Monday, April 30, 2007
-7:32 AM

BIAN WEIQING PAT :D :D :D this is details for later.

CSM today :D fun! raining in morning though, was praying it wont be postponed. lucky it didnt. haha! got our council tee (: love it love it. oh man hci female toilet is pathetically small ): with one cubicle only.

cheering was fun (: quite sianned towards the end cos everyone was like not cheering anymore and its hot. luckily towards the end end end we got high again (: i rly love ooh ahh :D and my legs have LITTLE SPOTS, luckily. but that does not mean i am not enthu when cheering kay. for a happy ending, the photographer made us run towards him on the field to show contrast of red white and green. was suposed to be ny only until hci came. bleah! oh and hcjc got the cheering competition winner though i didnt hear them cheer, but i guess the judges knows it best :D and lifern is scary! she pinched me twice on the cheek and took photo of me lah! oh my god.

stupid clement say i look hiong when i cheer. i bet he didnt cheer man. bad bad boy. clever of me not to wave to him :D hahah its fun to make ppl angry and pissed! xD or rather only him (:

Sheena is clever! i guessed the name! wahaha. and my memory is cool, cos i remember who board the bus from where, so now i know who is the k person :D too bad chengxi u just sabotaged ur friend! so so dead.

went for council lunch. we manage to find a seat in no time :D bought kuey teow soup for jessie :D wanted to buy milo dinosaur and the stall ran out of milo...other stall dont have. so wanted to buy sugarcane and they dont sell too. poor jessie. haha :D yannrong bought me nice food! yannrong is forever my angel. sat with lifern hern and hanjing. gossip like mad. lifern loves to irritate me, grah!

went to island creamery. cant eat cos of cough ): played truth or truth with snrs :D lucky lor..first one to get chosen.wa fun though (: stayed back with weiqing bian and pat to chat cos i wanted to listen to bian story, ended up staying till 6+. we just chat straight for 3 hrs+, then went to macs to eat and continue :D haha chatted scandalous stuff (not exactly scandalous too xD) and then some of our PERSONAL opinion xD haha shall not reveal much. some things are better kept unsaid. but i love small but long chats like this. oh and serene center "supermarket" is power lah! u shld have seen.

bus journey back was crazy man! i think i am quite mean aft i told bian how i used to reply sms when i am irritated xD hahahaha! but i apologise aft that kay. i repented. good girl :D

i am so glad i have friends of all kind :D like in dance, diff friend is for diff stuff. jialing is to have fun, yiyi is to be amused, hern is for all the serious and rly need advice stuff, bailu is to bully, and bian is for the matters of heart stuff :D i am sooo glad i finally found a friend that i can talk all the close to heart stuff (: cos sandy cannot be 24/7 for me always right :D haha weiqing pat bian!!



Friday, April 27, 2007
-10:37 PM

scold me for not slping at this late hour when i have to reach sch by 0645 tmr morning but i just feel like blogging abt today cos its a fun and interesting and most unusual day :D

haha. early in the morning went to sch and enjoyed my cornflakes breakfast, after which rushed to 3rd floor for CIA meeting. didnt feel quite right the minute i reached there, first there were these 2 big plastic bag but i didnt really bother, then estella looked stone and she didnt have her council handbook so i sense sth was wrong. after which, lifern started to say something about the meeting isnt exactly a meeting, then she said only me and peiying were kept in the dark. clever sheena guessed it! ITS OUR BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION :D or rather, belated birthday, super belated, but still its nice (: had the traditional chinese food you eat during your birthday xD red eggs (they said karen mum dyed it! yeah), then had the shou tao thing and lastly, ANG KU KUEH (though i dunno what it symbolises). haha. nice nice and i ate all cos i thought shld not waste it..ended up with a bloated stomach (: hahahaha its amusing to know that lifern and estella never eat ang ku kueh in their life before until today, oh goose. and lifern is rly funny xD WHEE CIA :D

then became quite pissed during chinese. i think i have bad temper control recently, have been getting pissed quite easily. sry to all who i offended these few days ):

LDP rehearsal was quite okay...just had to remember all the cues for when to usher guest up. quite stressed tmr cos i doubt i can walk fast and softly with courtshoes xD oh man! and gwen said she is nice to give up the ushering job to me while she keep guard at the other side, good practice man..sheena pls dont embarrasse yourself.

oh going for the dance concert on 9th june with hern and bian :D so cool! at least the performing grps are cool (: so apparently sheena is not free from 6 june to 9th june. i hope council camp will not be tekan but more of bonding for our batch..seriously i dont think we are very bonded but not to worry! batch'08 is a magical batch, i know we can do it :D

helped hern with her CSM stuff aft rehearsal. didnt do much though cos had to leave quite early. sheena has good sewing skills and pinning skills xD haha mr lim and ms sabrina are amusing and nice people (: funny teachers.

okay off to slp or you will see a panda ushering the GOH tmr alrd. helping hern aft sch again :D

busy wk many things to complete.
2)Maths written assignment on circle properties
3)Geog assignment 2
4)Geog SIA proposal
5)IH Seminar presentation
6)Chinese jian bao
7)Chinese poem
8)Flower for Algernon article
10)BIO WS 5.1
11) Maths WS 8.2
12) Maths question on graph

okay cant think of anymore now, shall add if i think of anymore. Seems like my holiday is not exactly a holiday, ohwells!


Thursday, April 26, 2007
-6:17 PM

waiting for the apple to brown :D yeah i love our chem SIA! apples (: haha! so can eat the apple after the experiment (though its brown and look ugly, its still nice :D)

just received sms from hern and sandy about mr kuo...whoever is that person..oh wells. hope he wont get into trouble :D mr kuo is really nice! and he is super duper nice to dancers :D (i am not biased towards him because he is nice to dancers okay! he is rly nice (: )

guess what? i think i am going to get like 60+% only for this year, how nice. cos i have been failing test and quizzes, even maths! hmph. so i have decided to stp playing in class and listen to teacher :D but its quite hard, esp during lang arts and chinese xD heh!

IH today mentioned something about you get how much you put in. It is really unfair as to why you should get an equal share as those who work harder for it. But on the other hand, some mention that we should look on the whole..its for the whole country (in this case, group), its to benefit the whole, yet i just cant accept the fact that you are getting equally much despite the little effort u put in. if i was there that day, i would have been the first to object about being in the group. not that i do not trust u, but you abuse the trust we have in you. you took advantage of it, so too bad so sad. you promised, you promised that you will do your part, but what did we get in the end? empty promises. we even went to the extended of PLEADING you to give us the surveys, yet we received nothing in the end. for your information, its only GIVING OUT SURVEYS, cant you do a simple job like this? dont tell me you do not have time please. you rather spent your lunch sleeping or look for your friend then give out the survey..what else can i say. then nxt, a simple report. JUST ANALYSIS OF ONE QUESTION, and you cant even do it. give u the benefit of typing in eng since u said you do not have chinese character and what? you cant even give a good quality work. if you think by typing a few sentence show that you have done work, and you are so proud of it, i feel really ashame for you. in fact, i am DISGUSTED in your attitude..D-I-S-G-U-S-T-E-D. if you think by doing the rest of the work from now can help..let me tell u, IT DOESNT. for goodness sake, we have done all the research, analysis, practically everything for you..and now all you have to do is edit. and guess what? me and huiying dont even dare to give it to you. we are soooo scared we might kill your precious brain cells so we decided we shall do it. anyway to be frank, we dont trust you, i know this may hurt ur pride but i think its better if we tell you now rather than letting you go on like this. prove us wrong then if you really want to impress us, cos both of us feel that YOU WILL NOT DO IT WELL. at most a ONE COMPLETE PERFECT SLIDE or a whole chunk of rubbish powerpoint that is copy and paste and nth else. and i am quite sure in the end we will still be the one doing all the work, helping you clear the mess u have created. very much we wish to get u out, but we cant. count urself lucky. we have to do all the work to ensure we do a good job, while u get to slack and slack and SLACK and earn the marks. cant complain! cos our marks will be deducted for teamwork, and that is all thanks to u. you dont do work, we get marks deducted for telling teacher, in the end we are stil the one doing..i rly dont know what to say. good for you...

you know sometimes i really wished to give u another chance upon seeing how helpless you are, but when i thought about what you have done, i really cannot. if you havent realise, we have been giving you chances after chances...but you chose to abuse them, and there you go crying and saying how miserable you are. if you havent realise, our happy life have also became miserable thanks to you. if only you were a bit repentent, or willing to change for the better, learn from the mistake, dont take advantage of others being nice to you, if only a little change, everything would have turn out different. So often i wish to accept you again, but then once again, you make me unwilling to. i really dont know what to say..except that i am very disappointed in you. go scold me and curse me or whatever for saying this of you, but i am really disappointed. and we are telling you chances after chances because we treat you as friend, we dont wish to see left in the lurch, neither do we wish you to commit the same mistake in future, so i hope you understand, though i doubt you will, but i really wish you will, cos i know you can. well..hope that this time you can prove us wrong, prove to us that you really can change..


Saturday, April 21, 2007
-5:15 PM

Life feels empty without CCA, without NYCD, without Laoshi, without Dance.

Didn't had time to blog for the past week, was busy catching up with homework and revising for the endless upcoming tests and SIAs that are about to be due. Yet when i was busy rushing my homework and stuff, my body felt busy and occupied but my heart felt empty, like something was lacking. It feels weird to go for recess, to go for lunch, to go to class early in the morning. I remembered how we rush to the studio whenever it is our break, how we got our friend to help us get food, how we gorge our food down at the last few minutes of the break, and now, I can queue up for my own food, I no longer had to worry about growling stomachs during lesson.

Monday was the day. The day for our 7 months of hardwork, the day for our dance, our very own dance. Went to studio early in the morning although our competition was at 4+pm, nearly 5 pm. You may think its a long time, what for go so early, but seriously, time does flies, especially when we are enjoying ourselves. Blink, we are at the audi rehearsing and performing for the tchrs, then blink, we are eating and preparing ourselves, doing our makeup and hair, and next blink, we are on our way to UCC, and blink, we are up on stage, then final blink, its all over. All of these happened so quickly. Seriously, when i was on stage dancing i felt like it was only 3 minutes long. Before I knew i was up on stage again doing the pose, and next second i was running out for qun wu. And finally, lights off, its over. Most of us cried after the whole thing, tears of joy (: and maybe..the emptiness felt when we thought about the fact that there will be no more 3-8 training, no more dragging of feet in the morning to zao gong, no more breaks just for dance. Laoshi said that it was the best one we ever danced (:

went back to studio and took photos like crazy, excitement after SYF :D we were no longer feng wu yi ren then...more like feng kuang yi ren :D

went back with bian on that day. laughed like mad on the bus. bian is a bus toot, no sense of direction and time one, tsktsk! guess what? bian ate mentos on bus (we are not supposed to eat on bus!), then someone touched my a shock then. turned arnd and saw jingxuan (ex FBI head) and bertilla. she asked us for our result but we told her it will only be known on wed. then she said aiya sure gold with honours one NYCD :D :D :D :D :D haha then bian started to feel guilty and giggle non stp (cos she ate sweet on bus). she was praying jingxuan didnt see then xD aft that both of us realised one of them was ex fbi head and the other was ex cia head. and we laughed even more xD HAHAHAH! bian stole my wallet and looked at my ez link card, said i looked toot. whatever!! she dont look any btr, look like a bloated kid! hahah xD

listening to SYF song now and my mum walked past and frowned at me, commenting how scary the song is. WHATEVER! i shall keep playing until she appreciates it :D

stayed back with bian for interview duty on tues :D wanted to revise maths but failed. heh! guess we cldnt concentrate. it was super hot and we didnt even have a proper table okay! but i was more successful then bian :D aft that we went to studio to visit jnrs a while. learnt a bit of kong que fei lai, but i cant rmb anything much for my effort, bleah! had a short chat with laoshi when she came in and when we saw yiyi at the canteen (: laoshi is a nice person! haha. and yiyi is a weird girl, you shld have seen what she did to mrs chua. bian and me were laughing all the way when we walked behind her.

okay then result released on wed. during recess all of us rushed to outside aes dept and called laoshi. she hanged our calls twice and finally she picked up hern's call...begged her to tell us and she finally said GOLD WITH HONOURS :D :D :D :D :D haha then she hung up the call immediatly cos all of us were screaming. didnt believe her at first cos she sounded like she was fu yan-ing us. so tried calling her again but i think she didnt ans. went to confirm with the aest dept tchr and YEAH! ITS TRUE :D haha our 7 mths effort paid off!

on thurs hern wrote the speech and the letter to laoshi :D i conclude hern is rly good in words, if only i could express so well. i remembered one line! and laoshi mentioned that line ytd too :D nin dui yi shu de zhi zhuo ying dao zhe wo men (sth like that :D) if only my chi was this good xD

had qing gong yan ytd. was quite angry and disappointed for a period of time cos of some problems in between. laoshi was not very pleased too, but nvm, lulu and yiyi manage to salvage the situation a bit :D and my agar agar was ALL SOLD OUT! none left (: laobo even complained she didnt get to eat. HAH HAH HAH! had a talk with quek ying and linkai :D i think its rly useful, at least we understand each other btr now (: come to think of it, we arent exactly close to our jnrs batch, so its time we start to understand and talk to them. and to the sec 1, i think its time we do sth. seriously we dont rly have confidence in them but i believe they will do it in 2 yrs time, just like how the snrs didnt have confidence in us 2 yrs back but we did it :D SO GO JNRS! all of you must rly bond together, just like us and the sec 4s. but before that you must feel for nycd, the passion, the love, the everything, thats the most prior thing before any other thing :D so go enjoy everything about nycd! and thx to all who wrote me the sweet little notes though i didnt write any except laoshi and yenngee one xD didnt had time then! spent my time chatting, i know i owe all of you a letter, will pay you back someday! dont worry. you will surely get it before your graduate. haha! and becca dont be sad anymore :D we all know becca is a nice snr((: haha and hern say she like my JELLY! though its not sweet enough, but as everyone knows, hern is a ultra healthy pok.

okay off to study for bio chem and ih, my deadest 3 subjects, okay maybe chem still have a slight hope. bio i am dead for enzyme and nutrition in man, and its essay, ih is bound to die i think. even my maths is dead, but at least i passed and improved despite the little revision, but all in all, its still dead. ohwells. work hard sheena!


风舞伊人, thats us :D


Monday, April 09, 2007
-6:09 AM

i must say this period is the toughest, when we have to juggle between work and cca. time management is rly important. and of course, when everything seems like they are all out to kill you, support is the best thing you can ever get, and i am so so so glad to know i have so many of these ppl arnd me.

dancers like jialing, hern, bian the poo, lulu, suikim, jingwei, cheryl, lianghui, nana, yenngee, baikar, anna and the ever so nice and coorperative xiaoges :D this journey can never be so enjoyable without them.

nice friends like CHUAhuiying for always understanding the fact that i get pissed very easily when i am tired..tianhui for willingly helping me with sias when my cca end late.

supportive parents who do not blame me for always reaching home late and having to get them to fetch me late at night. and for understanding the fact that i will hardly have time to accompany them even during weekends cos of dance or hw.

and of course..LAOSHI :D yeah i dont know how but laoshi just play a big role in this whole long journey. laoshi is just so special :D



Saturday, April 07, 2007
-6:51 AM

sometime i think family and friends are rly wonders :D

family i shant say much..they are your family what. but friends..its rly hard to find friends who can rly be considered friends. of course i am not saying my friends now are all not considered friends so dont misunderstand, but i guess even when they are all called friends, there are many kinds of friends.

i must say i am blessed to have friends who rly do care for me and tell me when i am in the wrong so i will change for the btr :D at least now i know the problem in me and i can change so i wont make the same mistake, though i always forget and require constant reminder but at least i will be more conscious of it so whoever i offend nxt time, mind me!

i tell you i am rly the kind who sometimes forget what i say or can nv spot anything wrong in what i say so if you cant stand it or think there is sth wrong PLS TELL ME.

i must say thank you hern for always correcting me :D its rly a life skill to learn. who knows this problem of mine may cause me to have bad bad relation with others when i grow up, you nv know :D haha at least i have time now to start to change.

I JUST LOVE MY FRIENDS :D esp dancemates and those who are always there to support me like TIANHUI AND HUIYING ((:


-4:57 AM


finally found time to blog :D apparently i have been spending all my free time slping..even a 5 min trip on the car -.-

i think i am screwed. i shld rly go and learn some time management skills (esp frm ppl like hern cos she seems to be coping so well even when she has 1001 things to do) xD term 2 test is coming and i have yet to revise anything yet. my maths is deproving (i cant even rmb the basic properties of circles lah!) my bio is like half half kind. my chem is not any better. geog and ih is need to say. and i have been wasting time these few just lazing arnd and refusing to go and study. and i realise chem sia is due wk 5 and we have not even start on the basic research, and all of us are i.t illiterate..welldone man. ohwells. just have to do it, no matter how much you hate it.

SYF IS COMING!! there are practices almost everyday. laoshi say she wants to buy milo and TAU SAR PAU for us :D i think dancers are strong and power (: although we have to stay back till late in the night and go for practices like breaks aft breaks, but i am so so glad no one complain (or at least majority..i dont know). i know its a hard time now esp when tests are coming and hw are piling but its so glad to see everyone is still so into dance :D i am so so glad i am starting to learn how to feel the dance alrd (: seriously last time i had never felt so into the dance( like just doing actions for actions and smile for smile)..until that day when we did the dance for mrs teo i was suddenly enlightened and i cld rly feel myself into the dance..together as one with the music..for the first time :D okay you can say i am slow but its btr than nth right!

you know..i think laoshi is rly impactful. like..i dont know! there have nv been a tchr that make me feel and think so much. even my mum say my temper changed a so much btr, and i have become a btr person (although i dunno whats so bad abt me in the past xD) aft i went into ny..and she said maybe its because i grew up alrd. maybe its those ren sheng dao li laoshi had always been teaching us that made me change for the btr (:

goodness i have been feeling thirsty for the whole irritatiing. i have been drinking litres and litres of water okay..its so scary to see so many ppl falling sick these days. even bailu and yiyi is sick. laobo oso. take care everyone :D

oh yeah! and jialing is buying me the nice drink ((: oh btw. i tell you ah, too much choeslaw (is that how you spell?) taste like durian. jialing is scary, she can finish almost the whole plate of choeslaw. and guess what? when i went out for lunch with my family my sis and bro had choeslaw again :S i guess tau sar is still the only thing no one get sicks of :D

grah sheena is growing fat! she has been eating chocs and ice cream non stp..and bread too. so much carbo and fats...die liao lor. but nvm lah. look on the bright side i have been dancing a lot (though i doubt i rly burnt any fats from there xD. self comfort)

i realise aft not blogging for too long i cant express myself and type a long long post as well as last time. i have been spending like 30 min just on this post alone because i cant phrase and even aft spending so long, i still cant phrase it. forget it...wait for the feeling to come back then. meanwhile shall go and do work. cant afford to waste anymore time :D BYE EVERYONE!











nycd :D


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