Wednesday, March 14, 2007
-11:35 PM

everything around me seems to be so related to OBS. though i dont cry as easily as the past few days, but the OBS feeling and memories still come back to me so often, in almost all activities that i am involved in, esp today when we went to botanic.

when we were looking for the pavilion, looking at the map and navigating, it suddenly reminded me of OBS, where we had to navigate by ourselves to look for our destination. just like we had weewee beside us then to guide us along then, we have laoshi to guide us along now.

when xiaoges were sent out to practise, i wasnt very motivated then. but then i thought of OBS, where weewee told us we have to put in effort by ourselves so that we can achieve what we want, and not for others to do it before we do it, so i was motivated and kou-ed the xiaoges with yenngee :D felt really happy after that (: because xiaoges didnt slack at all and kou-ed those few parts for 2 hrs non-stp :D its a long time since i feel a sense of achievement aft OBS. yes.. the road may be tough, may be tiring. Just like OBS, when we trekked, we were all tired, not motivated to move on because we are so sick of it and wondering when will we ever reach our destination, but in our heart we know we will reach someday, its a matter of how fast, and in this case, its a matter of how well. We know we will go to SYF someday, and we know we have to practise, even if we are sick of it. its the same thing, you may not see the destination now, but someday, sometime, you will, and when you achieve what you want, the sense of achievement is there. just like OBS, we have our friends arnd us to move along us, and we shld not let our friends down by slacking a little, we shld work hard together, no matter how boring it is, how tired and sick we are, cos we know we can do it! GO XIAOGES GO!

the making of costume is another example. just like cooking, we do it ourselves. We are given the ingredients, now its up to us to see if we want to use it properly and do a good job with it or sit at a corner and whine as to why we have to do this. sequins and fabric glue is all that we have, how you want to paste it efficiently and in a better manner is for you to discover and decide if you want to do it, just like cooking, we are given all the food we have, how you want to cook it, how you want to eat it, its up to you now. take maggie mee for example, you can eat it raw, you can eat if half cook if you are lazy, or you can choose to be patient to wait longer and have a delicious meal, its the same as sticking sequin. sticking is easy, but sticking it well and nicely is another matter itself.

US.WEEWEE.KURT.OBS. i just love them so much


Tuesday, March 13, 2007
-10:22 PM

hello ): i am sad cos i ate too much today.

you know, dance camp was supposed to be to lose fats but i thinking i am gaining more weight because i cant control myself and kept eating non stp. I DONT WANT TO BE LIANGHUI NUMBER 2! oh whale..

so i shall do a lot of tiaos and push-ups and sit ups to burn off fats, YES I MUST! i realise i gained 2 kg, oh whale!!! i hope its fats become muscles and not fats adding fats, grah!

anyway i love dance lian gong suddenly :D esp today, when we perspire, BURN FATS (though they came back again) xiao ges hobby is to eat.

quite unbelievable but we still cried ytd, which is like 3 days aft OBS, when we were having dance. Hern cried first. and i was sitting beside her so i sort of got affected too, soon a few of us were crying like mad. the rest were looking at us like as though we were mad. I know its kind amusing to others but its not our fault right, who will ever know we will be so stuck to OBS.

OBS is just a miracle


Sunday, March 11, 2007
-1:15 AM

i know OBS will somewhat leave an impact on me, given its activities and the accomplishment i feel aft completing them, but never did i expect the impact to be this great.

i know i will cry on the last day, maybe because i am too glad i am going home? maybe because i might miss my grp a bit? but its so impactful i am still crying today, even though 24 hrs passed. actually i was still okay, just kind of miss KURT, esp when i eat maggie mee. i was thinking why is the maggie so soft..why is the soup hot..why are there so many ingredients..why is my served nicely in a proper bowl..why is it no one is there to get the noodles from my bowl.. same maggie mee..different feeling.

went to mama's class gathering (kind of amuse me how they still gather aft so many yrs xD) but that is not the point. point is..i was in the car..stoning. then the memories for the past 5 days played like the movie.

the scene where weewee entered the boat and leave all alone by himself, where we last cheered for him. the quotes which he said to us "people come and go", the last line he said to me "byebye sheena", the way we start our whole journey as wrapping him up aft trust fall, and the same way we end wrapping him up after trust dive, the cheers which is so unique to ourselves, the campfire which only our group had, all these memories just keep flashing until i started tearing on the car, thank goodness no one saw. But it really shock me how much impact OBS had left on me.

There is still a lot within me that i want to i shall post a little msg to everyone:

Yining :YOYO my chao man de! haha i hope you find your lime soon :D Thanks for waking me up every morning together with zhee, i bet we will never been on time without. Even though you might zao-xia but not to worry, i am not zao-xia and i am here to say THANKEW YOU AND I LOVE YOU! :D

Zhiyi :YOYOYO ZHEEKOPEK! KURT survived thanks to you. The shelter, the pitching of tent, the every every thing. you really is power man! the powerpapa+mama of KURT is bound to be you. it really amused me how you wake up so early everyday. dont worry i will reward you with cafe nuah :D haha!

Lydia:FATIMAMA! your laughter never fails to cheer up the group and make me laugh. I must really say you are strong :D i know trekking is not your kind but you held on for KURT, and because you hold on, we made it back! and dont be sad you didnt touch the bell, we will be there to put the mat for you forever until you touch the bell :D

Eugena:NANA! You've been a most wonderful sleeping+watch+trekking mate. I bet no one can stand my singing other than you. without you by my side i believe i can never survive trekking without all the singings and laughing and MOO-ING. And of course your night chit chats are the best, though you always disturb me from my slp, but without you i can nv express how i feel inside. and thx so much for carrying so much stuff during trekking. <3!!>

Hanjing :TOILET PARTNER FAHTIMA! you are really power too. chao high de lor. go go go! ole ole ole! i will oso nv survive trekking without you. All your cheerings and highness have surely make me forget half the load on my back. And i am sure i will never experience the one and only lifetime experience of business in nature without you. Go master your skill of doing and talking at the same time though :D

Allyssa: Strong girl! i am so proud of you and so glad i have people like you in my groups. You may not be strong physically but mentally, you are much stronger than any of us. When fell down, not everyone can stand up from it, but you have. Really thank you for doing so much for KURT, I know its pain and not everyone can take it, but i am glad i have you cos i am sure you can do it :D

Larissa:Hey girl! another skinny little girl and yet so strong. Thanks for putting in so much for KURT, although you dont say a lot, but your actions show, and we know you care, which is more impt than any other thing :D dont cry anymore and be strong!

Zijin :CHEEKOPEK! thanks for bringing so much joy to KURT with your coconut song. Of course there are many many thing to thank you, for cheering on the fourth day with me, for staying strong and holding on when trekking to camp 3, for volunteering to carry so many canned food until you can hardly straighten your bag to walk. and i must say i really admire you for keeping calm when the ants attack xD

Shena :Hello! though you didnt talk much during the whole thing, or rather i didnt talk to you much, but still thanks for putting in so much for KURT. i know! you were my belayer :D i was really scared up there and i really thank you a 1000 and 1 time for making me feel safe. I know i am quite demanding up there, ask you loosen and tighten and dont know what, but you still did it, and send me down safely, for this i must really say I LOVE YOU!!
Bixuan: Heyo (: i know you are always smiling, never fail to make me smile too. you are just so optimisic and nice i really dont know what to say. Continue to smile cos i must admit your smile really create miracles and make ppl smile :D and thanks for holding on to the big bag which made your trekking so much harder, and of course, to feed us with digestives :D

Yeong Tyan: Hello! i know i didnt talk to you much, but still, thanks for putting in your 100% effort for KURT and always getting high with KURT. I know the things you carried during trekking issnt little too, and for that, thank you (: for lightening the load of others, for wiling to get out of your comfort zone, for holding on with kurt till the last minute, and for standing your noisiness and highness xD haha!

Zheng Yan: YANYAN! i know you love people to call you that. take care of your blister (: and thanks for navigating for KURT on the fourth day. without you we can never get back to camp 1 before nightfall :D really love you truckloads

Zheyi :hey there! thanks for giving me my cert and saying you love my jokes :D that help quite a lot. i thought no one thought it was funny xD haha! and of course, thanks for putting in so much for KURT, lovelove!

WEEWEE!!! :I MISS YOU!!! you have really been a papa and instructor to us. Maybe one of the reason I am not home sick at all is thanks to you. You always take such good care of us, letting us have fun at the expense of your zi zun xin being hurt xD so we will always enjoy ourselves, guiding us along the way and stuff like that. We know you are angry with us at times but you always dont scold us and even try not to show it, instead you express it to us in another way, and maybe its because you have been so nice to us you make leaving so hard for us. I am really sorry I disappoint you a bit on the third day, though you did not scold me or what, but I feel really guilty and remorseful. Maybe you do not realise but you have left such a huge impact on me. All the little things you did for us, which you may not think its special, is really special to us. A small little campfire is enough to make us feel warm in the night, a lame joke is enough to make us laugh and keep our mind away from home, a weird strand of words is enough to make us have a cheer to make us high, a peeled orange is enough to make us motivated to move on, the many many things have become a huge thing to us. Not to worry, i will always remember the quotes you said to us, the little stories you read to us, the things i have learnt from you, the experience i gained from the trip under you is even more precious than the treasures in the world. THANK YOU WEE and ILOVEYOU!!

Rainbow comes because of sunshine and rain.

There may be tears, but there will be smile.
There may be leaving, but there will be meeting.
There may be losing, but there will be gaining.

We live through rain and sunshine, just to see the rainbow.


Saturday, March 10, 2007
-12:08 PM


OBS isnt as bad as what I thought. I thought I will be half dead there with the scary activities that people described to me but surprisingly I LOVE IT :D maybe because of the beloved KURT and WEEWEE :D seriously i feel so lucky to be in KURT with all the funky chao-high ppl, to have WEEWEE as instructor :D, to be in base camp 1.

want to blog down everything but some things are just so..hard to express. whatever it is, i think everyone should be proud of me because i completed HEIGHT ELEMENTS, KAYAKING WITH CLARA (haha i thought i will be stranded in the sea forever with clara xD), trekking with at least 10 kg behind my back for the whole day, jetty jump and loads more.

man. i have so much to say i dont know where to start from, grah! whatever it is, KURT seriously rocks. there were many people who said they were jealous of our group because our group is just so HIGH :D its really high to the extend you can nv imagine how can a group of people still be so high under the uncomforatble and tiring conditions. Imagine walking with at least 10 kg on your bag for the whole day and still able to do "GOGOGO OLE OLE OLE" for at least 300 times. Imagine still able to jump about and sing at the top of the voice after trekking for the whole day. Imagine still able to sing song at laugh when it is about to be nightfall and you are still in the middle of the wild. I think only KURT has the ability to do all these, because we are KURT :D

there are just so many things special to us KURT alone, like the coconut song by cheekopek zijin :D the "WHAT IS THE LARGEST MAMMAL IN THE SEA CALLED?", the beanKURT version of ooh-ah, the one and only beanKURT tree, the unique name beanKURT (i bet no other kurt group called themselves that before).

this is kind of sick but i miss eating digestive biscuits, bread with curry chicken and all the weird stuff, raw or half cook maggie mee with a mixture of curry and abalone seasoning, all the different canned food, and last but not least CAFE NOIR (nuah) xD haha! CAFE NOIR is a cute name and unique to our group only :D its a high class biscuit okay!

nearly 24 hrs is about to pass but i still kind of miss KURT, it feels rather weird to wake up and see myself in a big room instead of a small tent, to wake up to see my stuffies instead of the kuku NANA, to roll about on a cushy bed instead of the rocky groud, to wake up after the sunrise instead of the zheekopek shining torch at us to wake us up, to have a proper blanket when its cold instead of curling up like a ball, its different.

i kind of miss WEEWEE you know xD seriously, the first time i saw him i was like "man..this better not be our instructor, he looks so BORING and I DONT KNOW WHAT TO SAY", but aft 5 days i really dont know how to say and how to thank god for letting us be his last batch before he leave.

had a long chat with nana on the last night when we sleep in the hall, realise she felt just like me. There is just something in WEEWEE that make all of us love him so much and yet want to box him when you think of him xD just this unique thing about him that make ppl cry when we think about the fact that we are about to leave him, he has rly been quite a papa+instructor to us for the 5 days. which instructor will give you his food to eat when trekking, which instructor will tell you all the lame things, which instructor can still laugh when we suan him until its more sour than lemon, when we cover him in the "thing you use for trust fall and trust dive" and let him get whack by other instructors xD, i bet he is the one and only. know i really feel guilty and sad when he gets disappointed in me and us even though he didnt say it. the problem is that he never scolds us even though we all know he is angry with us, he may talk in this piss off tone and give a piss off look but its like, we are never piss off by what he did, instead it make us think even deeper and feel really remorseful. I am quite sure we are the only group who have a camp fire on camp 3, the only group which gets to listen to lame stuff like the "ing-ing" thing. Weewee is just so impactful to me, and maybe the whole group. Just look at the "largest mammal in the sea" thing, although we all think its really lame, but it eventually become our group cheer.

of course weewee is not the only thing that make me miss OBS so much. our members are so enthu and cool too :D we have the superpower zhiyi zheekopek, the hilarious zijin cheekopek and her coconut song, the forever enthu weiqing, the fatima and fatimama hanjing and lydia, the best talking-in-the-night+singing in the forest partner nana :D, the always do weird stuff clara, the zao-voice yining, the brave allyssa who continues even when she is injured, the always make me cry larrie (at least the 1st time i cried was thx to her) and of course, the quiet( or maybe i dont talk to them as much) yet always giving their best KURT-mates like bixuan, yeongtyan, zheyi, shena, zhengyan

okay long enough, this is the best i can express, some other feelings are just indescrible (but i think i said quite a lot xD)

what is the largest mammal in the sea called? WHALE WHALE
what is the largest mammal on the sea called? SHEENA
what is the largest mammal on the land called? CHEEKOPEK
what is the largest tofu in the world called? BEANKURT
what is the best instructor in the world called? WEEWEE!











nycd :D


nycd sec3'o7
cf dance

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