Friday, June 22, 2007
-10:15 AM

feeling kind of sad ): its supposed to be cca now but here i am at home lying on the sofa doing my work. i want to go for cca, even if its gonna be just completing 90th and nth else, i hate the stupid injury, and i hate lying down the whole day.

its 10:01, wonder what laoshi is doing now, wonder what i will be doing now if i was at cca. trying to stretch that aching like mad thighs? trying to walk down the stairs? running abt studio as the war music play in the studio? looking at dancers playing roles of other cca ppl? i rly wonder what they are doing now..

supposed to go and celebrate jialing bdae today, most probably at swensens, but then..sigh. feel so empty now, and i hate the feeling of being alone at home. seriously, the wound better heal by mon so that i can go sch.

june camp is finally over. not as tekan as i thought it wld be, but also, not as not tekan as what i thought it was supposed to be. just that..this time there were too many casualties that brought our highness and enthusiasm down for quite some time. but nonetheless, we did it in the end.

i dont know how to express myself now because some things you really have to go through it yourself to know how it feels, not everything can be express in words, esp feelings.

i guess the many messages posted on yahoo grps show everything, in fact, i think this camp has fulfill its initial purpose, to make us bond. although its rly hard to define what it means to be bonded, but at least there is an improvement in our "lvl of bond". i guess aft this camp, we can understand each other better, esp from the trashing in xin qing and the elements workshop, we understand the importance of batch support btr from love can build a bridge, we understand the importance of moving together from flying without wings, we understand the importance of trust and communication from lost in translation, and we learn the importance of putting in the best from this whole camp.

i am proud of batch 0'8. and i believe we will shine as a whole batch, cos we are a full of potential batch, and all we need is chance, to prove ourselves. so to dearest batchmates, let us make use of every of our chance to its fullest and not live to regret it, and most imptly, dont forget what we have learn and gone through together during this camp, dont like the feel fade away, and to those who did not go for camp, although you did not join us, but no worries, we'll pull you along and move on together, afterall, we are ONE BATCH OH EIGHT :D

rahrah batch o8 <3


Sunday, June 17, 2007
-10:08 AM

procrasinating my work.. i know its not right esp when i dont have much time to complete them except today and tmr and maybe the a few hrs of thurs but i just dont feel like doing. hw are driving me mad..i want to play playstation and gameboy and com and bake and cook and shop and watch movie and make dumplings and swimming and jogging now but NOT DOING HW ): luckily i was enthu during the first few weeks of hols so i manage to complete SOME hw..but i have loads waiting for me. i hate sias, esp ih. and i hate ih source based -.- anyway sth happy (:

shopping spree ytd again :D okay maybe not shopping spree cos it lasted for only a few hrs thanks to the aircon ppl who came at 12+ when they are supposed to come at 1030, wasted my 2 hrs stoning cos i was stuck at my AMES and i am too lazy to go upstairs to get my chem notes, so i stoned for 1 hr+. rawr!

bought mascar, lipstick brus, blusher brush and new deo ytd :D OH AND MY NEW SCH SHOES! yeah (: i shld have got those nice polo tees, but i felt guilty buying so much stuff, AIYA! haha but nvm :D

came home, had nice nice dinner to celebrate father day and then we watch this rly hilarious movie, i dunno what issit called though. slept, wake up by a phonecall, ate my breakfast and here i am wasting my time again instead of doing my work. from this post, i guess u can sense my boredom and the HIGHEST STATE of boredom i am at that i am posting such boring stuff instead of doing work. i rly hate hw! rah. i wonder why i used to love them that i just sit at the table and do for the whole day.

anyway sth to look forward to, dumpling festival is coming and my grandma is making them now :D yummy!! at least they are much more interesting than homework.

okay off to upload photos in friendster. byebyeee :D


Friday, June 15, 2007
-8:08 PM

HELLO :D sheena is a happy girl, cos 1) i just ate my breakfast xD 2) i am going to get my new sch shoe later 3) no dance on mon (not that i dont like dance anymore but 90th is making me start to dread dance) 4) more time to do work 5) we baked ytd :D

ytd cca was rather boring, bian hern and bailu was not arnd, leaving me and jialing cos yiyi left early. and laoshi kept doing zhuo zhuang cos ppl from other cca were there, so for 3 hr+ i was warming up :D did barre tiaos ti tuis by OURSELVES okay :D then slack for a while cos we rly had nth to do and laoshi didnt allow us to stay on the dance floor. STONED...and almost fell aslp, so i went to ya gao tui :D not very good but at least pang tui can touch the pillar O.o as usual, hou tui sucks. ohwells.
did cangku, and went home with jl for baking session for nyaa :D met sandy at the mrt station and she treated the 2 hungry and broke ppl to lunch (: for the first time in life jialing had a RAMLY BURGER :D its widely known that ramly is nice xD hahaha! had the weird waffle hotdog xD its cool and it taste cool, cos there is mixture of waffle and hotdog xD
went home and baked cake, only to realise there is 7 eggs left, so we cant bake 1 full cake and we decided to bake just 2/3 of the cake. HOWEVER, when i came down from my room, i realised 3 of the eggs broke, as in the yolk broke -.- tried our luck with the last 4 eggs, hopefully the yolk wont break. and YEAH (: 3 eggs yolks remain in shape, but one egg fell off the table myseriously, so in the end we only bake half a cake, which is pathetically small but nvm (: its a triple colour nice cake with koko krunch on top!

meet the doughnut cake :D looks nice right!
side view! see the triple colour :D creator of the doughnut cake :D
O.o jialing attempt to take an artistic photo with the timer xD

yeah then we went on to bake cookie. it was quite a disaster! cos jialing attempted to make COLOURED cookies, so for the first time in your life, you shall see how a coloured cookie look like below :D
pretty strawberry cookie!
MOOMOO cookie (:
meet octopus
and here is the angel octupus and of course the devil octopus
hahah! DINO :D this is a friendly dino because...
dino says love :D

here comes the red heart cookie :S
and the red rabbit cookie. it looks like happy tree house..
the twin cookie xD they look mutated though. O.o! daddy cookie

heh. LAOSHI cookie :D
and the 4 states octupus. angel, mortal, devil and alien or monster xD
haha the animals cookies.

there was supposed to be a girl and boy cookie+ a monkey cookie but we didnt take them ): the money is cuteee :D sandy is good in making animal cookie

oh then we had a cutting cake session :D
cut cake!
and finally...the 3 wonderful bakers! :D


Wednesday, June 13, 2007
-10:56 PM

CCA :D NYCD! we are a bunch of multi-talented and capable lot led by a wonderful and power power LAOSHI :D although i feel really...i dont know how to express..for 90th, but in one way i am rather proud of nycd (: together with nymd and npcc :D sacrificing ppl! HAHA

exciting things today :D laoshi came into studio then said YEN NGEE DAI ZHE DA JIA CHU QU PAO LIANG QUAN, and nxt minute u see a grp of dancers in tights running arnd the track :D laoshi say its because we are to nuah as compared to the npcc ppl so we gotta run (: not bad idea to train stamina, but i ended up feeling hungry at 9+, normally its 10+ eh.

then we did di san duan, simin stood on xiwen shoulder and bao hou tui o.O cheryl and i had sweaty palms while looking, its rly scary when u watch from the side and see her tilting to one side. but in the end, she still did it :D i realise we nv fail to complete what laoshi wants (: brings me back to one thing, my hou tui. okay WORK HARD (: cos we are nycd-er :D

watched shrek ytd, laughed like mad xD i guess i am overstress and overwork, thats why i was laughing throughout the whole movie and i dont know why too xD hahah "they cry when they poop and the poop when they cry" :D babies! so cutee.

okay time to relax..shall do some nice fun things :D kouped from hern blog (:

1. Are you currently mad at someone? no i guess.
2. Which of your family members has the worst temper? me? haha my dad has weird temper xD
3. Have you ever thrown something at anyone? yes duh xD
4. Is anyone mad at you? i dont know
5. Are you usually mad? more of pissed lah xD
6. When you're mad do you prefer to stare angrily or yell? stare!

1. Has anyone ever thrown a surprise party for you? yeah yeah!
2. What event is coming up that you're most excited about? nth. council camp (: or sch reopen, excitement of rushing hw
3. If you won a million dollars, what would be your first thought? WAH!
4. Ifyou could have anything right now what would it be? eh, my greatest wish is to have all my wishes come true :D

1. Name: Sheena Phua
2. Birthday: 20th Jan (dont forget!)
3. What's your main goal in life? to achieve all that i want
4. Do you want to have children? if they are a bunch of nice angelic lot :D
5. When do you want to die? I WANT TO LIVE TO OLD RIPE AGE :D

1. Are you against gay marriage? not rly (:
2. Lower the drinking age? no, it doesnt concern me. but i dont think they shld :D
3. Capital Punishment? depends on what crime is it
4. Abortion? quite, but it depends on the situation

1. Do you love someone? yes (:
2. Do you believe in love at first sight? YES :D
3. Do you believe in love? yes why not -.-

Q: How many beds did you lay in today? TWO :D
Q: What colour shirt are you wearing? Black (:
Q: Name one thing that you do everyday? breathe?
Q: How much cash do you have on you right now? zero! my wallet is not with me (:
Q: Is Tom on your Top friends list? i know no TOM
Q: Look to your left. What's there? my hp and some surveys for sia (sickening)
Q: What's the last piece of clothing you borrowed? SANDY PINK SHIRT xD
Q: What website(s) do you visit the most during the day? its different everyday! OH HAOTING :D
Q: Do you have plants in your room? nah
Q: Does anything hurt on your body right now? my heart! cos i ate too much just now ):
Q: Recent time you were really upset? yeah. was i?

1. Person you saw- my sis. she just irritated me
3 Movie you watched in cinema- shrek!
4. Song you listened to-the nine o clock ending song.
5. Person you talked to on the phone- my mama.
6. Did you notice that the question 2 was gone? YES! why number 2...

1. What are you doing right now? typing this thing
2. What are you doing tonight? sleep and hopefully burn fats
3. What are you going to eat?NOTHING!

1. Which is Thursday.
2. Are you looking forward to it? not rly, cos i will be home stuck with food and work.
3. Are you going to laugh?I THINK SO! why not.

one more!

THE ALPHABET FRIEND:name out one of each friend with names starting with A to Z
A: allyssa, amanda (jnr) :D
B: Bianca (: brandon, bojia, benjamin, bailu
C: clara, christea, cheryl
D: durian tree -.- I CANT THINK OF ANY
E: eugena, eva
F: florence
G: gladys, guenyik
H: hernhern, huiying, hanjing
I: Ivan
J: Jialing, joANNA, jingwei
K: Kelly, keith
L: Liwen, lianghui
M: Melwee, matthias
N: Naomi (:
O: orange juice, I CANT THINK OF ANY!
P: patty, pauline, pinghui
Q: the queen lah :D i dont know!
R: rebecca, rosalind
S: sandy, suikim, mr sun :D
T: tianhui
U: ulu pandan? dont have lah
V: vernice
W: willie, weiqing
X: xiwen
Y: yiyi
Z: zhuang da

2. How many siblings does A have? i am not sure eh xD okay i wil go find out

3. What does B sms you about?bojia? dont recall her sms me, bianca..council and dance and sometime random stuff xD brandon..retarded random sms xD benjamin..oso random sms i think

4. What's C's nickname?clara...lum (u call that nickname?) cheryl..ho, christea..daughter pearl :D

5. How did you get to know D? maybe through my teacher or my parents?

6. How despo is E?not i think.

7: How much elder/younger is F than you? i dunno her birthday. shld be 1 yr

8. Name 3 of G's best friends: gladys ah..ME :D haha! charmaine and i dunno. guenyik ah..ME :D (okay zi lian) huiying and pinghui?

9. Does H know I? in any way? nope (:

10. What happens if J suddenly turns into your enemy? cry bah

11. Under what conditions will K and L get married? in fairy tales (: maybe?

12. How many people do you know with M's name? quite a fewxD

13. Do you enjoy talking on the phone with N? never tried, shld be fun

14. Do you think O knows P? no, but i think P knows O (:

15. How geeky is Q? go ask her urself (:

16. Is R very popular?quite i guess

17. What happens if S likes you? of course sandy and suikim love me :D mr sun ah..haha i think he finds me entertaining :D

18. Is T a very random person? yes and in a weird way

19. How are U and V related? they are both found in Singapore?

20. Do you take W as anything else other than a friend? both are my complaing and random chitchat+ gossip partner (:

21. When is the last time you met up with X? today (:

22. Are Y and Z enemies? they dont even know each other!

23. Of A to Z which one do you love the most and will give love? i love all lah (: dont be jealous all my friends!

25. Have you ever loved and confessed to anyone in A to Z? come on i am nice i love everyone (: okay fine box me if u dont like my ans!


Sunday, June 10, 2007
-2:30 PM

HELLOOOO :D i just came back from the pool! heh. turned a bit darker, i dont understand why too cos i was only down for 3 hrs or so :O but nvm, who cares xD not like i am very dark anyway.

these 2 days have been quite interesting. loads of fun. (thats why i havent touch any work for the past 2 days until now)

friday. cca (: did ti tuis, its been a looooong looooong time since i last do 8 6 4 2 1 ti tuis then kong tui (: tiring though. my right pang tui is the only one that can kick non stp -.- i am so dead pls. then we did 90th. kind of boring. but laoshi didnt rly do much for the first 2 duans, she did most of the zhuo zhuang. the xin jiang wu is nice :D and the human cake is O.o/ jiayi is rly flex. oh congratuations to sheena! i can at least pull my hou tui with both hands now and my right hand can touch ankle :D not rly good iknow but still, improvement made :D cheryl is back, but still must work hard! yay yay. and i can catch my leg for a while when i jump on jialing :D but its only A WHILE ): oh after cca jnrs showed us some rly WRONG food.

Look at this...
its supposed to say "EXTRA ABSORBANCE"
the product inside xD
haha fine its supposed to be marshmallows :D
erhem. wrong chocolate
O.o i think thats supposed to be the shape of the chocolate.
tsktsk. so wrong. but i didnt get to eat it xD

went to penang for lunch. wanted to go to thai noodle hse for the pineapple rice, but the woman said that the chef is angry cos he is the only 1 chef left when there is supposed to be 3 chefs, so we didnt get to eat ): BUT JINGWEI THEY ALL GOT THEIR PINEAPPLE RICE! maybe he is angry cos he have to prepare 5, ohwells. i was quite pissed with the chef, but the lady was nice so i felt quite bad when we left xD went to penang, no seats, so we ended up seating outside. quite sad case, and ppl kept looking at us that made me rly pissed. i dont see whats wrong with seating outside and eat, not like others dont do that. its just so not a lunch day...rah

then we went back to thai, hoping to get the red ruby. THIS TIME I GOT RLY PISSED. that lady (the skinner one) has BAD BAD BAD ATTITUDE. so much for the GEMS programme. u see, bian jocelyn and hern sat at the six ppl round table to discuss some stuff, me jialing and becca didnt want to interupt so we sat at a corner at another table. then hern happily raise her hand to order RED RUBY. well i dont blame them for not selling only dessert (but i dont understand why they cannot sel dessert only), but her attitude was like...RAWR. i rly felt like slapping her. she dont even bother to look at hern, and she talk in that DONT BE RUBBISH AND RIDICULOUS TONE "WE DONT SELL DESSERT ONLY". whatever lor, first they dont sell pineapple fine, since the other lady was nicer. then now NO DESSERT ONLY. and i dont understand why she cant talk in a nicer tone. so fine..bianca told claudia to order for them since claudia didnt have dessert but she had a meal. and in comes 3 hci guys. note its 3, so me jialing and becca wanted to move to the round table with hern so that the 3 guys can sit, and here comes the skinnier lady " PLEASE MOVE AWAY, WE HAVE OTHER CUSTOMERS, WE DONT SERVE DESSERT ONLY". i dont understand why 3 hci guys can sit at a round table but 6 ny girls cannot. so fine, got pissed, jialing becca and i decided to leave since we had nothing better to do too. shall nv go thai noodle again (unless they assure there is pineapple rice) red ruby we can just get at any dessert store..

took bus home (: commented about our ahem ahem. i dont rly have anything against her but i was quite pissed and disappointed by sth she said. i know i am not good but i dont see why she must say until so bad. ohwells who cares. and i am not the only one who felt that way..hurhur.

aft becca alighted, jialing amused me with her little cousin story xD hahah! and thx to this we sort of embarrassed ourselves on 804. the worse thing was an uncle asked us what sch we are from, then he asked ISSNT IT VERY FAR FROM HERE TO BISHAN? i dont see a link in his questions though, maybe he thought ny is at bishan. but i hope he didnt ask the sch to complain, maybe he finds us amusing and cute..I HOPE!

went swimming :D then bian and hern joined us shortly. sth quite INTERESTING happened to hern, shall not elaborate much. but i hate the guard, i dont see why we have to take off our shirt when those ahmas go into the pool with their shirt as well. but then, maybe we shld have just took off xD (we were in our leos though). i think we pissed quite a few ppl off xD but one uncle in one of the apartment was amused by us (: we did barre work in water, xiaotiaos, zhong tiaos and da tiaos (not quite successful though). jialing can carry me! hahaha xD i love dancing in the pool. bathe, eat tintam, ice cream and apple, played rummikub and then off to causeway for dinner :D all of us were SIANED out cos of swimming. met jingwei..her attire was o.O. i bet she attracted quite a lot of attention.

then off to republic poly, took cab cos we were quite slack and was almost late. HOWEVER, when we arrived, we realised we were quite early. the concert only started at 1930+ when its supposed to be 1900. so much for the rushing. suikim came and O.o though hers is not as AHEM, but then from far she looks more AHEM. from near, of course jingwei is more AHEM until we dont know where to look when we talk to her. so much for the both of them being monitresses.

concert was okay. didnt rly impress me (sry ah). except for purify and the little kids, the rest were okay. the qianhong one was...

then we watched concert, walked back to causeway point, dont know why we were so motivated too. off into causeway with jingwei and suikim. bought drink. finished 750 ml of liquid :D both of them were amused :D HAH HAH!

sat. shopping day of the year. haha we have one super shopping day every year where we just go out and shop and buy like crazy. went to paragon with mama :D my bro was anti-social and stayed at my grandma hse to play ps. sis and dad went to look at cars, i cant believe my sister like that. got myself new nice swimwear :D (mummy didnt manage to get hers xD) a nice mini bag, a GOGGLES! (like finally), and the goggles had degree in it, so even if i wear it without specs, everything appears clear :D went back for dinner and out again to get my jeans sch shoes and bag :D got my jeans and bag, leaving only sch shoe cos they only have size 6 left (but their size 6 is smaller than normal size 6 so i cant wear!) byebye reebok schshoe ):

okay think i have spent long enough on this, just had this urge to blog, didnt expect it to be so long. off to do work now! SIAs are gonecase. die


Wednesday, June 06, 2007
-10:56 PM

GROW FAT WEEK! I have officially gain weight this week thanks to 1)saturday bbq for sis bdae 2) sun bbq for class gathering+the a lot of cookies 3) tuesday last minute baking session at home with jialing and bian xD cookies are disaster, they are nice but they are sooooo fattening.
Clara is dumb. she took like half an hour before she finally found my hse. her dad even asked her to go to the big grass patch in front of my hse and touch if there is any wall in case my hse is invisible cos they cant find my hse -.-
some photos for SUNDAY CLASS GATHERING (only the baking session)

the UNBAKE gingerbread man xD
Batch 5: the GINGERBREAD MAN! it expanded in the oven xD
squidy broke the gingerbread man leg. poorthing
Now photos of some MODEL COOKIES :D
over at lydia hse fitness corner..
anti social people xD
met huiying and people at amk hub for lunch. we were lucky to get seats when we reached there (: i love the foodcourt, so many food. too much to choose from. squidy and i saw this rly small duck/chicken/goose/bird at the roasted meat stall. looks scary and sad ): THE RAMEN IS NICE :D but too big bowl. however! power sheena finished it in the end (: we shld nv waste food, i set a good example :D huiying decided to give up on her korea food aft a few mouth cos it was HOT ( in both ways). so it was a nice full bowl. then the 2 childish one, clara and squidy, caused a disaster by adding everything they found left in our bowls into the bowl of soup. the soup was a good diet drink (: bound to clear everything in ur stomach when u drink it.
BBQ was crazy. first we gossip in lydia room. haha scare her like mad xD then we played those qian bian thing. huiying number one is the coolest :D SHEENA FINALLY KNOW BLACK MAGIC. coolios! oh everyone say the gingerbreadman cookie is nice :D played pickup sticks, chinese checker chess and dunno what.
then we went down to the bbq pit. met this cute boy called SEBASTIAN :D i bet he loved me huiying and clara cos he refuses to go home until we told him to xD shld have taken a photo with him!
during bbq, we hid ros and cher's slippers, the two toots didnt even realise it pls xD did loads of stupid stuff. i bbq for ppl to eat :D and my contacts didnt melt. (: congrats. then we eat, got tired, slacked, watched movie (stupid lydia scared of when stranger calls so didnt watch) and went home. phone died halfway so had to use public phone. rawr! daddy came to fetch me (: then bathe slp.
CCA ON TUES :D wanted to burn off fats but woke up with fever. panadol saved me, but i was feeling giddy. i was super proud of myself when i made me way to studio. wanted to do ba gan only, did a bit, until hern bian and jialing screamed at me, so sat at the side. its rly sad to watch ppl do while u sit ): yenny was sick too, so we did split against stairs for like twenty minutes while the rest kick.
did 90th anni. laoshi went on to pai. disappoint her quite a few times cos of flexibility ): MUST WORK HARD. no matter what i am going to bao my hou tui before i leave ny even if laoshi is not using it!
oh inside joke, bian almost leave a mark on siming hand when hugging me xD damn funny, luckily i got back into the mood when we lifted our head xD u know, i think cca is getting boring because we are doing nth but 90th. not that its not meaningful but 90th is just not as chinese dance-y so the whole atmosphere is not there. i want to learn xin ah li lang ):
went to penang kitchen for lunch. we ordered the nice set meal (: heh nice hern and jialing took good care of me xD its rly weird, no matter how much i eat at home i nv ever get full. but i almost puke at penang. maybe the rice was too much xD the fish was nice (; together with the veg and the egg. the fruit rojak nice. heh. met bian then and hern had to leave to look at some hse. my ice landed in the plate accidentally and this became a joke for bian and jialing. how irritating. I AM NOT DISGUSTING OKAY ): i only bite ice. thats all! felt slack so we sat there, chitchat and decided to get some desserts. i had red bean paste :D :D :D niceee. bian had her almond jelly thing and jialing her her jelly thing. HAHA! poor jialing, most ex yet most..weird. i cld not even swallow the jelly, forced it down. so we decided to play with them since they are quite inedible xD put all of them in a cup and bian started mashing them up IN HER UNIFORM. erhem erhem. but it turned out like gems :D prettieeee. didnt plan to leave until the woman approached us to say they needed to close the shop xD
last minute plan. jialing and bian decided to go my hse to bake cookies. so off we set. journey on bus was mad. I STANK! thanks to penang. bian said i smelt like macs fries. oh man. cldnt help but keep smelling myself. this malay boy was looking at 3 of us, i think we were too unglam xD guess what? even my bag have the smell of penang kitchen. i am going to soak in the washing powder man.
went to cold storage to get choc chips (: and the 2 dumbies wanted to make brownie so we bought premix for brownie too. off to hse. bian is childish. she gets rly kiddy and amuse over the middle rolling thing for the looong looong bus. and the bus bell. jialing isnt any better.
(on bus when we cld see my hse from afar)
jialing: *closes one eye and use finger to measure size of my hse* ur hse is rly small...
sheena: cos its still far
(bus turns and we are about to alight, my hse is diagonally at our right)
sheena: *points diagonally* we just turned, its there -.-
jialing +bianca: OOOOH. ur hse is so ulu..
i cant believe they cant see the row of hses in front.
then once again, the 2 dumbies got rly excited when they reach my hse. i dunno why. all i know is i heard them screaming non stp when they were in my room -.- and both of them started runing up and down discovering my hse. finally we set down to proper work. BAKING (: the brownies is rly cool. its a CHEWING GUM+ COOKIES brownies (: my mum love it. jialing took the cookies one and bian took the chewyones. i had both (: then we baked cookies. all kinds of shape. sick one came from bian. like her..BIKINI COOKIES. nice ones were from me of course (: i made everyone a alphabet for their name okay!
we wanted to chase toads, but cld not find any at the usual spot. so sad ): so we went to soak our legs in the pool (: then off to northpoint to send them home. did xiaotiaos at the bus stop (: journey on bus was hilarious. i am the best among three of us in balancing (: i fell thrice, actually twice, because once i was showing pole dancers can climb up pole and they consider it once -.- bian fell 8 times, jialing 9. once on me (: but i was steady. thank u thank u :D
now here is some photos..
batch 1 cookies. haha spot the nice S J and B. i amde them. the unglam one at the bottom right hand is by bian.
Batch 2 cookies. with cute gingerbreadman, pacman, rabbit like caterpillar and SMACK IN THE MIDDLE, bian unglam things again.
batch 3: cute hello kitty and mini cookies :D my ice cream expanded until it became out of shape ):
i accidentally murdered the rabbit caterpillar xD
mini cookies.
i have a pretty flower on my head.
oh my....
2 dumbies <3
i manage to run in when bian tried to take a photo of herself :D
good stuff (:
party at my hse on friday. bian becca jialing and hern are coming over to swim and maybe bake cake. then off to watch concert with bian and hern :D we are going to swim in leo. OOOH COOL! haha. i hope the guard wont realise xD i have 5 toilets at home! each of us can get one. cool :D
interesting friday! <3











nycd :D


nycd sec3'o7
cf dance

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