Tuesday, December 26, 2006
-8:46 PM

I HATEEEEEEE FEVER! pff. i am so pissed now. cos my head feel so heavy and my feet feel so cold. actually right! i was okay this morning cos i slept aft i finished breakfast for like 3 hrs? and i didnt on the fan+i covered myself with a thick thick blanket. so i sort of recovered. at least the temp was normal -.- although my voice still didnt come back and my flu still went on. it was until aft i bathe when the fever came back. GRAH! my grandparents say cos its super cold and i went to bathe+ i havent fully recover. aiya shld have known to set to the HIGHEST temp since it had been raining the whole day. but I AM STILL PISSED! cos not only it didnt recover, i have headache too.

i really hate falling sick on holidays! time to enjoy yet i am staying in bed.

and thanks to the fever i didnt go for dance. as in..well! i may not be dancing for countdown but i want to go and learn the dance. as to why i am not dancing i shall say later. the point is! i WAS supposed to go and learn but the stupid fever stopped me.

okay now as to why i am not dancing is because ytd while we were having our bbq (which i didnt get to eat much! pff) my dad suddenly mention abt the firework display thing at dunno where and so the whole family decided to go there and go for a countdown together. not very nice of me to turn the whole family down right cos i remembered last yr i oso didnt go out with them for countdown cos we had some activity in cf xD and moreover my aunt+whole family, my uncle, my cousin, my family, and my GRANDPARENTS are going. its my grandparents okay! its so seldom they will go out with us. so i manage to get suikim to take over me. yeah and thats how the story end. i am SO SORRY i cant go anymore x(

and right! i think its from the standing too much ytd and the walking too much the day before, my aching muscles are no longer aching but are suan now. suan to the extend i cant even slp at night. like..you know! aiya u have to feel it yourself. so i cant jump properly now. maybe they rly dont wish me to dance huh..go against me. now i even have difficulty balancing at times, like might just lean back anytime. GRR! nvm. i will make sure i recover before friday, so i can dance hudie (:

my parents are asking me not to go tmr -.- they say i will spread the GERMS to my fellow dancemates, and if i rly dont recover i cant even go for dance on fri. which means i will miss hudie!! cos they say the weather is cold, so i shld not run abt+ dancing will worsen it when i jump. BUT THEN! suikim cant make it, and they have to do dui xing, so i shld go stand a place..and i really want to learn qianhong! so PEOPLE! PRAY FOR ME THAT I RECOVER KAY :D okay off to rest! bye :D


Saturday, December 23, 2006
-8:24 AM

hello there everyoneeee :D i am not aching as much anymore. YEAH!

anyway i see a kind of boring day ahead of me xD cos there is no dance today, and i have settled all my christmas days gift so i have practically nth to be busy abt. except my commonwealth but i decided to do it aft christmas (:

anyway we had dance ytd so i woke up EARLY in the morning just to go to sch :D so exciting cos its like ages since i step into dance studio for dance, and plus the fact i am aching all over i have to give spare time for me to travel xD so all alone and independent (because mummy refuse to fetch me to sch for her slping time) i survive my way to NANYANG GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOL :D its so irritating okay cos i was carrying my jacket, bag, and my christmas gifts up the bus then i cld not walk RLY properly so ppl were looking at me, grah!

then aft a long walk, i finally reach DANCE STUDIO :D had difficulty moving arnd cos of the steps, and cant even do a proper split. pff! but then, i was the one of the lucky 20 of the day :D in fact i am the first! HAH HAH HAH! thank you suikim for the little goodie bag :D

so as usual we were joking all the way before dance officially start and we shared our WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE of camp with everyone :D bailu said i gained muscles. YEAH! i loveeee camp <3 you know i was just thinking, if we didnt break camp one day earlier, which means we break camp at thurs like the beginning plan, we wld most probably be dead during dance.

then laoshi told us to train ppl like bailu with our camp stuffs! HAH HAH HAH :D and we tried that. bailu face turned red like tomato xD i dont know why okay! but laoshi keep saying i am small! when actually i am almost same height as coreen and she claims that coreen is tall! hmph. but nvm. small is cute :D haha! and laoshi gave us chocolates to eat, YEAH!

aft dance me wongliang poo bailu and jialing headed off to kap for lunch :D dance in afternoon was cancelled cos the debate ppl wanted to use it. so anyway, we went there and chit chat for like 1 hr+? i still cant get over poo's scenerio question! eww.

okay i am going for breakfast alrd. and this is to complete rebecca wish. REBECCA is a GAY! :D okay bye!


Wednesday, December 20, 2006
-11:17 PM


yeah even though its tough and tiring both physically and mentally, and like we were in pain or down in morale and stuff..we still did it! AS A WHOLE COUNCIL :D

there is just soo much to say, i really cant express my feelings..i am just so high now. its like..camp has inspired me so much (that i am willing to not slp just to blog abt it though my eyelids are closing) and made me feel so much..its just this rush of feeling that goes VOOM inside me..excitement, happiness, accomplishment, and so many others!

haha i know all the activities are tough, but we did it! we make it :D i think council camp was rly camp! its just so...INSPIRING. its the ever first camp that made me cry. (during heaven and hell) well at first was because of the pain and the situation we were in, but that was only like 1 or 2 drops? its when i heard the ppl opposite at heaven cheering us on, despite the long distance between us and the noisy rain, they still cheered for us. and i was sort of touched, thats why i cried. back to heaven i was rather okay until when i look out and see the rest still suffering, its rly heart-wrenching. and when we did sang a song for them in heaven, i cried again. i know its quite hilarious to others but its just that..we felt so bonded. and i was not the only one okay! lianghui the crybaby cried too! even hern cried so what u expect -.-

actl i feel like thanking a lot of ppl but didnt have rly a chance to say all.. but still! i want to say thank those who have cheered me on, cheered everyone on, put in their full effort! I AM SO PROUD OF COUNCIL :D

oh and i think the ppl who organzied the camp are SO INSPIRING :D i just love them! though they were harsh on us at times but at least we learn something. i think qui jun is a good leader :D and charmaine too! and of course the moderators, programme ic.


oh and i hope we survive dance on friday, esp when there is still training for huaji aft dance. oh and HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY LAOSHI!

anyway shall show u an interesting convo from just now. dont read if u feel bored then. fine its too long. so i shall not post :D for information you can look for me hern chewfei grace estella or even GWEN! haha xD once again..

I LOVE COUNCIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sunday, December 17, 2006
-9:40 PM

ITS CAMP TOMORROW! oh no oh god oh dear oh yeah!

seriously i dont know why but i am feeling very nervous and scared now because its COUNCIL CAMP. though its going to be fun but scary too. the "keep to kit list" rule alone makes the whole thing feel so strict. but once again.. amongst the scared and nervous feeling i am feeling so excited cos i just got this feeling its going to be fun and i will be a crazy woman there enjoying myself xD HAHA! i just hope i wont faint during PT. cos pt trains ur stamina (like hern say, its willpower and i have xD but still..its scary. esp when u r slow. haha ppl if i pull u back dont scold me!), arm power which is totally DEAD cos my arms are like jelly :D actually pt is the only thing that is making me feel scared, i am totally fine with the others. oh and bathing! EXCITING. haha. not to forget sleeping..so fun ((:

haha okay off to slp! shall save loads of energy for camp tmr :D and daddy promised me he will drive me to sch. YEAH! hern i hope ur dad and bro will be nice to drive u too xD HAHA!


Friday, December 15, 2006
-7:21 PM

HELLOOO :D camp is coming soon! so exciting! then i realise how little time i have left and i still have so many things undone!

1)COMMONWEALTH ESSAY! (dont say i am lazy to leave the hol hw to the last min, i rly have no inspiration)
2)pack my bag for camp
3)christmas presents!
4)christmas cards (whether handmade or electronic ones)
5)write down the list of things to get daddy to buy
6)wrap nxt yr books
7)burn the strap of my bag xD

well at least i finished my council cheer motto mission pledge and songs (: and of course sch song and cheer! yeah! and i bought the exchange gift alrd. after a long loong search :D i feel happy and sad for whoever receives my present cos its so nice but it makes u not nice! haha.

anyway lets just talk a little abt ytd. we had dance as usual. reached sch exceptionally early and thought I AM THE FIRST! but teoying was there alrd -.- then waited and waited and joanna came! followed by suikim :D we were then sent off by joanna to buy laoshi a bottle of WATER. so we walk walk walk to the petrol station and bought the water. then miss yeo sui kim happily bought an ice cream for her breakfast at 8.00. tsk!

so we walk walk walk back after completing our mission to realise there were quite a few others in studio alrd. then being nice i shared my gummies with everyone :D (unlike suikim who ate the ice cream herself xD)

THEN! didnt lian gong, just dance and dance and dance. oh we practised council cheer song and pledge too. we were trying so hard to get the tune. haha btw! i think lianghui's grp cheer is super cute. and she was laughing at my grp. well! ours is cute too :D its so..UNIQUE! HAH HAH HAH.

peehua came and bought us some nice food. then i got pulled to eat with jialing and bailu because she didnt want to go home. so we hop on the bus and headed for bukit timah plaza but ended up in kap because we were too lazy to walk. sit inside, eat, and chitchat and gossip for ONE AND A HALF HOURS! dont ask us how we manage to do that. i guess we wont even stp if bailu mum didnt call xD haha! oh note! dont ever let hern have a tray to herself because she will start to destroy it. seriously me and jialing pitied the auntie who was going to clear.

then i reached home and started my eating campaign. ate spaghetti at arnd 5, then a HUGE DINNER at 8. together with fruits and dessert. haha! i know its a lot. but right..look on the bright side. we can burn off the fats and calories during council camp :D

today.. i THINK we are supposed to go and get laoshi present. i am not too sure. ytd they were talking abt it. but anyway i cant make it because its my great grandfather death anniversary. (note lianghui cheryl hern bailu and jialing its NOT BIRTHDAY!) cos they were thinking its his birthday when i say "tmr is my grandfather anniversary".

then once again. i went on a food campaign. we had roast duck curry chicken and lots of other nice food. aiya say i am horrible but i am just preparing myself for council camp xD haha (thats an excuse but it does pass). anyway! daddy is coming back tmr :D cheerios! so he can send me to sch on monday morning! okay off i go! oh and I CUT MY HAIR (: something to be happy abt cos i have been dragging for 1 mth or so. BYE!


Thursday, December 14, 2006
-9:15 PM


i am so glad i survived today without dance. i was practically rotting at home. the 2 most common place i visited today is my bedroom and the kitchen. (u know what i mean..)

but right! at least i manage to finish a few of my christmas present that i am going to give out :D yeah! though my fingers are aching now. at least i finished A FEW :D i hope i can finish in time. and its not very nice..so whoever is going to receive haha..dont feel sad (: and i am very troubled now! because of the limited resources i have..i have problem as to give to who! cos i am lack of a few. maybe i shall just get nice candies for the rest :D shall see my mood! HAHA!

yeah dance tmr. burn off all the fats and calories i gain today. hoho! okay off to watch tv. fingers are aching from typing. BYE :D


Wednesday, December 13, 2006
-9:01 PM


haha. i am feeling super E-X-C-I-T-E-D for council camp (: but super scared too xD esp PT. i just have this feeling i will fall flat on my face. but i believe it will be fun. all u need is MOTIVATION (: countdown 5 days to camp!

anyway dance is nice :D but laoshi is doing lesser and lesser for xiaoges. quite sad. but still..be happy we still have a place (: always look on the bright side. we believe laoshi will see our effort :D unlike some ppl who just wants ATTENTION and is not working hard. GRAH! but i hope laoshi do more for xiaoges. PLEASE! all the xiaoges are so sad now ): but still..we shld be happy we have a place in dance (: i know laoshi cld have just do without us but she insist on putting us up so we must work hard! LAOSHI IS NICE :D okay i sound over enthu but still..we must work hard lah. working hard and SHOWING RESPECT is the most impt thing.

anyway i shall be honest. i am JUST ANOTHER SNR :D okay i know hern alrd reveal my little secret for me but still! i will be honest :D INTEGRITY! remember? i have to say bobo is really clever. she actl knows its me.

to simin: even if you are going to hate me for this, i still have to say it to you. i was watching you today, u dont seem to pay much attention to the pai lian zhe (whether its linkai quekying or siming) so i hope u show some respect to them too. u shld know how hard it is to actl kou so many ppl and also to ensure the quality of the whole dance. they are working so hard and there u r not working hard at all. even WE SENIORS can see that there are many more who are improving very quickly. they may not be flexible or what but if we were to choose, we wld rather put these ppl who work hard up then to put someone who keeps praising herself and not willing to work hard, but keep harping on the same old thing that she is flex. i am not suaning you or whatever but flex alone will bring u nowhere :D

okay! i sound like a big philosopher. now lets talk abt my interesting day. early in the morning i took the bus and i met jialing on the bus :D so we start gossiping and i realise she is someone..u know as in she tag as someone. HOHO! if u know. good for u, if not. sad case ): then we watched opening cd by hern. I LOVE DAIDAO!! i want to learn it. pls! i hope laoshi let me learn it for sec 4 dance night.

then we dance dance and miss our lunch. oh so sad. but at least we sort of confirm the ppl for hudie. I LOVE HUDIE TOO :D so me hern and lianghui rush to popular to get food but didnt even get to eat it -.- luckily we survived (:

and here comes the most unlucky thing of the day. i alighted from the bus and walked abt 10 steps after the bus stp then i felt small droplets so i ran back to the bus stp and got stuck there for like 50 min?!? was hoping mummy car wld pass by and quickly save me. i realised lightning like to strike choa chu kang that area, i counted like more than 20 lightnings okay. scary! and in my state of daze i heard a car horn. MUMMY IS HERE TO SAVE ME! but its very weird, i was looking out for her car and i didnt see a single sign of it but still! luckily she saw me at the bus stp (cos my phone was not on in fear i might attract the lightning though i dunno if it does xD)

okay off to watch tv! bye everyone (: oh pray that i remember the cheers by this wk! i dont want to die during camp xD but they are quite catchy. except council song is quite hard. ohno!


Tuesday, December 05, 2006
-9:10 PM


just had dance camp today. no stayover though. cos laoshi say she is too tired to take care of us if she stay in studio with us so we basically just had dance the whole day (9 to 6) lian gong in the morning for like 2 hrs. then did syf and BREAK! had chicken rice (: the uncle cheated us though. there was supposed to be veg in the rice but they didnt put. then there is supposed to be char siew rice but apparently there isnt any as well. pff. and poor yiyi didnt get to eat. so she ate our rice instead :D we are such nice people.

then went back and slacked for a while. played a number of games. bianca is really a poo man! she is sooooo slow in the tempo game. and bailu just keep laughing non stp. yiyi is even worse, she just keep laughing. surprisingly lianghui is quite steady. and not to say..me and jialing are steady too :D hern is a bit... slow at times xD haha!

then watched sec 1 dance. and chen lao shi came to take measurements while we danced hudie. LOVE HUDIE TRUCKLOADS! its just...so nice :D so nice then u unknowilling just smile when you hear the music. its just... SO NICE (: i really really hope i get to dance it. PLEASE!!! i really love hudie ((:

then we did a bit of syf and soon..dance ended. stupid journey home was so long. wasted my time. reached home at like 8 can! feel so slpy now but cant slp thanks to the late dinner i had. have to digest. bleah! and i washed my leotard cos my the other one is not at home.. i HOPE it dries tmr under the cooold cooold aircon..okay to lazy to blog alrd :D bye!


Friday, December 01, 2006
-9:53 PM

HELLOOO :D feeling happy now cos i just ate icecream. hah (:

anyways. not rly in the mood to blog. but nth better to do..so.. aiya.

oh cca today was quite nice (: LAOSHI IS NICE :D she knows that we are tired so she didnt rly lian gong. changed quite some part for dance then. natalie is not here again. sigh!! then watched the sec 1s dance. improve a lot. oh there is no more gold with honours for syf nxt yr.

okay feel dont feel like typing alrd. BYE BLOG (:











nycd :D


nycd sec3'o7
cf dance

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