Thursday, November 30, 2006
-10:12 PM

HELLO BACK FROM CHALET :D i looooooooooveeeeeeee chalet!

so first day early in the morning I woke up and lug my chalet stuff to sch. i feel super super cos i had a fat round slingbag on my shoulders then another shoebag in my hand and hugging my sleeping bag (: my mum say i look okay though. then i helped a blind man up the bus and the bus driver smiled at me :D haha! okay kind of high once i think abt chalet. then had dance and eh..OFF TO CHALET!

went to kap to eat then took a bus to the mrt station. guess we cant rly go out as a big grp cos we are super noisy and we pissed loads of ppl off! we did grocery shopping in less than 15 mins. i think dancers are rly good shoppers (: haha! but we missed the bus by THAT LITTLE. pff. then took cab to chalet. got stuck to the sofa as we watch STICK IT :D nice! then bathe and ordered pizza and EATING time (: haha shall skip all the details lah. some things are better kept unsaid (: haha dumb. i loveeeeee my roomates! jialing hern bailu coreen liwen amanda siming and teoying :D gossip gossip. heh. i think we can be gossipers nxt time if we cant find a job. CHOY! haha. but still..its fun. now i have YOUR secrets and you have MINE. tsktsk. slept in slping bag and got harrassed by jialing. noisy pokk. and thank you amanda for giving up your pillow for me (: yeah!

second day we woke up and prepared breakfast!! had bread, kaya, nice milo and some old and wrinkled hotdogs xD haha initial plan was to go swimming BUT..due to many many reasons it was cancelled. so we ended up being the breakfast maker :D and i am a good water boiler! oh btw. i think microwaving hotdogs are cool as we see them on the verge of EXPLODING :D haha!
then snrs woke up and off to ESCAPE! this time we were in time for the shuttle bus but GUESS WHAT? the bus dont allow standing so we still didnt get to take it. fine then... and the nxt bus is like 1 hr later? so we walked out in hope of taking the bus but no bus stp was in sight. ended up in a maxi cab. quite cool (: there was a tv and it was screening rob b hood. hah!

escape!! i was the sec 1 nice snr cum nanny :D so nice right! hah fine. i admit i am timid i dare not take many rides thats why. but u cant blame me! its btr i be a nice nanny and bond with them then end up as a jellyfish or crybaby right. and i dont want to end up fainting or puking. so first! we went into the haunted hse. brave amanda took the lead. then all of us scream for nth. whether scary or not. aft which took FERRIS WHEEL :D its cool okay. took with siming. and we were like so spacious but teoying said hers was crammed? then eh..we played go kart! my driving skills are not bad :D but my parking skills are kind of lousy. erhem..heh. anyway we just had loads of fun. and i got many toys in return (: well whether its cos the sec 1s love me or they dont want the toys, i feel so touched! now my sis and bro are playing with the toys. aft that we just kept playing and then BUMPERBOAT! got sprayed and attacked till i got wet. grah! cos the jnrs all hid behind me. but nvm.. i attacked hern shuhui bailu jialing and even liwen! or coreen too. practically everyone :D

soon..go home time. snrs went to pasir ris to bike and we wanted to go to tanah merah but dreams were shattered thanks to the shuttle bus which went off again! PISSED WITH SHUTTLEBUS! so we took cab because we decided not to bike anymore. went back loads of food. cheryl and eugena almost finished one full pack of wan wan. jialing is another one. then had pizza. i ate the nice crust that ho didnt want. and this is when hern came up with her milo bread. tsk! so we bathe! and ended up laughing while watching yu le bai fen bai. super funny (: sec 3s came back then and went out for swim except jingwei. haha! watched uptown girls from 6 to 7 and had cup noodles. nice eh :D then we kouped the fruits. cos we were super hungry. watched tian wai fei xian and bailu shuhui soon had to leave. aft which project superstar. eh its quite fun watching it with ppl of our age. but i think me and jialing were kind of noisy cos even amanda and siming shhh us. not to say hern -.- and liwen was just..quiet! coreen went home... btw its fun coaching her maths (: then we watched this 9 o clock show and i got bored and started building stuff with mahjong (: quite nice okay!

got bored aft that so we went to bowl since we had one free game so go for fun lor. for the 1st time in my many yrs after being a lousy bowler who always have her ball in drain..i bowled again. NOT BAD LEH (: then eh.. went back.. eat..cleared up and stuff.. and slp. cos super tired from escape. haha got quite high so me and jialing started entertaining each other and ended up laughing non stp.

in the morning alarm rang but too lazy to wake up so slept till like 8+ but we still make it in time. had breakfast then cleared up and tada! check out. quite sad ): and i didnt help out much for breakfast. sorry ppl xD cos i woke up late.

because it was still early..we went to changi airport and i think we rly qualify as a tourist with all our bags. went to the viewing that what you call it? chit head off for terminal 1 for the turn right and turn left food court. guess what i eat? GUESS LAH! its...yu pian mi fen again!! and hern? guess... its yu pian tang+rice again! haha. fine kind of stupid but i realise we always eat that at food court. but its nice what. except this fish is SWEET. rly sweet! even hern and amanda say so. siming think its okay though O.o

watched performance at the people theatre. i am sry but i slept for the first half. then interval we got free food :D super hungry. wanted to leave but decided to be nice. even xiaoxinying they all left okay! then second half we spent our time playing game and disturbing LIWEN X) HAHAH! jialing dad sent me and bailu home (: nice! her dad is super funny.. okay. and we were observing the clouds while telling the story of tian wai fei xian. thats all!

I LOVE DANCE CHALET! and all the people who went (: even if you didnt stay! i want another chalet!! i hope there is more ppl though. but if there is only like this..i wont mind again (: not as if we cant survive. we had truckloads of fun as well! just that the cost is a bit erhem..haha. but the more the merrier :D

okay super to slp cos there is dance tmr!


Saturday, November 25, 2006
-4:45 PM

HELLO :D just changed my url since i had some inspiration. i think the word fahrenheit sounds cool :D its actually some degree of measurement or sth like this. just happen to come by this word. think it sounds chim so erhem.. HAHA (:

dance chalet is coming! yeah :D actually i dont know what to blog so goodbye. just very excited. off to eat more food now! cos daddy bought 2 more boxes of ice cream. so i currently have 2 tubs+ 2 boxes of ice cream (:

okay shall go and enjoy food and listen to nice songs (: GOODBYE!


Thursday, November 16, 2006
-10:01 PM


yeah sheena is happy sheena is high! but she herself also dont know why! eh it sorts of rhyme. COOL (:

haha self amusement! anyway! CLASS ALLOCATION IS OUT :D got into same class as tianhui huiying clara and lydia siewying. OH! and lianghui cherylHO and coreen (: so cool! 5 dancers and 4 counsillors cos melanie is in the same class. poo and eugena got into same class as sandy! our neighbours :D

anyway all i can say is CCA IS NICE :D <33333

GOODBYES. off to sleep now so that i can wake up in time for cca tmr :D and we are going to vivo. STEPUP HERE WE COME!


Wednesday, November 15, 2006
-9:52 PM

GRAH! i am having this stupid headache now. i hope it goes off tmr. PLEASE ):

so anyway. a fulfilling day. woke up at 5+ in the morning FOR CHUAHERNHERN because she wants us (me jialing bailu) to reach sch early to help her with her backwalk. so in the midst of my halfawakeness i reach sch at 7.30! which is like half an hour earlier. how wld i know the bus uncle wld drive so fast and there wld be no jam right! luckily hern came at 7.50 to save me from the boredom :D

then jialing came soon and we warmed up. felt super tired..and jialing started dragging me round the dance studio ON MY BUTT. poor butt. a while more and it wld have caught fire. and guess what. i yawned 20 times for the whole day in sch! jialing say it is due to lack of oxygen but it doesnt rly make sense considering the fact that there was only 3 of us in studio and i dont yawn as much when more ppl are arnd.

anyway! not the point. so we warmed up and as u know..our intention was to help hern with her backwalk. but ended up jialing had much more accomplishment then her cos she needed LOTS OF MENTAL PREPARATION and dunno what lah. i almost fell aslp while holding the mat for her. bailu was much more cleverer. came later at 8.30 like that when hern just started to go down her FIRST yao. (she was supposed to start at 8 okay!)

then hern had this gibberish string of word. some WOBUGEIYI thing lah. and i think hern is becoming more and more like a 6 yr old kid! jialing is 9. i am 12 :D and yiyi is 15! haha i think bailu qualifies for 18!

soon aft laoshi came and help hern. well laoshi is afterall laoshi. hern manage to flip over.

then we had dance. dance dance and dance and finally dance ended. which is quite sad ): then went for om meeting. i was quite unproductive. sorry ppl ): then wanted to go back to studio but realised i promised sandy to go home. so went home with her and on the bus we were talking abt a lot of stuff. some were quite dumb though xD example is her attempt to know what chue kueh is. AIYA dunno how to spell. i realised sandy is quite deprived of knowledge on food names.

then we went to the food court and spent half an hour there just to finish a meal. after which walked home. u shld have seen two of us. we were super pathetic. thanks to the stomach that was going to burst anytime and the buckle felt like it cld just fly out and hit someone's face lah!

stupid headache is killing me shall go and slp before i end up feeling sick and miss dance tmr ): I WANT DANCE!!


Monday, November 13, 2006
-9:14 PM

HEYO! first i want to say sth. MY OM GRP PPL! i am super sorry but the proposal tianhui send is like.. i dunno how to start x) so u all can do a bit then send back to me and i will do it on wed since i cant use com tmr. can? AIYA SORRY AH! i will do the final one. i promise :D HAH!

okay had dance for the past few days. sat and sun went back to cf to practise for the nxt week dance thing at HWACHONG! dont ask me why we are going there. anyway i dont rly mind where issit as long as there is food :D and i dont think they are so cheapo it means nice food (: btw applause for me i learnt 2 dances in less than 1 hr (: cheerios! and i can spin my shoujing now. at least it is not as horrible xD then ended up with blueblack on knees. its rly horrible. cos before the poor blueblack cld heal, i have to kneel again. so i doubt they will ever heal. i just hope it does not worsen.

then had dance in ny today ((: woke up with this super bad flu that made me use up almost 2 packs of tissue. met sandy and went to sch together. oh dont scream but i ate 2 baos for breakfast xD haha dont say i am horrible okay cos they are so puny small and cute and NICE! its from this famous stall.. so yeah. took bus then talk a lot! not even a single second of peace. but it helps in making me forget abt the flu. thank you sandy :D HAHA!

after which went for dance and i was holding a tissue in my hand when dancing. so u can imagine how bad it is right! i think i am super horrible today. VERY UNHAPPY with my standard today. as in..i am not good but i think i am super bad today. tmr i shall do super seriously. put in 200% effort!! i hope the flu stops cos it made me unable to dance properly. BLEAH! i feel damn bad to laoshi ): but i think laoshi is super nice :D haha! fine i always say that..BUT SHE IS NICE WHAT!

then nice sandy waited for me cos dance ended 1 hr later. heh sorry ah sandy. went for lunch at northpoint. oh then we were talking abt stupid stuffs on the bus. HAHA EASTERTUNABUN x) stupid peacock and his neopets.

anyway LUNCH! walked one round arnd the food court. almost died there thanks to sandy which knows ZERO things abt noodles. believe it or not she does not know what MEEPOK is. what a big POK! hah and as expected. we ended up at macs. got the shock of my life and almost died of heart attack when we finish buying our food. shall not elaborate much but feel lucky i didnt drop the ice cream. then i was nice and help sandy finish 2 of her nuggets and she was being mean by trying to scare me because i cld see no one behind me! grr..

anyway then we walk walk and got cold and decided to go home. bought doughnuts home for ppl to eat :D so nice right! and we saw super cool bread. HAH! i shall try the apple puff thing someday (: yeah the flu is not as bad now! but RIGHT! it always comes in the morning and gone at night. if only dance is at night. AIYA! okay off to help mummy with some stuff. BYE :D


Thursday, November 09, 2006
-9:20 PM


super tired now. actually i dont know if its dance that is making me so tired cos i just keep sleeping the whole day and for the past few days i have been feeling super slpy. like as long as no one is talking to me the first thing that comes to my mind is SLP! and i just slept for like2 hrs and i feel like slping again. OHNO!

actually its not dance fault since dance is so fun and nice :D didnt lian gong for these few days. mostly did dui xing. so COOL. cool as in cool and COLD.. almost freeze to death these two days. but still..i love dance (: yeah!

anyway i am super pissed with the clinic! cheat me! cos ytd we went to check the opening time since ahma had to go see a doctor. then it shows 0800-1230, 1400-1600, 1900-to some timing lah. then on the door they paste SO SMALL a piece of paper saying not open on tues wed and thurs night. SO CHEATER! made us go there all the way. sorry ahma ): so to say sorry went with her today aft dance (:

oh twinnie is back from chalet. and btw lianghui has a stinky skirt x( so yeah! sandy was nice accompanied me to see the TIME for the clinic opening and i was nice i walked home with her :D

cannot take it alrd! VERY TIRED. shall end here. dance everyday nxt wk (: WHEE! bye!


Tuesday, November 07, 2006
-9:25 PM

HELLOOOO :D okay i am very happy now cos i just ate A chocolate. the point is i ate A chocolate so not a lot (: and secondly chocolate makes u happy :D well at least chocolate dont require SHAKING! right hernhern??

not much happen today. felt sleepy the whole day so kept eating to keep myself awake. ended up eating a lot of fruits (: but its good! lots of dietry fibre to prevent constipation that may lead to poison due to too much toxic :D HAH!

so had dance early in the morning. once again the journey was SOOO SOOO LOONG and cold even though i wore pe shirt! then listening to the slow music and the jam was sooo sooo loong! luckily i wasnt late (: elmo didnt take the bus! AWW. haha fine. but i took the same bus as this hci guy which i took bus with ytd. i think he looks a bit weird xD fine sry ppl! not meant to be impolite.

then went into dance studio and WOOOSH! the aircon came dashing into my face. soooo coooold! plus we only did dui xings so erm...get to wear jacket the whole day. LUCKILY! cherylhoho almost froze. u shld have hear her talk. so amusing :D

oh laoshi talked to us abt quite some stuff today. well i dont know what to say. cos i do have attitude at times too so its not anyone fault to blame as to the behavior cos u cant rly control urself when u r pissed right. all i want to say is learn from the mistake and POOPOO. dont be sad anymore :D everyone wld get accuse some times in their life. its just a part of life. as long as we know you are not the one..its okay :D and i believe laoshi do as well. so dont cry anymore (: i think laoshi is a very..SPECIAL and err.. i dunno what to use..shen sheng? person. somewhat she always make me think through her words and learn sth from it though they are just simple words and happenings in life. and i think ny has a lot of shen sheng ppl who always make me think through my actions. ppl like ms yeo, laoshi, and sometimes friends as well (: like hern -.- and err.. tianhui and others! and its quite sad to know so many teachers are leaving. like MS YEO! oh gosh. and one day we leave laoshi as do we survive ):

aft dance walked to the bus stp with the two chuas. hernhern decided to walk cos she drank A SMALL CAN OF GUAVA JUICE. rubbish right? and now according to her she is EATING MILO powder. i think that is sth quite wrong with her mind. then poor yiyi had to cross the bridge alone as i get tortured by hern cos she sae i am soft and started pinching me like a RUBBER DUCK. aft a while..we saw SOME ppl walking towards us and up the bridge and HEH! shall not elaborate. its not nice to do that (: just some gossipy stuff.

haha okay! aft that went home. eat and eat and eat until now and i am going to slp soon! GOODNIGHTS :D


Monday, November 06, 2006
-9:17 PM

HELLOOO :D sheena is officially very excited now! haha cos today is an interesting and full of happenings day (: shall we start from EARLY in the morning since i am so bored now!

so early in the morning sheena was the first to wake up :D so cool right! then i changed and made my own breakfast! MILO (: haha fine nth great. aft that went to grandparents hse with parents to send siblings there, then they sent me to interchange. board the bus and sat on the cooold cooold bus. luckily my jacket was there :D survived with the help of my beloved mp3. then saw ELMO on the bus :D haha fine elmo is just so cute aft sandy decided to name elmo elmo, HAH :D i know my eng is chim! but apparently elmo didnt see me x( aww! haha kidding.

then went for dance. quite surprised to see it open before official cca time (: btw ah! i got my subject combi :D okay out of point. then had dance. almost died cos i had no strength and dont say i am lousy but my back and hands are still aching from LAST FRIDAY! like omg. so during lian gong i almost collapse.

aft which stayed in studio until 12+. then had a SHORTSHORT chat with laoshi cos hern wants to tell sth. laoshi knows i am a laoda o.O so cool! haha. she say i sound like i am talking to my little sis when i talk to hern and jialing about locking the door x) i am so gentle! then took 170 to bugis to get OUR leotard and tights (: super urgent! luckily we cld make it there or i will die considering there are dance almost everyday and its raining :D so on the train we were gossiping.. and gossiping.. and abt some COURT stuffs x) HAHA!

guess what. exciting thing of the day. sheena dropped her wallet with $80++ ON THE BUS! surprisingly i wasnt like on the verge of crying or fainting and i was quite calm and steady :D except i called the lost and found center 20+times. but still..luckily we found my wallet back! thank you hern and jialing for accompanying me x) HAHA! and of course..BUS UNCLE! i love you!!!

then we walked in the rain to raffles hospital for lunch. did some rly stupid stuff on the road, shall not elaborate. all of us ended up eating fish slice beehoon/rice/meesuah instead of what we wanted. and i realised its nice :D then walked over to golden landmark and got our tights! the short one :D so fun! hern decided to get one as well when we tempt her to buy. and i think the small changing room is damn cool. considering it can hold 2 person at one go (:

aft which walked our way to stageimage. went to cheers to get some stuff and realised hern is so YOUNG AT HEART she is eating gummies. then walked and saw this map. and once again, the laoda solve the mystery of the map. i shall not tell you how slow the 2 clever ppl beside me all the while were.. so we walked.. and walked.. and yeah! STAGE IMAGE. its super small...squeeze our way in, then to the toilet...then all the way out. aiya practically squeezing all way through. hern and jialing got their leotard custom made there while i decided to go back to costume shop. not that stage image is not good but i cant wait anymore :D so heh!

walk and walk, then realised didnt help yiyi asked, so walk back. met liying and fengjun there..then left aft buying yiyi tights, then walked into this gigantic toy shop that is super cool and cute :D to think we actl were attracted by NEW BORN BABIES toys. and i finally realised how mature i am seeing the 2 child-in-the-heart girls beside me. tsk

then walked, and saw this nice flip flops. wanted to each get a pair but didnt. suddenly i feel liek having it! nvm. lets go buy it when they need to collect their leotards. so we walked and walked back to costume shop and two of them helped me choose several INTERESTING leotards. tried like 1001 and finally settled with this so called interesting loopsided one. hah! then walked to station and took train and FINALLY HOME :D

then i told my grandparents and parents abt my wonderful experience and as expected their reaction was HUH O.O UR WALLET? BACK OR NOT. hah (: and so sheena is happy and ate truckloads of food and now i am off to slp! dance tmr (: laoshi sae doing dui xing so shld be not as tough..and quite fun. ohwells! NIGHTS PPL (: sheena is happy!


Friday, November 03, 2006
-11:33 PM

i dunno what to say..there is too much for me to say. all i want is to dedicate this song to 2o7'o6. thanks for leaving me with so much beautiful memories..i never cried so badly before. not even during p6. i guess its because, you all have been such a miracle to me. this is for you, 2o7..

Every now and then
We find a special friend
Who never lets us down
Who understands it all
Reaches out each time you fall
You're the best friend that
I've found
I know you can't stay
A part of you will never ever go away
Your heart will stay

I'll make a wish for you
And hope it will come true
That life would just be kind
To such a gentle mind
If you lose your way
Think back on yesterday
Remember me this way
Remember me this way
Remember me this way

I don't need eyes to see
The love you bring to me
No matter where I go
And I know that you'll be there
Forever more apart of time, you're everywhere
I'll always cares

I'll make a wish for you
And hope it will come true
That life would just be kind
To such a gentle mind
If you lose your way
Think back on yesterday
Remember me this way
Remember me this way
Remember me this way

And I'll be right behind your shoulder watching you
I'll be standing by your side and all you do
And I won't ever leave
As long as you believe
You just believe

I'll make a wish for you
And hope it will come true
That life would just be kind
To such a gentle mind
If you lose your way
Think back on yesterday
Remember me this way
Remember me this way
Remember me this way











nycd :D


nycd sec3'o7
cf dance

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