshi didnt allow us to take many. anti climax. nvm nxt time i will take truckloads!

went for sec 2 eoy activities with estella and realised she is retarded. and estella i wont move on so u shall not be forgiven :D 2/7 won the telematch! I LOVE 2/7!!! then then! we oso won the sandwich thing :D coolios! got third okay..not bad. btw i suddenly feel like eating tuna bread. ohno! okay shall keep myself busy with blog. eh had dance aft sch. laoshi changed some parts and kou-ed some parts. can get the feeling btr now :D quite pleased with myself.

stoned in canteen aft that while waiting for yenjin they all to come back from coro and fell asleep okay. but manage to wake up when melanie and alyssa joined me (: then we are talking abt some diet stuff. okay then sec 3 eoy activity dry run. hanjing and grace is mad! i can almost lie flat on the ground alrd and they still can jump and laugh. and biggest dare of the year, i called ms sabrina ((: melanie u ppl stp laughing at me!

went for briefing and tried out the games. FUN :D went home at abt 6. yenjin and me were laughing at some HELLO all the way out to busstp. and yenjin keep attacking me. meanwhile weiyi was all quiet. oh WEIYI I AM RLY SORRY X( then they left cos daddy was slow. so joined yushi eva and cassandra. i guessed i was rly bored i got high. and almost drove eva mad. heh. then they left too..and i waited by myself for daddy. so independent :D oh i am a SM. eva are u jealous u r just a L. hahaha!

okay on the way daddy got high and started singing to the radio. i was glad i didnt faint :D then he asked me if i was excited abt moving hse and i said yes so he asked me why. then i say cos we can do our OM props on the rooftop and we can even have stayover since i owe the whole third floor though its not big. and he was like ORDER MANAGEMENT NEED TO PROPS FOR WHAT? walao. then i told him its odyssey of the mind he gonged diao cos he dunno what issit. whatever is order management it doesnt sound fun. i love my OM more :D actl on the way home i thought abt a lot of stuff. and was quite glad i didnt give up OM (: then i started smiling to myself according to my father. ohwells. btw so dumb! could not get the big pack marshmellow. have to go somewhere else to find. and daddy is going overseas tmr ): how sad!

its so fast. 2 yrs passed just like this. come to think of it, its only 2 more officials sch day with 2/7 and a few more days till choral and drama end. its just so sad to think we are going to seperate. never am i going to see the same old faces in my class again. ohno. i got a feeling i will cry. dont laugh at me if i do! i seriously love 2/7! and i feel sad cos i didnt rly treasure in the past, at least not till these few months. i guess its because i keep thinking it still far but now its no longer far, its only 2 days, 48 hrs. sigh. this is the best 2/7 and there will never be a same 2/7 again, not one as perfect as this.


Sunday, October 22, 2006
-10:24 PM

hello :D i shall start typing in proper english as of now. i do hope i will succeed (:

it's about time to sleep. there will be sch tmr. AIYA SO HARD! GIVE UP. i shall just speak in proper eng (: okay so tues is holiday so time for sleeping again. but no dance and daddy is going overseas on that day ): how sad!

oh and guess what. i realised i cant attend sis grad night cos i will be in sch fundraising. GRAH! anyway just briefly what i did today (: woke up had breakfast. TUNA! haha :D then started folding stars cos i cant go on with my kueh thanks to ppl coming. then mummy wanted to learn so i taught her and she started folding stars as well. how young at heart :D then daddy was busy with the dvd thing. and he turned our house into a theatre. how wow! aft which he started to self entertain and sang along cos he was watching some concert stuff. i was glad the glass didnt broke :D then the ppl came and left and yeah! make kueh. so fun :D oh guess what. mummy was from choir and daddy was from ncc!! okay fine its a new discovery cos apparently mummy look like some library club ppl and daddy look like some chess club ppl to me. HAHA paiseh x)

daddy was questioning if i was okay cos he thinks there is sth wrong with me just because i stayed at home during the weekends instead of going out. whatever! and he was boasting abt his childhood life when he cld go out everyday to play soccer. whats that to boast! bleah. haha! and he encourages me to go out often just dont neglect family. almost laughed until i overturn. dont ask me why too. oh and we ordered pizzahut for lunch :D coolios! and guess what. my sister ate like MORE than me which almost scare my mum. haha! wheareas my brother didnt even eat. then then.. went to new house. i tried spelling out the name but cant cos its so hard! walked arnd and was slacking by the pool :D then went ahma house for dinner. haha THEY SAY THE KUEH IS NICE :D cheers! then came home and was packing my stuff and realised i am going to be santa claus tmr ((:

tmr is a busy day. i hope eoys activity wont end too late then i can get daddy to send me home :D oh i wil miss ahma and ahgong cos i wont see them until tues night. heh. nights ppl! sheena is going to die of fatigue tmr if she still insist on not slping!


Saturday, October 21, 2006
-11:41 PM

hello! my brain is exploding now! cos of the many EOYs activities. okay remind myself since i always come on blog. schedule are driving me mad so i shall not forget every impt thing.

mon: 830 at hall briefing for sec 2 eoys activities!
1400-1500 dance practice
1545 dry run for sec 3 eoys activities

tues: HOLIDAY :D

wed: 0645 do logistics stuff preparation for sec 3 eoy activities
1500-1800 DANCE ((:

thurs: 1630-1700 choral and drama rehersal

okay thats all the impt thing to rmb (: and mummy say friday she wants to bring me to beijing to find daddy and buy things. but i cant even find time to collect my passport. PFF! at most if she serious abt it we shall go and collect it and head for the airport immediately!

anyway today is a busy day. woke up at 8 then had breakfast and went out to settle some stuff all the way until aft. oh and sorry OM team i could not make it meeting and weiyi for not seeing ur sms and calling you ): SORRY OM TEAM! then went for lunch at kopitiam. add truckloads of food. afterwhich went shopping at NTUC. hurhur. then came home and some ppl came to see our house. and mummy watched CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY. can u believe it. but she watched until she slept. was writing the notes for seveners and finished it :D mummy was reading my notes. tsk INTRUDING OF PRIVACY! then she said i am amusing. hurhur. so wrote for like 3 hrs then we had dinner and once again i ate truckloads of food and fruit. so we decided to go out for a walk and buy some more fruits. hah! and guess what? once again, we ate sth. okay i got my lime juice :D i resisted the temptation from the doughnut. came home to watch i not stupid 2 :D laughed till i almost topple. then daddy watched movie again and i came into the room and was stuck here till now.

btw i realise mummy is quite slow. i let her guessed like 5 riddles and she cld not even get one but i know all of hers :D haha! okay gonna make kueh tmr :D have to give to quite a number of ppl cos i owe them. and tmr no slping till late again cos ppl gonna come and see our house. GRAH! thats all going to om blog now :D then slp! and fold stars tmr. haha! bye ppl :D



Friday, October 20, 2006
-10:42 PM

HEYO! i am super high now :D actl i have been high since like 7 hrs ago when dance started. because i was super tired during choral and drama rehersal. the weather was so humid i cld just walk halfway and fall flat on the ground and slp. so i started to self entertain. heh. first was in the toilet when hern got freaked out because i was playing arnd with the voices. yiyi is still the cleverest :D

then laoshi was doing the sec 1 dance so we warmed up ourselves and i realised i am not the only dead one cos everyone was feeling slack and dead then. but i manage to warm up and slack at the same time cos we were gossiping half the time :D didnt rly do warmups cos we had zao gong. only did a few datiaos and laoshi made me lianghui and zephyr be the first to jump. almost died and i was super stressed up..bleah! but she said we did it (: then she made us do the baotui thing. new blueblacks ): but i manage to bao when standing. cant find my cg when kneeling. SO IRRITATING! i shall spend my weekend finding my cg. but that will means more blueblack. OHWELLS.

dance was okay cos i was self entertaining all the while. and i guess entertain suikim jingwei and maybe yenngee and xinni as well. blahblah. i know huifang was entertained by me! and i enlightening quihan :D plus i taught hoho and lianghui okay! i feel so proud of myself :D laoshi entrusted me and huifang to teach the blow wind blow thing. but aft that we were doing our own stuff. heh. quite bad i know. but we were still practising! laoshi said i got some ganjue :D OHYEAH! but my jumps are still rubbish! but overall its a meaningful dancing day!

then went home with sandy. the journey was a crazy one. i was super high then. and i realised when we dont talk the bus is TOTALLY quiet. heh. paiseh ah. it was super dumb. we alighted at interchange then sandy said she dont know to walk home or not. so she stayed and while making her decision she started talking to me again. aft that 804 came so i asked her to take. then she say she walking home and she continued standin on the spot to talk. then 811 came and she decided she shall take bus with me. the most loser thing is SHE TOOK MY POUCH HOME! u shld have seen her waving in the bus. like the loser waving the white flag xD made me laugh like mad.

then i ate my dinner at 8+. i know i will grow fat like this but no choice, daddy needs to rush home. haha! anyway dinner was nice! then mummy was like not in the right mind, she peeled my orange for me and washed my bowls for me :D haha! and she stole my chocolate to eat! the cornflake one. grah! and she choked on the chocolate. retribution! but she didnt admit defeat and threatened to take another of my chocolate. luckily i stopped her.

oh i am making kueh on sun :D so exciting! okay and we have a packed day ahead tmr. sorry OM ppl i cant make it! and i believe this will continue happening. DUIBUQI AH (:

its the attitude that sucks if you realise. dont be a poser and think the whole world will be deceived by you. you know what. you gave me inspiration for OM because what you did seem to be "i am only thinking of you" when actually its so not. if you think by coming and asked if she is feeling all right is considered a GOOD DEED and shows you treat her as a classmate then get this straight it in your mind, you started the problem thanks to your suckup-ness and your big mouth. and pls, dont 对人不对事. whatever it is, i think BOTH of your attitude sucks. big posers. and if you dont like it, fine, ignore it. and i pray that you will get somewhere in life next time with you attitude. i am not saying i am good but at least i show respect. well i have nothing to say except its abt how you think. maybe its the love that you lack but still, show some respect to ppl who deserve it.. and stp those vulgarities, its DISGUSTING!


Thursday, October 19, 2006
-10:13 PM

okay just had a major big conversation with CHUAHERNHERN. i think hernhern is quite enlightening a person lah :D and i am sorry everyone i used to label! eh i am rly apologetic okay. and i shall start the no-labelling campaign! and be infuential! if u let me catch u labelling i will council u on why u shld not until u stop labelling so u better stp labelling everyone. whether issit erhem (hern u know :D) or any other names u give to ppl!

okay so today was just another day. sec1 eoys activities was better thanks to the debrief ytd which brought up many problems for us to reconsider. everything was fun :D then me sarah and yenjin gorge down our food just to rush for drama cos they pushed it forward last minute. almost choked on the bread can! and sarah.. u shld not talk behind yenjin back xD tsk! haha. yenjin from today onwards i shall not call u chicken anymore! arent u glad :D then drama was all okay and mrs chitra was hilarious. aft which we had break and err..lots of things happen aft that. shall not say too much.

i am sorry if there was much trouble caused and there was even some wavering of decisions because of me. i know its a team thing. and the problem now is i dont know what is holding me back. maybe like what tianhui said, i think i am feeling something like her. well..who wont want a straight A? but its not totally academics that is stopping me, there is council, dance and my outside stuff as well. partly stress is causing the problem. because like what tianhui say.. our parents are not having high expectations, they are giving us freedom. and when u have too much freedom, you do not wish to disappoint them, thats why i set high expectations on myself, and this is partly holding me back. i know u may say at least i am free and yeah, i do think so too, thats why i dont know if i shld be appreciative of that or what. but i rly dont wish to disappoint them, and of course, the goals i set for myself. not only that, stress on the other hand is giving me trouble because it seem so huge if i am to take this nxt year considering we have project work as well, and there are many other things we have to fight for next year. i know you all will always be there for me, and thats what makes me most scared of. because u are always there, i feel very bad when i could not make it for something. esp when nxt yr its the dance exam, i guess my weekends are almost packed. and sch days recess and lunches are high chances of being unavailable, plus aft sch we practically do not have a common day to meet, even considering we may not be together like this yr where we have still have common times free. but still, i rly enjoyed this whole process, thats why i am still having second thoughts now. i rly want to do it, but i dont want to be there like a statue doing nth while u all are striving so hard just because of my own stuff when all of us do have our own stuff to do. and once again..sorry everyone for today. i know it caused much disturbance.

btw just to thank yenjin and weiyi for being there :D not forgetting jo for ur sweet tag! and eva for the "we will be there for you and we will help you if you rly cannot make it" in the canteen and the call just now. btw sry eva ): not forgetting sarah for ur attempts to make me laugh and tianhui for being there with me since u r the one who is facing almost the same trouble as me. XIEXIENIMEN for accepting whether i go or not. but i guess my decision is made. no matter what. its not the decision that matters to me now, its this whole thing i went through that i rly treasure. whats in the future i will not say much but i rly thank this whole thing for happening because at least i found true friends from this :D ILOVEALLOFYOU! i mean it okay.


Wednesday, October 18, 2006
-8:47 PM

heyo! so once again i am super slpy. well i am always slpy but once i lie on the bed. i get super awake. grah!

anyway today is a interesting day :D it wasnt even like a school day okay! early in the morning sat in the canteen with sandy as usual but she was SO DEAD. so i survived my time with my milo. then went for zaogong :D super closed. cant even stretch and balance properly..then i got damn pissed. pff! i hope tmr will be a btr day (:

tantianhui didnt come today. not sure if she came aft that but its so weird cos i didnt see her FOR THE WHOLE DAY! tianhui get well soon (: so yeah. we had the sec 1 eoys games. 1/2 was good :D haha! the monitress is super funny! even yenjin agrees. but overall 1/2 was good :D i hope 1/1 is as good tmr. then we had debrief and wonglianghui dirtied my skirt with her curry. i hope its washable or i will whack lianghui! and estella was crazy she started this emergent thing, i think our geog is good :D

so yeah. then we went upstairs and played cards and stuff. i almost fell aslp thx to the heat. but luckily they saved me in time :D cos we went down for lunch! oh btw is quite pathetic cos theres only me yenjin estella grace liuyi lynn and sarah cos we didnt go for the binnale thing. but our time was spent very well cos u will be so jealous if we tell u what we did!

yeps so we ate lunch and TADA! big news of the day! we met dailaoshi in G.O so we asked her for permission to go SAC cos we were so super bored! and she allowed :D so me yenjin estella grace and sarah went to SAC! all for ourselves okay! until 2 sec 4s came in and refuse to leave. i admit i was damn pissed but ohwells. as long as they dont bother me. wanted to slp there but the XBOX manage to catch my attention. estella is super dumb when playing car racing. i almost laughed until i rolled off the chair! then we played bridge and estella was amused by my intelligence :D haha! yenjin almost rolled off the big five stone when we were playing with SOME names. heh! shall not reveal too much. finally! time to go back class. aww so sad ):

then was rotting half the time in class so me sarah and huifun played cards. and bernice joined and her BEGINNER LUCK made her win all the game! pff! then huifun and sarah left then liwen and zihui came and played cards again! was laughing like mad throughout the whole thing. i think liwen is super amusing :D haha! then i folded some stars and went home with sandy :D okay end of the day. btw i had nice dinner :D okay bye!


Tuesday, October 17, 2006
-10:27 PM

hello blog. i want to slp now so i will leave soon :D dont be sad. so..we got back our la and sci. as expected. la was like a BIG FLOP of chunk. well i expected it. i didnt know why i cld laugh when i told tianhui my unseen marks. maybe i was so prepared (: ohwells. la pulled me down a lot cos its double weightage. me and tianhui were just wondering why cant it be maths that is double. OHWELL! science was still okay :D better than what i wanted. phew. but still..LA U BIG KILLER. my languages suck. and from this u can conclude i am a blockhead person cos i cant do those non-practise stuff like languages. well i guess i just have to speak more :D so i shall start speaking non stp to improve. RUBBISH LAH! hah.

then we had c and d practise. quite screwed lah x) i dont think anyone will understand what we are doing and apparently eva cant stp laughing when she sees me. whatever! i just hope we do well on the day itself. afterall its the last class thing we will have ):

then played taiti and cheat with toottoad liwen and huiying. quite funny lah. THUMPTHUMP. haha. thats the sound of my heartbeat :D

after that headed for dance. SAVE FROM THE HAZE! the haze almost killed me okay. i cld have died from coughing. so i bought nice candies to save me tmr :D dance was okay like usual. but i perspired today. dont ask me why cos i normally dont. heh. and the jumps almost killed my knee and made them turn jelly. laoshi kept emphasising SHOU SHANG DE REN YAO XIAO XIN. haha its not liek some major stuff. but still..poor knee u btr heal by friday cos i cld not do the kneeling and baotui thing thanks to u because u needed a knee guard and the knee guard made me slip. pfff! then snrs came. xiaoxinying came too :D i ran before she cld catch me. HAH! or else she will start nagging again. and i think hoho is damn cool okay. just look at her stunts and ur jaws will drop. hah.

then went home with sandy! she was sitting at the swing and to think she cld sit there when the haze was so bad. the journey on the bus was crap. i dont know why i was so hyper than i started becoming super rubbish-y. but we ended up slping x) ohwells. then went home and coughed non stp till now. SHOO HAZE SHOO!

tmr we have the sec 1 eoy activity. pls let everything go well. haze pls leave! come back at 10:30 when the activity end. and the few of us helping will be rotting from 10+ to 2 in the canteen cos the class will be going for some art binnale. ohwells. i shall just fold my pretty stars and slp :D okay time to slp. goodnights everyone!


Monday, October 16, 2006
-9:43 PM

hello ): i am disappointed with my CHINESE marks!! grr. i feel like slapping myself. cos i rly did badly okay. REALLY BADLY! luckily geog manage to save some of my confidence (: but i think i will cry tmr for la and science lah. YENJIN TIANHUI AND WEIYI. those who always sit with me must prepare tissue paper or maybe even a pail for me to collect my tears. bleah!

anyway today is a super hazy day. almost died. i was coughing nonstp. grr. at this rate i think i will never recover. oh btw the blueblack on my knee is getting from bad to worse. and those on my back as well. bleah. and theirs dance tmr. but nvm. anything is worth it for dance :D dont u think i am so sacrificial!

yeah so stupid haze spoilt our mood and we didnt rly practise for choral and drama. luckily tmr we are meeting mrs chitra so we will at least get sth done. and it also cancelled our run through for sec1 eoys. grah! i hope nth goes wrong on wed. but they may do it tmr. then will miss dance? ohno.ohwells ):

so thats basically all. oh shihui made cookies for us (: THANKYOU SHIHUI! i didnt eat it yet. heh. but it looks nice :D and i am going to make kueh this week for stupid toot toad and maybe a few others? see my mood lah. HAHA! and i conclude toot toad is really toot from the quarrel i had with her this morning. lala! then aft sch i waited for twinnie and was folding stars. then we went to macs cos she was hungry and that was when she realised our sch sell macaroni. how fast -.- and we saw MR REIS THERE :D so cool. haha. i was practically laughing when i saw him. oops. heh. anyway HAPPY BIRHTDAY WEIYI!!!

okay heres some photo i missed out that day :D

twinnie's attempt to take a secret shot of me BUT I FOUND OUT and SHE FAILED :D
and we got bored and started playing bollywood game.
dont say we are dumb! its just that boredom do drive ppl to madness. anyway bollywood is cute okay!


Saturday, October 14, 2006
-8:06 PM

hello everyone i am blogging now :D okay quite dumb but i am very excited cos I JUST CHANGED MY SKIN!! haha. and guess what? eoys are OVER! yes OVER!!! cheerios ((:

now lets see. i shall just breifly talk abt the day out with sandy on....wednesdae? haha okay it was just this horrible day. u can go read abt it on sandy blog (: i shall post a few pics we took that day :D

this is our lunch at pastamania. its the biggest wrong move of the day to order the CREAMY CHICKEN! we almost died eating cos its so filling we almost puked x) so... this is MY plate aft like 15 min? and this is... sandy's plate aft like half an hour? so from this u can infer sheena is powerful :D cos she can finish so much faster. and btw. this is a note to sandy: I AM NOT LIKE UR MOTHER! okay then more photos (: this is at the end of the day when we are at np macs (: as u can see. sandy is alrd half dead and i am still hyper. this again supports the statement SHEENA IS POWERFUL :D look at this corncup and apple dipper meal. its no ordinary meal okay! cos it shows the love of reena (the service ambassdor of np macs) to us (: she charged us at $1 each when its $2.50! haha dont be jealous (:
OH STH FUNNY HAPPEN AT MACS! cos we were beside this table of pres high girls who were...erhem. u know? then three guys came and the nicest looking one among them wanted to biaobai to one of the 5 girls. so me and sandy was guessing who issit but its so hard to guess. DONT SAY WE ARE MEAN OKAY! but its just quite impossible. and guess what? the one they biaobai to is....the last one we say will ever get biaobai-ed. hurhur. fine we shld nv judge a book by its cover. haha dont u think this picture is so ARTISTIC?? its taken by me (: so we decided to take super gay photos and this is our floating image (: dont u think its so gay and cool :D

okay thats all. oh we took back our papers alrd. maths and history. SATISFACTORY :D i hope my 4 other papers wont die. i think me and chicken will freak out tmr upon receiving chinese and geog. oh btw! CCA OFFICIALLY START and now we have zaogong. yeah (: we will be doing ba gans in the dance studio in the morning now. so cool :D i love dance! yeahyeah!!! okay now some interesting photo. okay this is sandy wishful thinking that my brother loves her so she put her photo over my sis head. actl i dont see whats so cute abt my bro that she and eva loves him so much.
dont u think these two pictures are cool! yenjin sent it to me :D i think its super amazing cos the spiderman and crayon are all paintings on the floor and they look so real! cool :D











nycd :D


nycd sec3'o7
cf dance

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